Wed - Oct 16, 2013 : 11:13 pm
0.56 daily views
2311 total views
ETQW won't run, image not found
Just thought I'd spread the love...
If you get these errors while trying to load Enemy Territory Quake Wars (ETQW), on a Linux box (most claim to have Intel HD graphics cards)
ERROR: idMegaTextureLevel::EmptyLevelImage : generated image has an incorrect internal format (0x8050 expected 0x83f0)
It also throws a couple of warnin...
Computers / Games / Linux
Wed - Oct 02, 2013 : 11:45 pm
0.70 daily views
2887 total views
So Grateful!
So, if you don't know already, I have been one of two people obnoxiously pushing a kickstarter campaign for the last 3 weeks.
The newly formed duo (Me, and Jesse Crowley) called "Tiny Boats" has been working on their debut album since early March of this year.
Tiny Boats' music could be classified as the energetic...
Tue - Sep 17, 2013 : 11:08 pm
0.66 daily views
2765 total views
Tiny Boats!
So, about 4 or 5 years ago, I met a guy named Jesse Crowley, and we played music together. At first we played music that other people wrote, but then Jesse got bored with that, and decided to write Christmas music instead. We recorded a few Christmas albums, and I think they turned out pretty good.
So, Jesse decided that wasn't enough...
Music / Studio
Wed - Aug 14, 2013 : 04:18 pm
0.60 daily views
2533 total views
Musical Gifts...
So lately, I've been experiencing a lot of clients coming in, giving studio time as a gift, and to be honest, I think that is awesome. As always, ya never know what to expect when a new client comes in, but I've gotta say, anyone who gives the gift of music is probably someone I wouldn't mind hanging around in the studio.
As a way of saying...
Sat - Jul 27, 2013 : 02:56 pm
0.60 daily views
2548 total views
Music Speaks For Itself
With everything going on that has to do with running Art City Sound, and making sure everything is taken care of, it's easy to forget what is really important. Of course, my family is, and always will be, #1 in my life, but aside from that, the most important thing in this studio is good music. Having a good time is a definite plus, but...
Sun - Jun 23, 2013 : 12:23 am
0.60 daily views
2555 total views
G+ Public Hangouts
So, with the new G+ hangout update, all of my Chrome extensions quit working ("My Hangouts", "Hangout Canopy", etc...), and I was wondering how in the heck to find hangouts to meet new people...
Well, it's actually very easy.
Within G+, search for #hangoutpost
Then, in the drop-down right-side of the submenu, click &...
Fri - Jun 14, 2013 : 01:20 pm
0.63 daily views
2691 total views
Utah Valley = Talent!
So, I've had the opportunity for the past few months to work full time with clients from all over Utah Valley. From the sweet harmonies of By Request's soft country swing, to the relentless brutal drive of The Suffering's hardcore sound, the longer I'm in company with musicians of this area, the more I'm convinced that Utah Valley seems to be...
Thu - Apr 04, 2013 : 01:00 pm
0.69 daily views
3008 total views
Full-time Music!
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your support. It really has been an incredible journey, and there are so many people who have showed support for this little dream of mine, straight from the beginning.
That said, the road in front of me is surely going to be one full of suprises, twists, and turns.
For those of you who ar...
Music / Studio
Tue - Mar 12, 2013 : 04:05 pm
0.68 daily views
2974 total views
So, I've been surfing around the net today, figuring out how I'm going to work in the new website with the old one and what-not, and while doing so, I found out that apparently, Art City Sound is nothing but a big piece of Volvo heavy machinery. Take a look at this link for proof. (link here, too). While you're at it, take a...
Sat - Feb 23, 2013 : 10:03 pm
0.77 daily views
3353 total views
Pilot #1 / New Name
So... Yeah... Holy cow. I started writing this as a Facebook update, and quickly realized ther was too much to say, so, into the blog it goes!
The bottom line is - We are back in business, people!
As of right now, the new studio is close to being finished, but the good news is - we can record. I've got 3 channels wired up, a...
