Fri - Oct 07, 2011 : 12:31 pm
0.44 daily views
2154 total views
Moroni : 7 - Part 1
I am SO glad that Moroni kept writing. Can you imagine the Book of mormon without the last 4 chapters of Moroni? The depth of explanation of faith, hope, and charity? The blessing of Babies? The promise and invitation to read the Book of Mormon, used by all missionaries? Yeah... There are some gems here in ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Oct 04, 2011 : 12:43 pm
0.44 daily views
2126 total views
Moroni : 6
This was a good chapter. Starts out stating that worthiness is necessary in order for baptism into the Lord's church:
bringing forth fruit of worthiness (not entirely sure what this means, specifically)
having a broken heart and contrite spirit, showing a witness of true repentance
taking upon yourself the name of Chris...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Oct 03, 2011 : 04:32 pm
0.41 daily views
1981 total views
Moroni : 5
Another very short one. If I understand it correctly, the prayer states that by partaking of the water, we are covenanting (or "witnessing") unto God that we will always remember Christ. I believe a few chapters ago, I wrote quite an entry on the importance of remembering. As evidenced by the inclusion of it in a w...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Oct 02, 2011 : 12:14 am
0.40 daily views
1949 total views
Moroni : 4
I think these chapters are too short. Interesting to note that the scripture says that the elder or priest would "kneel down with the church", yet the congregation doesn't kneel down today.
Also interesting to note that the sacrament prayer is one of very few prayers which have to be said verbatim, and hasn't changed at all ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Sep 30, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.40 daily views
1968 total views
Moroni : 3
Moroni 3. This one isn't speaking much to me, but I did find it interesting that only after they prayed, the disciples excercised their priesthood to ordain offices in the priesthood. ...and that it was done through endurance through faith on the name of Christ. Enduring to the end has always been pretty much the last key to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Wed - Sep 28, 2011 : 05:06 pm
0.39 daily views
1890 total views
Moroni : 2
So, these chapters are pretty small, but for some reason, I think there's quite a significance in this one. Not quite sure if I've found it yet, but the reason I think this, is - originally, this text was not included in the scripture - and it is Christ talking himself. I wonder why Moroni felt the need, or was inspired to include it?&n...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 27, 2011 : 01:28 pm
0.39 daily views
1891 total views
Moroni : 1
Holy cow. I only have 10 more chapters to go, and I'll finish the goal I set 3 years ago, to read and write about each chapter in the Book of Mormon. I'm not sure why, but when I just realized that (like 1 minute ago), it was kind of surreal for me. Anyway... Here goes.
Moroni 1.
Moroni had to be one of the most tr...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Sep 26, 2011 : 01:57 pm
0.40 daily views
1942 total views
Ether : 15
What a horrible end to this story. Poor Coriantumr. Saw his situation with vivid clarity after it was too late, and rather than give up his life, he watched (which what must have been a horror show) everything Ether had told him come to life: The complete destruction of his people, leaving him alone. I can't imagine th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Sun - Sep 25, 2011 : 09:53 pm
0.41 daily views
1989 total views
Ether : 14
So, this chapter was a bit like the last, only worse. Blood, carnage, war, and death throughout pretty much every verse.
One of the beginning verses, though, caught my attention. The one that says that people couldn't go to sleep at night, without losing their treasures, even to the point where they had to sleep with weapons to ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Wed - Sep 21, 2011 : 11:14 am
0.42 daily views
2038 total views
Ether : 13
So, this chapter, I hate to say it, wasn't very inspiring to me. I'm not sure if it's the state I'm in, or the chapter itself, or both, but there wasn't too much inspiration going on.
I did, however, 3 years ago, begin the journey of reading and writing about each and every chapter in the Book of Mormon, so I've gotta write something, if I ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Thu - Apr 08, 2010 : 03:31 pm
0.07 daily views
376 total views
Brown-Eyed Girl
Tomorrow before lunch I'm leaving school to go to a camp with my twin best friends.
They suggested that me, my mom, and them could go to a camp and we were ECSTATIC!!!!
