Sun - Nov 01, 2015 : 09:43 pm
0.64 daily views
2185 total views
Thanks4Giving 1
So, I haven't been one to get on the 31 days of Thanks in November, just because I generally think it's shallow to do such a thing only in November, as we should be doing it all year round, but that, in itself, is even more shallow, because I've never ended up actually doing anyhting of the sort, ever. So, this November, in the Spirit o...
Personal / Spiritual / Thanks4giving
Thu - Aug 20, 2015 : 01:56 am
0.70 daily views
2428 total views
I should be way more tired than I am.
I just got done praying, and a day before that I had just got done sinning. You know the kind I'm talking about. It's the kind you really need to rid yourself of. The kind that always keeps creeping around, finding an idle brain-cell to occupy... So, yeah... Hundreds, if n...
Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Jul 26, 2015 : 11:18 pm
0.60 daily views
2084 total views
Sunday Miracles...
I'm not quite sure why I chose the title, "Sunday Miracles", but it seems to suit what happens when one chooses to follow the Spirit. In any capacity.
Nothing too earth-shattering for today, but I felt inspired to come down and write. I personally believe the Holy Ghost is far more active in our lives (even if we choos...
Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Jun 02, 2015 : 12:17 am
0.78 daily views
2776 total views
Studio vs Live...?
So, I recently went to a Walk Off The Earth concert, and it was awesome. Their concerts just keep getting better and better. As good as it was, that's not the purpose for this entry. The purpose is a guy named Scott Helman, and a thought he provoked.
Scott Helman performed for 30 minutes before WOTE came on stage. He...
Music / Studio
Tue - Feb 24, 2015 : 01:27 am
0.57 daily views
2093 total views
Late-night Testimony
So, I was just in bed just about to fall asleep (like within 1 or 2 minutes of sleeping), and I felt like I needed to come and write in my journal.
My prayers on Sunday evening, I believe it was, felt just like I was communing with the Spirit. Everything spiritual seemed so easily understood and understandable.
Man, I hope this make...
Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 15, 2015 : 12:23 pm
0.55 daily views
2025 total views
1 Nephi 4
So, I was listening to, and reading, 1st Nephi chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon this morning, when a verse caught my eye, and my mind dwelt on it for a bit. It was verse 6. Verse 6 reads as follows:
"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."
Seems pretty ino...
Book Of Mormon / Spiritual
Sun - Jan 04, 2015 : 12:09 am
0.85 daily views
3146 total views
So, I've been asked about headphones recently by a lot of friends. So much so, that I thought I'd write down a few words, more regarding what you should not buy, rather than what you should. This is simply due to the enormous amount of generally good, and wildly varying headphones out there.
As most of you know, I'm an audio eng...
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.68 daily views
2525 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Thu - Dec 18, 2014 : 06:19 pm
0.74 daily views
2752 total views
Christmas Time!
So, today I released what has proved to be the best recording of any choir I've ever produced. It was the UVU Institute's Latter-day Celebration Choir. The song is "Baby Boy", one I've never heard before.
It can be heard by clicking here. (feel free to download, listen, and share as much as you like)
This was my fora...
Tue - Oct 21, 2014 : 10:20 pm
0.59 daily views
2226 total views
Seek God Sooner
So, I thought I'd write something down that happened today.
For those of you who know me, I'm a pretty laid-back, easy-going type of guy.
My wife and I went to sleep quite late, mostly because we couldn't stop talking and laughing with one another (not an uncommon occurrence, unfortunately), and also unfortunately, we were woken up early ...
Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jan 18, 2010 : 01:25 am
0.62 daily views
3417 total views
Blues Aces Session
Last Friday, we had the awesome opportunity to meet a fairly incredible group of girls. They call themselves The Blue Aces, and after having listened to them strum a few chords, I'd say they've earned their title.
Their manager contacted me after hearing a few samples from Advanced Budget Studios, and was interested in getting a pilot song...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Sun - Oct 10, 2010 : 12:11 am
0.92 daily views
4820 total views
Rock Box Cajon
Okay... So lately the studio has been getting some serious upgrades, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me, and creating awesome music.
About a month ago, I was chatting it up with a good friend, Jesse Crowley, about how in the world we were going to sell our fabulous new Herod the Fink album this season. You see, there ar...
Audio Hardware / Drums / Music
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.68 daily views
2525 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Wed - Jul 25, 2007 : 09:38 pm
0.42 daily views
2697 total views
Two Motorcycles and The Moon
"What is a motorcycle doing in *this*?", I thought as I continued upward through the winding Spanish Fork canyon. It wasn't so much that a motorcycle was in this particular canyon, but rather in the canyon during one of the 3 most torrential downpours I've seen during my lifetime.
I was coming home from work today when about ...
Sun - May 24, 2009 : 09:43 pm
0.08 daily views
451 total views
Jason is WAY cool.
So, I am assuming that this whole site is one cool PHP project. Good job, Jason. Looking forward to the 'remake' of to see what happens there. That's a cool site, too. It isn't any wonder to me why someone would want to hire you. You'll have the Zend framework down in no time. MVC and OOP are just a different way of planning ...
Fun / Howdy
Mon - Aug 04, 2008 : 12:08 am
no mood
0.20 daily views
1178 total views
Life is Precious
Well I was going to do this last night but it was just to much to do. So here it goes. Wow what a life changing event. This might be a little bit graphic for some but I am going to tell it how it is. So here it goes. Yesterday I worked at the airport I transport people to and from the airport. I was called to go ...
