Mon - Nov 22, 2010 : 05:21 pm
0.53 daily views
2747 total views
3 Nephi : 18
Sometimes I read the scriptures because doing so fills me with the Spirit. Today was one of those times. I need the spirit tonight.
This chapter is loaded with details on the Sacrament and serving the Sacrament in congregations.
Favorite verse was 32, "Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues, or your places ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Nov 18, 2010 : 05:12 am
0.52 daily views
2731 total views
3 Nephi : 17
Wow... 3rd Nephi 17. This has been one of my top 5 all-time favorite scriptural chapters since I first read it when I was 14. I love it.
The first 6 verses, to me, envelop the love Christ has for us, and the appreciation He must feel when we show our grattitude toward Him. There were no words uttered by his audience, yet H...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Nov 16, 2010 : 06:13 pm
0.48 daily views
2485 total views
3 Nephi : 16
Wow, it's been a long time since I last studied my scriptures.
The first thing which caught my attention is the phrase, "if it so be that my people at Jerusalem, they who have seen me and been with me in my ministry, do not ask the Father in my name, that they may receive a knowledge of you by the Holy Ghost". I guess that...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Tue - Nov 16, 2010 : 12:25 am
0.45 daily views
2327 total views
Credit Cards at ABS!
Thanks to the wonders of technology, Advanced Budget Studios now proudly accepts all major credit cards!
In other news, we haven't posted much because we're taking it easy during the holidays. We'll start crankin' out the serious tunes again in January. (If you have sessions scheduled for November or December, no worries... We'll stil...
Sat - Nov 13, 2010 : 05:03 pm
0.07 daily views
365 total views
My day
(audio entry)
Saturday November 13, 2010
This moring i go up and ate breakfast. Took a shower and headed on to the womens conference at Living Word Church. It was real nice. The worship and message was good. My mom got to me the choir director
My sister won a big Hershey's candy bar. But what I liked most about the conference was the tables &nbs...
Sat - Nov 13, 2010 : 12:02 am
0.50 daily views
2628 total views
Herod the Fink's Premiere Show!
Man... I'm so tired right now, but I've just gotta write about this.
Tonight was the first show Jesse and I put on in the little "House Concert" tour we're going on.
It was very low-key, but when the time came to play, the people just kept pouring in. At the end of the show was the only time I had the sense to count how many peo...
Herod The Fink / Music
Fri - Nov 05, 2010 : 11:02 am
0.58 daily views
3044 total views
Brand-New HTF Album Available!
Okay, friend, family, and others. I just wanted to let you know that the season has finally arrived!
Jesse and I have been working all year long on Herod the Fink's 2nd studio album. We are so excited to announce that it's finally available for purchase!
The album has eight songs on it, and all of them are awesome. I'll post...
Herod The Fink / Music
Tue - Oct 26, 2010 : 09:49 am
0.43 daily views
2247 total views
New Samples
So, we've been busy at the studio lately. So much so, I've neglected to update the site's samples. We've got a few new ones up, and so I thought I'd let everyone know a bit about em'.
ScramJet : Tread Softly - ScramJet is a band out of Salt Lake City, dead-set on bringing their musical vision to life. They kn...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Fri - Oct 22, 2010 : 10:32 pm
1.03 daily views
5401 total views
Wisdom Teeth out.
So the Wisdom teeth came out this morning. I was awake and numb, and it was okay. It really doesn't hurt much at all and I'm just taking Motrin. I feel pretty good. I'm really excited that I will be able to make it to Sacrament on Sunday and I also have a quick interview for my patriarchal blessing!!!!! Which I really don't want to miss.
I f...
Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Gospel / Herod The Fink / Lds / Me / Personal
Thu - Oct 21, 2010 : 03:38 pm
0.59 daily views
3101 total views
HTF Wants to play for YOU!
So I'm sure many of you know that I've been working on a new project this year called "Herod the Fink". We built a new site for it, and update the project's blog semi-regularly. The site has music, photos, videos, and more, so you can get familiar with us, and know what to expect when we invade your living rooms...