There's gonna be a zip line, and cabins, and games and a lakeand its gonna be so fun!
Becaus of this, I won't be able to write for the next few days.
See you!...
Sat - Feb 16, 2008 : 11:59 pm
1.15 daily views
7160 total views
07 Mustang GT VS 99 Firebird
I just got back from one of the best races I've been on. It was awesome.
I've only got a bit to write about it, so I'll write as much as I can.
I took off around 10:20 tonight to see what kind of damage I could do out on the streets.
I was cruising on state street in Orem when I found a Dodge Charger R/T who wanted to play. The...
Thu - Oct 16, 2008 : 07:43 am
0.16 daily views
979 total views
Praying makes it better
koyote Dreams
I got the chance to go to work with my mom yesterday and help run the shop while doing some seminary when we had no people in the store. Around 3 I sat down at one of the desks and opend my books and the door bell rang and I got up since my mom was on the phone helping some one else, but the man went to some products that I have NO clue about so I ...
Mon - Nov 03, 2008 : 10:14 am
1.22 daily views
7275 total views
New Song - "Hello"
(audio entry)
Okay... So about a month ago, I sat down at my keyboard and plunked out a few notes. About 2 weeks later, I gave a rough copy of a mash of music to my friend, Ryan Phillips, and had plunked out some sweet riffs to it.
Two weeks later, I add some vocals and effects, and this is what you've got.
I hope you like it. (press the ...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux / Music
Mon - Mar 01, 2010 : 04:52 pm
2.20 daily views
12000 total views
After receiving a warning in my PHP implementation of AES encryption (which is called Rijndael), I did a quick google, and found one match - and it happened to be in planet larry, so... I clicked on the link to go to the blog which contained the fix, and found it wasn't there anymore... So.. I thought I'd just copy the answer and ...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Oct 22, 2010 : 10:32 pm
1.03 daily views
5400 total views
Wisdom Teeth out.
So the Wisdom teeth came out this morning. I was awake and numb, and it was okay. It really doesn't hurt much at all and I'm just taking Motrin. I feel pretty good. I'm really excited that I will be able to make it to Sacrament on Sunday and I also have a quick interview for my patriarchal blessing!!!!! Which I really don't want to miss.
I f...
Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Gospel / Herod The Fink / Lds / Me / Personal
Sun - May 10, 2009 : 06:22 pm
0.20 daily views
1133 total views
Mormon Prom
koyote Dreams
So last night was the big Mormon Prom, me and my boyfriend Sean looked great! I had spent all day getting my hair and stuff done, and it really paid off in the end. Even though I was running like 15 minutes late to where Sean has wanted to take some pictures.
It took two and a half hours to do my hair, so I didn't get to leave in time. So I told ...
Sat - Dec 01, 2007 : 06:56 pm
24.47 daily views
153764 total views
Windows 98 Product Key
I was floating around the webosphere, when I came upon this key, which, evidently is released by Microsoft themselves. It is claimed to work on all Windows 98 CDs
I've personally verified that it works with Windows 98 1st Edition (helping my neighbor with computers too old to run XP efficiently...
Mon - Jan 17, 2011 : 03:40 pm
0.45 daily views
2313 total views
Marathon of all Marathons
So, in this business you really have no idea what's coming at ya. From the music, to the ability, to the genre, etc, etc, etc... You can schedule a band for a full-day, and they can come in and get it all done sooner or later than what was previously thought. There are so many variables, it can get a bit stressful.
So, two days a...
Tue - Sep 09, 2008 : 02:14 pm
4.70 daily views
28208 total views
Evolution / Exchange Howto
I just spent the last 5 hours trying to get Evolution to connect to our corporate Exchange server. I finally figured it out, and I can now interoperate 100% with calendars, contacts, meetings, and email from our Exchange server.