Sun - May 24, 2009 : 09:43 pm
0.08 daily views
451 total views
Jason is WAY cool.
So, I am assuming that this whole site is one cool PHP project. Good job, Jason. Looking forward to the 'remake' of to see what happens there. That's a cool site, too. It isn't any wonder to me why someone would want to hire you. You'll have the Zend framework down in no time. MVC and OOP are just a different way of planning ...
Fun / Howdy
Mon - Aug 04, 2008 : 12:08 am
no mood
0.20 daily views
1178 total views
Life is Precious
Well I was going to do this last night but it was just to much to do. So here it goes. Wow what a life changing event. This might be a little bit graphic for some but I am going to tell it how it is. So here it goes. Yesterday I worked at the airport I transport people to and from the airport. I was called to go ...
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 11:27 pm
0.68 daily views
3949 total views
Flight To Green Bay
Okay... This sucks. I just spent the last 10 minutes typing up a nice novel on how today was spent, and I then proceeded to accidentally delete it. How unfortunate. Let's see if I can do it again.
....nope. Sorry... I'm tired, and it's late (it's now 12:30am), and I've got to get up tomorrow morning.
Fun / Life / Nature's Way
Sat - Feb 23, 2013 : 10:03 pm
0.77 daily views
3353 total views
Pilot #1 / New Name
So... Yeah... Holy cow. I started writing this as a Facebook update, and quickly realized ther was too much to say, so, into the blog it goes!
The bottom line is - We are back in business, people!
As of right now, the new studio is close to being finished, but the good news is - we can record. I've got 3 channels wired up, a...
Sun - Oct 10, 2010 : 12:11 am
0.92 daily views
4820 total views
Rock Box Cajon
Okay... So lately the studio has been getting some serious upgrades, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me, and creating awesome music.
About a month ago, I was chatting it up with a good friend, Jesse Crowley, about how in the world we were going to sell our fabulous new Herod the Fink album this season. You see, there ar...
Audio Hardware / Drums / Music
Sun - May 18, 2014 : 10:40 pm
0.53 daily views
2085 total views
My Kindness (musical number)
So... Today was... beyond words, really.
It was a day that just brimmed with spiritual opulence. I woke up at 7:00, to warm up my voice (after having a pretty intense drumming session which lasted until midnight yesterday), and then went to practice the musical number at 8:00am, to sing it for the congregation at around 9:45.
Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jan 18, 2010 : 01:25 am
0.62 daily views
3417 total views
Blues Aces Session
Last Friday, we had the awesome opportunity to meet a fairly incredible group of girls. They call themselves The Blue Aces, and after having listened to them strum a few chords, I'd say they've earned their title.
Their manager contacted me after hearing a few samples from Advanced Budget Studios, and was interested in getting a pilot song...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Sat - Sep 12, 2009 : 11:05 pm
0.52 daily views
2903 total views
Getting the Mix Right...
When I originally mixed a tune from Sugar Stone, I didn't have enough time to really nail it. I did a good enough job for the time allotted, but when the product was delivered, I thought there could be a lot of improvements made.
So, I decided to spend a few hours today seeing what I could do about it. Before I go any further, here's...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.68 daily views
2525 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Mon - Sep 07, 2009 : 01:24 pm
0.41 daily views
2302 total views
Grand Opening
The site is finished and life is good! Welcome everyone who has a demo just waiting to be realized. Advanced Budget Studios is here just waiting to make your life that much better. Come on down and get your demo made just the way you want it to - cheap, quick, and sounding great! Click here to go to the brand-new site!...
Audio / Music
Mon - Nov 03, 2008 : 10:14 am
1.22 daily views
7275 total views
New Song - "Hello"
(audio entry)
Okay... So about a month ago, I sat down at my keyboard and plunked out a few notes. About 2 weeks later, I gave a rough copy of a mash of music to my friend, Ryan Phillips, and had plunked out some sweet riffs to it.
Two weeks later, I add some vocals and effects, and this is what you've got.