Sat - Feb 23, 2013 : 10:03 pm
0.77 daily views
3353 total views
Pilot #1 / New Name
So... Yeah... Holy cow. I started writing this as a Facebook update, and quickly realized ther was too much to say, so, into the blog it goes!
The bottom line is - We are back in business, people!
As of right now, the new studio is close to being finished, but the good news is - we can record. I've got 3 channels wired up, a...
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 11:27 pm
0.68 daily views
3949 total views
Flight To Green Bay
Okay... This sucks. I just spent the last 10 minutes typing up a nice novel on how today was spent, and I then proceeded to accidentally delete it. How unfortunate. Let's see if I can do it again.
....nope. Sorry... I'm tired, and it's late (it's now 12:30am), and I've got to get up tomorrow morning.
Fun / Life / Nature's Way
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
0.22 daily views
1280 total views
A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 01:53 pm
0.71 daily views
4155 total views
Off To Wisconsin I Go!
It's about 10 minutes before I have to leave to go to the airport to fly to Wisconsin to meet my new boss and co-workers. The situation at Nature's Way is definitely changing.
Right now, I just wanted to write down some thoughts and feelings to see how they would contrast against what I think after-the-fact.
Right now, quite honestly, I d...
Nature's Way / Personal
Sun - Feb 10, 2008 : 11:47 am
3.87 daily views
24032 total views
Comcast Bit Torrent Filtering
I've been using Comcast for my personal Internet connection now for about 5 years. Personally, I think they do a great job. My connection goes down on average about once per year, and it just works really well with my lifestyle. I think the price is a bit much, but having a steady Internet connection means a lot to me, so I keep i...
Computers / Drm
Wed - Mar 03, 2010 : 10:06 am
3.74 daily views
20427 total views
Proper Spelling of "Ridiculous"
Okay... I rarely .... well.. I never have posted something like this before in my blog, but this is getting RIDICULOUS. This is not getting REDICULOUS. It is getting R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
It seems like when ever I see that word spelled anywhere on the Internet, it's spelled consistently wrong, and I can't for the life ...
Fri - Aug 10, 2007 : 01:12 am
2.82 daily views
18059 total views
VLC - DVD Rip Command
I must proclaim it from the rooftops!!!!
Yes! I finally figured out how to rip DVDs with that nasty Sony ARccOS protection!! (up yours, Sony)
You see, I'm one of the good guys. I don't condone pirating stuff, and rarely pirate anything myself. The collection of the 5500 songs I own, are 99% mine (I'm not perfect), as well as my hundre...
Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Apr 02, 2008 : 02:33 pm
2.74 daily views
16908 total views
Linux Software RAID On Trial
Here at work, the time is fast coming where I will be required to put live, the server I've been working on for the past year.
And we all know that when the rubber meets the road, things get a little bit more serious.
I came to the conclusion that since I'm the only Linux person in this company, should the Linux servers ever decide to go *kap...
Computer Hardware / Computers / Linux / Programming
Mon - Jan 05, 2009 : 02:53 pm
2.67 daily views
15689 total views
Gentoo / Gnome USB Automount
Awhile back, almost every gentoo / gnome computer I built would do this wonderful thing called "auto-mounting" all devices plugged in via USB.
Well, I really didn't know what or how this was done until it started not doing it any more.
So, I went over to my brother's house armed with a determination to figure this stuff out, and I'll ...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Dec 05, 2007 : 01:16 pm
2.40 daily views
15082 total views
Logitech Orbit AF and Gentoo
This morning, I ended up with a new toy in my hands and as luck would have it, I also had a couple of hours to mess with it.
The device is a Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF webcam.
I've always had a little interest in videography (nothing compared to my interest in audio, however), and from time-to-time I've tried to get various webcams to work in L...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Mar 26, 2009 : 09:54 pm
2.28 daily views
13215 total views
Tuning My Snare Drum
Well... Yesterday, a friend of mine had told me he had the privilege of being formally taught how to tune a snare drum.
I read what he had to say (he posted it on facebook, so if you're not his friend, I imagine you can't read it, but here's the link anyway)
So, today, I went and investigated a bit of whether I could get the proper tool...
Drums / Music
Mon - Mar 01, 2010 : 04:52 pm
2.20 daily views
12000 total views
After receiving a warning in my PHP implementation of AES encryption (which is called Rijndael), I did a quick google, and found one match - and it happened to be in planet larry, so... I clicked on the link to go to the blog which contained the fix, and found it wasn't there anymore... So.. I thought I'd just copy the answer and ...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Feb 19, 2009 : 02:14 pm
2.12 daily views
12360 total views
Who Uses Linux?
I was reading this article a few minutes ago, and a conversation I had with a potential employer popped into my head.
It was an interview for a Microsoft ASP programmer I responded to about 3 years ago. They wanted a senior web engineer, and I responded with my PHP credentials, and for some reason, that led to an interview.
The intervie...
Linux / Microsoft
Sun - Sep 26, 2010 : 10:47 pm
2.10 daily views
11040 total views
Two Delta 1010 Config
Okay... So I own and operate a recording studio, and I've been using an M-Audio delta 1010 as my primary audio interface. This provides me 8 channels of simultaneous audio streams coming into my workstation. Up until about a month ago, this has been very sufficient.
About a month ago, I ordered another Delta 1010, and planned o...
Audio / Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux