Tue - Sep 13, 2011 : 10:42 am
0.43 daily views
2118 total views
Ether : 12 - Continued
Ya know.. I think the whole "sight" thing is over-rated. "Dispute not because ye see not" just shouldn't be an issue. Prime example is Laman and Lemuel. They saw angels, and it didn't do jack-squat. Personally, I believe the sense of the Spirit (as opposed to the sense of sight, or hearing, or...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 13, 2011 : 12:06 am
0.56 daily views
2753 total views
Jules Morrow - Amazing.
So, last weekend I had the pleasure of recording a few tunes for an upcoming independent film (more details to follow as the project continues, I'm sure), and in these situations, I just never know what to expect.
In this case, I don't think I could have been more blessed. I had the pleasure of meeting Kraig Jacobson, and recording an...
Wed - Sep 07, 2011 : 11:46 am
0.79 daily views
3907 total views
Linode / Gentoo / sendmail problem [solved]
When I first installed the 64-bit version of gentoo on linode, everything looked good - except I couldn't get apache to send email. When I emerged PHP, it pulled in ssmtp by default, but that didn't seem to be sending mail at all. So, I emerged sendmail. That got me a little bit further, but the logs were giving me an error...
Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Sep 06, 2011 : 12:11 am
0.64 daily views
3151 total views
Good times with Shallow Sky
So, this weekend I had the pleasure of meeting yet another one of Utah's finest bands. The band's name is "Shallow Sky", and if their music is any indicator, these guys are gonna stick around.
To be honest, I expected the 3 sessions (totalling 26-hours) with these guys to be a bit rough, due to only my incredible lack of sleep las...
Wed - Aug 24, 2011 : 11:33 am
0.47 daily views
2325 total views
Ether : 12 - Amazing
So, the very first thing which came to mind this time around was from the first verse. Ether seemed to be a fairly amazing person and a great prophet. So... How did he get to be that way? I'd love to hear the story of Ether's conversion - especially considering the environment he grew up in - being born in captivity. Interes...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Aug 23, 2011 : 05:53 pm
no mood
0.41 daily views
2034 total views
Ether : 11
So, this chapter seems to be about the rise and fall of the people, and the rulers who ruled both in righteousness and wickedness.
It seems to mow through a genration with each verse that goes by - very quickly. I guess this chapter would be a good one to illustrate the Lord's prophets making promises, and then keeping them through la...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Aug 01, 2011 : 01:52 pm
0.42 daily views
2104 total views
Ether : 10
So... Interesting that one of the reasons cited for Heth's righteousness is his remembering what the Lord had done for his people, specirfically, bringing Jared and his kin over the ocean. There has got to be something behind the whole "remember what the Lord has done for you" thing, and living a righteous life. Heck.. E...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Aug 01, 2011 : 12:10 am
0.55 daily views
2758 total views
Backing the Music
So, last week, a client came in who presented a song to me, and we proceeded to record it. It quickly became a favorite of mine, and I've since decided to produce it up beyond what it was originally, with the permission of the owner, of course. The song is an acoustic version of Yellowcard's "Ocean Avenue", and I really,...
Thu - Jul 28, 2011 : 11:49 am
0.43 daily views
2141 total views
Ether : 9
Not much to write about on this chapter... Lots of backbiting, hatred, slaying of kin, destruction of entire civilizations due to war, living in righteousness and prospering because of it. Poisonous serpents, famine, more death, repentance, and just the general way the people live within the pride cycle.
Not a bad chapter, but n...
Book Of Mormon / Lds
Wed - Jul 20, 2011 : 12:35 pm
0.44 daily views
2190 total views
Ether : 8 - Happiness vs Evil
Setting your heart upon the glory of the world has always seemed like a bad idea to me, but then again, for most of my life I've been kind of the odd-man-out. heh.. My own siblings have mentioned to me that they "don't get me". Most people would consider this a bad thing, but for me, it's been life. The desire to &...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Apr 08, 2010 : 03:24 pm
0.07 daily views
371 total views
I found out what letterboxing is after my good friend told me about it and I as so interested I looked it up. I think it rocks and look forward to LETTERBOXING.