I hope you like it. (press the ...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux / Music
Tue - Nov 10, 2009 : 10:55 am
1.21 daily views
6720 total views
Project "Herod The Fink"
You know you've got a great project when its name is "Herod Fink", and it's Christmas-themed with an alternative flavor. Yeah... I'm really enjoying life right now.
Anyway, so far, this project has been a whirlwind, but one we definitely cannot get enough of. we couldn't stand it anymore, so we posted a little diddy f...
Audio / Music
Tue - May 20, 2008 : 06:58 pm
1.20 daily views
7327 total views
Mohawks 'n' Camaro Cops
I've been needing to write a bit more about what's going on in my life lately, so... I'll give it a try this evening.
First, you'll notice by the video above that yesterday morning a sad event occurred.
No, my cat didn't die.
No, my computer didn't fry.
My mohawk went bye-bye.
Yup. I woke up yesterday morning and just couldn't ...
Cars / Personal
Mon - Feb 08, 2010 : 05:31 pm
1.20 daily views
6591 total views
Audix D6 / AT 4041 Review
So, about a week ago, I recieved shipment of my Audix D6 Microphone, and was pretty anxious to get it working to see if all the hype I had read about was true...
You see, for the past year or so, I had been dead-set on getting a Shure Beta-52A to use on the house kick-drum here, but for the past few months have been getting more and more good fe...
Audio / Audio Hardware / Mixing
Fri - Aug 21, 2009 : 03:08 pm
1.18 daily views
6651 total views
m4a audio conversion in Linux
Today, an audio file was sent to me in an email. This audio was compressed and encoded using the aac codec for compression and wrapped in m4a. In order to use it, I had to convert this file to a wav format. Usually, I receive files in mp3, ogg, or flac file types, and use lame, oggdec, or flac to decode them back to wav. Wit...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Sep 14, 2008 : 07:54 pm
1.15 daily views
6885 total views
Salt Flats 2008!!
Oh, man... I haven't had a day like yesterday in quite some time. Possibly years.
My day started at 6:00AM with about 4 hours of sleep in me. Ah well... Caffeine has its purpose, right?
We started out thinking there would be 4-6 cars out there on the salt with us, but it ended up being just Steve and me. As it tu...
Cars / Fun
Sat - Feb 16, 2008 : 11:59 pm
1.15 daily views
7160 total views
07 Mustang GT VS 99 Firebird
I just got back from one of the best races I've been on. It was awesome.
I've only got a bit to write about it, so I'll write as much as I can.
I took off around 10:20 tonight to see what kind of damage I could do out on the streets.
I was cruising on state street in Orem when I found a Dodge Charger R/T who wanted to play. The...
Wed - Jun 10, 2009 : 12:11 pm
1.15 daily views
6594 total views
ATI fglrx vs radeonhd
Man... Starting my new job, I had the opportunity to build a new computer. They ordered me the parts, and I was good to go.
For this computer, I opted to buy two acer 22-inch widescreen monitors. In doing so, I knew I would have to be up and functioning quickly with a dual-head setup running gentoo Linux. I knew this was ...
Computer Hardware / Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Sat - Jan 23, 2010 : 03:21 pm
1.14 daily views
6244 total views
New Addition - MXL V77!
So, a little over a week ago, I made a phone call on an offer I simply couldn't refuse... A person online was claiming to be selling a MXL V77 tube microphone brand-new in-the-box for incredibly cheap. This microphone didn't mean much to me at the time, but something intrigued me about it. After 20 minutes or so with google, I kne...
Tue - May 06, 2008 : 06:05 pm
1.10 daily views
6757 total views
Luci Singing Frog Song
Sunday morning, Luci came into our room, climbed up in our bed (Sarah and I were still half asleep in bed, as groggy as ever), and she started bouncing up and down while singing the "Green Speckled Frog" song.
Although I was still not aware of most the world around me, I thought her singing was quite cute. So about an hour later,...
Children / Music / Personal