Yes... Y...
Herod The Fink / Music
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.14 daily views
837 total views
Long long day
koyote Dreams
Today has been ok I guess.. My Maw and I stayed in the house all day and cleaned, while the boys worked in the yard. I hate "womens work"!!!! I rather be out side, but of corse I can't.
I'm tired!!! Tomorrow I'm suppost to skip out stake sports day and go with my Maw to this womens class thingy, I'm hoping that some one I know fr...
Wed - Jun 06, 2012 : 12:18 am
0.08 daily views
369 total views
The Arm of Our Nation
This was in response to people NOT SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS AND VETERANS. When the people calling our veterans scumbags and persecuting the people defending them - can defend our nation better than our veterans and soldiers, then they can say something. and NOT BEFORE!!!!
THE ARM OF OUR NATION! READ RIGHT NOW!!! and let me know wh...
Adversity / Depression / Everyday Thoughts / Family / Fasting / God / Good / Gospel / Lds / My Journal / Past Memories And Future Concerns / Politics / Religion / Spiritual / Writing
Sun - Sep 06, 2009 : 07:29 pm
0.04 daily views
250 total views
The Heart Shaped Ring Chapter One
If you are reading this, either you are really nosy, or you are a reader of mine from fanfiction either one is cool with me:)
Guys I am really amazed at how many alerts I got on my first chapter alone and I would truly like to thank you tons! The reason I haven't been updating is because I have been working on my website, so its kinda hard with ...
Wed - Jan 30, 2008 : 12:05 am
0.37 daily views
2330 total views
1st Nephi : 18 - Nephi's Faith
I don't think that ever you will find any words of righteousness associated with Laman and Lemuel, not once, but twice, within 4 verses more than in this chapter alone.
Not sure why that stood out at me this time, but once in verse 1 and again in verse 4, Nephi said that Laman and Lemuel were on good behavior. I thought I'd take time to suc...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 10, 2008 : 11:16 am
0.55 daily views
3423 total views
Way to go, Sony.
I just got done reading an excerpt on Sony's new "open", "non-DRM" solution to downloading their music legally.
As I understand it, you have to go to a store, buy some sort of card for $12.99 which has a magic code on it, get the code, go to a website, enter the code, and then you are able to download one of their whole 37 alb...
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 01:55 pm
0.06 daily views
361 total views
Hello all of you journal people. I was thinking about something today. There is something all of us have in common. We love to write. There are thousands of people out there that love this too. We may not be professional writers, but we will make a difference in the...
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:31 pm
no mood
0.45 daily views
2929 total views
Mormon Myths....
I almost didn't post anything tonight..... But... I've gotta.
One thing which seems to irritate me quite a bit is this phenomenon among people of my faith which drives them to make some pseudo-philosophical yet some how not quite doctrinally correct quote and then follow it by "I'm sure it's in the scriptures. I just read it. I swear. " or, "I'...
Sat - Jan 24, 2009 : 10:35 pm
0.56 daily views
3296 total views
A Great Day
It's raining outside.
...and I love it.
Today was pretty much wonderful from the beginning to the end. I don't have as much time as I would like to express myself here and now, so I pray my fingers will be fast!
Amidst all the stress going on in my life right now, today was definitely a day given to me as a gift. Possibly to do no...
Babblings / Fun / Life / Personal
Wed - Nov 21, 2007 : 02:47 pm
0.55 daily views
3449 total views
Women's Roles / LDS Beliefs
A couple of weeks ago, I spent some time in my car driving to and from Salt Lake City. During the trip, I had the opportunity to listen to one of the best talks on Women's Roles in the LDS faith. I was so impressed by the contents of this talk, I had to listen to the entire thing twice.
Both times, both my heart and my eyes were fille...