Here's the search results for my area:
I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds fun....
Tue - Sep 09, 2008 : 02:14 pm
4.68 daily views
28300 total views
Evolution / Exchange Howto
I just spent the last 5 hours trying to get Evolution to connect to our corporate Exchange server. I finally figured it out, and I can now interoperate 100% with calendars, contacts, meetings, and email from our Exchange server.
Due to the wide array of configuration options in Exchange, doing a step-by-step how-to would be, for the most p...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux / Microsoft
Tue - Jul 08, 2008 : 11:03 am
0.07 daily views
451 total views
happy birthday
today is my gmas 61st birthday..or it would be if she wer here. she died about 7 months ago and i just wanted to say.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!...
Tue - Aug 19, 2008 : 10:52 am
0.44 daily views
2691 total views
Visit from Craig and Annie
We had been anticipating the visit from Craig and Annie Young (my brother-in-law's family) for awhile, and I must say, their visit was simply delightful.
I had to go and attend the LDSFest 2008 on Saturday, from noon until midnight, so I wasn't able to be home then, but I took Friday off and Friday was great!
On Friday, we went and visited Temple...
Family / Life
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:08 pm
8.50 daily views
50089 total views
I spent pretty much all of yesterday trying in vain to write a soap client to connect to a web service provided by our new partner in Green Bay, WI.
After about 6 solid hours of getting the same error, a great programmer and acquaintence of mine, Jared Smith gave me a quick tip on how to fix it.
Before I get to the fix, let me say that first, I...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 09:25 am
0.33 daily views
2108 total views
At church this Sunday, we talked about the topic of "forgiveness" in priesthood class and I've gotta say, holy cow - I love that class.
Ya know... I often wonder what makes a good class, and what makes a "not-so-great" class as far as gospel doctrine or priesthood or relief society goes. Learning about religion can ...
Lds / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 07, 2009 : 10:47 pm
1.89 daily views
11184 total views
New Song - "Dance With Me"
(audio entry)
Well... Nothing too exciting in my life, but I thought I'd tell everyone that I wrote a new song. As you can probably guess, it's called Dance With Me. It's nothing more than a bass-line I came up with and a few more instruments.
I've gotta say though, Ryan Phillips, the guy on the guitar is awesome. I love working with him, an...
Fun / Music / Personal
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:36 pm
0.67 daily views
3965 total views
Green Bay - Summed Up
In chatting with my friend Steve, I realized I haven't yet given any details as to my trip to Green Bay this week, so, before this weekend comes, I figured I had better write something.
Day 3 (Wednesday) went pretty smooth. I woke up with a high level of sleep deficiency (surprise, surprise), and went out to the office for the last time.&n...
Life / Nature's Way / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 22, 2009 : 05:34 pm
0.53 daily views
2986 total views
Unbelievable... *facepalm*
I'm not entirely sure how to begin this post, but I'm just sitting here kind of wagging my head back and forth in disbelief. I hope this is at least exaggerating.
With everyone blathering on about how wonderful Windows 7 is, Microsoft hasn't changed a bit.
Before I begin, let me just say how wonderfully reassuring it is to be using Linux ...
General Insanity / Linux / Microsoft
Sun - Sep 14, 2008 : 07:54 pm
1.15 daily views
6959 total views
Salt Flats 2008!!
Oh, man... I haven't had a day like yesterday in quite some time. Possibly years.
My day started at 6:00AM with about 4 hours of sleep in me. Ah well... Caffeine has its purpose, right?
We started out thinking there would be 4-6 cars out there on the salt with us, but it ended up being just Steve and me. As it tu...