Due to the wide array of configuration options in Exchange, doing a step-by-step how-to would be, for the most p...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux / Microsoft
Mon - Sep 06, 2010 : 12:00 am
0.87 daily views
4563 total views
2 monitor radeon xorg.conf
So, I spent a few minutes today seeing how bare-bones I could get my xorg.conf. My configuration is 2 23-inch Acer monitors, which are side-by-side using a Radeon HD4850 video card. I'm using gentoo.
make.conf : VIDEO_CARDS="radeon".
Also, I've got one big desktop from the 2 monitors. Here's the config.
Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Aug 22, 2010 : 11:26 pm
0.86 daily views
4573 total views
gentoo mp3 tag editor
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find a good console-based mp3 tag editor in gentoo, and was surprisingly fruitless in doing so.
After using the wonderful "equery belongs" command tied to an editor I use on my server (but couldn't remember where it came from), the program mp3blaster came up.
Although mp3blaster claims to just be an m...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Aug 06, 2008 : 05:25 pm
0.85 daily views
5101 total views
Gen. Conf. - Daughters of God - Ballard
I just got done watching and reading the talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard, and it caused me to ponder my wife, quite a bit.
Boiled down, the talk was given on how much mothers do, and how much we, as husbands, need to appreciate them.
I certainly hope that I'm appreciating Sarah enough. Heaven knows I've been in Elder Ballard's plac...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Jan 04, 2015 : 12:09 am
0.85 daily views
3146 total views
So, I've been asked about headphones recently by a lot of friends. So much so, that I thought I'd write down a few words, more regarding what you should not buy, rather than what you should. This is simply due to the enormous amount of generally good, and wildly varying headphones out there.
As most of you know, I'm an audio eng...
Sun - Nov 25, 2007 : 09:44 pm
0.84 daily views
5264 total views
Another Wonderful Sabbath
Sitting here before I begin this entry, I have to sit and sigh... A sigh of gratitude.
Today has been a Sabbath of great spiritual confirmations of simple truths.
While reading this entry, I suggest you click the "play" icon button in the upper right-hand corner of this entry window. Instead of playing the usual En...
Tue - Feb 17, 2009 : 12:04 am
0.83 daily views
4834 total views
Deleting Program Data in MythTV
Just thought I'd let you all know something that isn't readily apparent from googling - at least it wasn't for me.
For two channels, I had program data which was approximately 1.5 hours off. This did me absolutely no good when it came to recording shows from mythtv.
I'm using MythTV .21
I came across a mailing list thread which had the ...
Linux / Video
Fri - Jan 08, 2010 : 11:23 am
0.83 daily views
4565 total views
Recording Jeff Felix's "Peculiar"
Picking up new clients is always a good thing, but in the case of yesterday, it was a great thing.
I had the privilege of recording his new song, Peculiar, and it was very refreshing. It was a simple tune with some great acoustic guitar work, and vocals. Jason Jones added some percussion accents, and the song came to life.
Audio / Mixing / Music
Wed - Sep 10, 2014 : 10:03 am
0.82 daily views
3125 total views
Live Room Upgrade
Soon after I began recording audio, I had a feeling I would be in the pursuit of an unattainable goal. Finding that "perfect" recording space, or even creating that "perfect" recording would be difficult, if not entirely impossible.
10 years after I began, I was able to pour my heart and soul into a new recording space, ...
Fri - Jul 01, 2011 : 01:30 pm
0.82 daily views
4079 total views
Studio Drum Upgrade
I'm pretty sure everyone knows that feeling of having to do something, just for the sake of doing it. This happened to me about 2 weeks ago. I got the feeling that something needed upgrading in the studio. Lately, I've been buying a few guitars, and some great microphones, as well as upgrading the main studio software.  ...
Audio Hardware / Drums
Mon - Dec 05, 2016 : 11:28 am
0.82 daily views
2455 total views
2016 Christmas Adventure
So.. I thought I'd write down a little bit about what happened to us on Saturday.
I had a recording session Saturday morning while Sarah was doing her monthly stake baptism duties, and we both finished up around noon.
We were going to make our yearly journey to Ephraim, UT to climb the mountain and chop down a Christmas tree for our...