Lds / Personal
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 08:20 pm
0.41 daily views
2183 total views
Good Friends and Nature
So Jeff Petersen is a guy with whom I've been friends for years. I hadn't seen him in probably as long. We went to BYU together, were roommates, and had summer jobs in California together. We got along very well...
But then we each got married, he moved to Missouri, and that was that... ...until two days ago.
Mon - Jan 19, 2009 : 12:04 pm
0.70 daily views
4130 total views
I Wish I Had a Camera
Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, I'm not a poor driver...
It's just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on.... pretty much anything left outside.
Everyday Thoughts / Life
Sat - Jul 11, 2009 : 01:01 pm
0.69 daily views
3927 total views
Alma : 34
I read Alma 34 two days ago, and haven't written about it. I hate it when I don't have time to write about the scriptures when I read them, because each time I read them, I feel something different about different portions of the scripture. Ah, well.. I'll read it again and see what happens this time.
Right out of the gate, Amul...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Jun 29, 2009 : 09:32 am
0.69 daily views
3914 total views
Zend Studio on Gentoo AMD64
Since I've been job-hopping for the last bit, I've had the chance to install fresh gentoo builds on quite a few 64-bit computers in the last couple of months.
I've also been looking at different IDEs for PHP development. After using jEdit now for close to 5 years, I've gotta say the one which impresses me the most is Zend Studio for Eclips...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Thu - Nov 08, 2007 : 09:30 am
0.69 daily views
4326 total views
Steve Ballmer At His Best
About a month ago, I came upon this video, which you simply must watch. It's basically a re-make of videos previously posted about a pretty animated Steve Ballmer (Microsoft's CEO) put to music, and hacked up beautifully.
At the time I watched it, I didn't think much of it. It was funny, and it was Steve Ballmer. Hooray.
Tue - Jan 19, 2016 : 10:29 am
no mood
0.69 daily views
2294 total views
2015 Conf #4 - "Yielding Hearts to God"
"Yielding Our Hearts to God" or "Change of Heart" - Man, I love this talk.
I wish I could tell you all how much this talk means to me. When I heard it the first time, I was with noisy kids, so I didn't get much out of it, but the next time I listened to it was during lunch, and I was alone. I...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Apr 04, 2013 : 01:00 pm
0.69 daily views
3008 total views
Full-time Music!
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your support. It really has been an incredible journey, and there are so many people who have showed support for this little dream of mine, straight from the beginning.
That said, the road in front of me is surely going to be one full of suprises, twists, and turns.
For those of you who ar...
Music / Studio
Sat - Jan 05, 2008 : 06:51 pm
0.69 daily views
4336 total views
1st Nephi : 2
Things that impressed me for this chapter were different than any time I've read it before (that I can remember), and that, being as simple as it is, is a testament to me as to why we should continue reading the Book of Mormon throughout our entire lives.
Interesting how Laman and Lemuel consider the spiritual visions of Lehi to be "foolishn...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - May 05, 2014 : 10:18 pm
0.69 daily views
2726 total views
Too Many Goings On...
So, I noticed I haven't blogged about studio things lately, and I need to get with it.
With that, let me just say this:
Yeah... See that picture there? One of those babies are now in use at Art City Sound, and although it's a bit preliminary right now, as I've only had it 1 day, I can with certainty say, "The drums from ...
Sat - Oct 01, 2016 : 01:19 am
0.69 daily views
2118 total views
Important Things...
So, lately I've been thinking a lot about what life is all about, and kind of pondering upon times when I've been doing well, and times when I've been doing not-so-well.
I think the most important thing you can do in life is stay close to the Spirit of God. Lots of things seem to get in the way from time to time, but that's the nature...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Sep 03, 2008 : 01:27 pm
0.68 daily views
4108 total views
Mustang GT vs Neon SRT-4
So a little more than a year ago, I took my mustang out for the first time on the Salt Flats. I had a blast out there with my good friend Steve.
On the way home, Steve had some problems with salt lining his rims, causing some tire imbalance, so we got off the freeway, I showed him what the problem was, and as I was getting back on th...
Cars / Fun