Cars / Fun
Fri - Nov 23, 2007 : 10:54 am
0.82 daily views
5173 total views
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well... It came and went yet again.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Yesterday was a day filled with gratitude, family, good food, and fun.
We woke up, got the family ready to go, and we took off for Farmington in my Mustang GT (Hehe... Yup.. We packed a crib, casserole, oreo pie, two kids, and two adults into this wonderful sports ca...
Miscellaneous / Personal
Wed - Sep 10, 2014 : 10:03 am
0.82 daily views
3171 total views
Live Room Upgrade
Soon after I began recording audio, I had a feeling I would be in the pursuit of an unattainable goal. Finding that "perfect" recording space, or even creating that "perfect" recording would be difficult, if not entirely impossible.
10 years after I began, I was able to pour my heart and soul into a new recording space, ...
Mon - Oct 08, 2007 : 09:35 pm
0.81 daily views
5158 total views
FHE At The Jones House
This post is mostly for my parents. (Hi Mom). I thought you'd enjoy hearing a night of FHE in the Jones residence. :)
There should be a little "play" button right below the mood panel in the upper right-hand corner of the journal detail page.
Lds / Personal
Thu - Nov 26, 2009 : 12:57 am
0.81 daily views
4528 total views
Life is Good
Yeah, I'm tired, but man - life is good. I spent way too much time on our Herod The Fink project last night (and into the wee-hours of this morning), but it was so worth it. We are really cranking to release a truly unique Christmas album. My only regret is that we didn't start this sooner, so we could get more content. But ...
Wed - Nov 28, 2007 : 03:33 pm
0.81 daily views
5139 total views
The Value of Words
Recently, I have had the opportunity to have my mind opened to various opportunities having to do with mortgages and investment properties, and whatnot, and in the midst of all this, we have had to contact the lending company on our primary mortgage.
Yesterday, I was on hold for 1.5 hours with Citibank's collections department, after being transf...
Wed - Oct 03, 2007 : 10:41 am
0.81 daily views
5186 total views
MythTV Basement Home Theater
About 2 years ago I got this hairbrained idea to use mythtv to create a computer-based full-media center for my basement home theater. At the time, I had a sweet side-job which was paying me nicely, so I had the means to do pretty much exactly what I wanted.
I had a couple of things for which I wanted to use the basement, namely 1. My Home...
Computers / Linux
Wed - Apr 01, 2009 : 03:16 pm
0.81 daily views
4721 total views
ILMJ Photo System?
So lately I haven't had any major projects going on involving programming, and I started to miss it, so I decided to act upon a thought I had about a month ago.
That thought consisted of me wanting a definitive answer to my almost 10,000-photo collection of digital images which seems to keep growing, and staying totally unorganized.
So, two day...
I Love My Journal
Thu - Mar 11, 2010 : 05:16 pm
0.80 daily views
4404 total views
Ibanez SR-300 + Kustom Amp!
Since we've opened for business, and even before, I've started to notice a sad trend in recording audio. This is speaking extremely generally, and there have been a few people who have definitely broken the mold, but in my experience, I've noticed that the musical instrument getting the least amount of love is the bass guitar.
For the most ...
Audio Hardware
Sat - Oct 04, 2014 : 05:30 pm
0.80 daily views
3057 total views
Sacred Sounds Acoustics...
So, a few days ago, a friend of the studio called up and asked if I would help him out with a project. As he described the project, I grew more and more interested.
The project is called "Sacred Sounds: Cathedrals of Europe"
The gist of it, is that a group of researchers are going to be travelling around Europe studying th...
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 10:51 am
0.79 daily views
4808 total views
About Me
Hi there! I'm PoeticIntensity
I guess this is my journal... still.
I started journaling when I was 14, in 1990, as a new years resolution. I had no idea then just how much I would get into journaling.
It took me 12 years, off and on, to transcode all of my 3000+ journal entries, and then put them into a database. I ...
Babblings / Life / My Journal / Personal