Fri - Apr 29, 2011 : 05:19 pm
0.70 daily views
3542 total views
Upcoming New Modded Mics
So, in the business of audio recording, it doesn't get much more fundamental than 1. Room Acoustics, 2. Sound Source, and 3. Microphones.
One of those three basics is about to get a serious upgrade here at Advanced Budget Studios.
Today, Michael Joly of OktavaMod is modifying two Apex 205 ribbon microphones, and will be shipping them back ear...
Audio Hardware
Mon - Apr 25, 2011 : 01:00 pm
0.43 daily views
2177 total views
Mormon : 4
Man... This chapter was brutal. Wars, wickedness, and death. Seems to me that this is the result of giving power to Satan, letting him run rampant. Hating your neighbor and wanting to kill him for the sake of being bloodthirsty. So terribly sad, and unfortunate.
Interesting in verse 5 that Mormon writes that the wick...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Apr 20, 2011 : 04:10 pm
0.42 daily views
2108 total views
Mormon : 3
If there is one thing throughout all eternity that I do *NOT* want to happen to me, is what happened to the Nephites in verse 15 of this chapter. Having the Lord, God of this earth, proclaim, "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay", kind of makes the hair on my neck stand up. The Lord makes good on all of his promises, and...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sat - Apr 16, 2011 : 04:01 pm
0.65 daily views
3283 total views
Ibanez S570B - Newest Addition!
So I wasn't really interested in getting yet another member of my little growing studio family, but I couldn't help but get this one after playing it at the local music store. Found it on a killer sale at samash, so I pulled the trigger.
Available to all studio clients for recording.
Isn't she gorgeous? She sounds awesome, too....
Audio Hardware
Thu - Apr 14, 2011 : 08:40 pm
0.45 daily views
2276 total views
Mormon : 2
So, again, something kind of odd. Mormon was 16 when he was commissioned to be the leader of the entire Nephite army. Is that not insane? Seriously. Every 16-year-old I know barely has the sense to tie their shoes in the morning! Okay, not really, but - wow. Mormon was 16 years old when he was put in charge of th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Apr 13, 2011 : 10:47 am
0.45 daily views
2254 total views
Mormon : 1
Not sure why this caught my attention this time, but doesn't it seem a bit weird that Mormon was carried by his father when he was 11 years old? It seems like he was carried on somewhat of a journey, too - to a different land. Maybe his father was quite big and could accomplish such a task, because an 11-year-old isn't small enough to ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Apr 12, 2011 : 09:51 am
0.47 daily views
2355 total views
4th Nephi
So, it's been awhile since I last wrote about the scriptures, but the fight to the end continues! I'm in Las Vegas right now for a conference, and what better way to start my day in sin city than to read the holy words of God?
4th Nephi has always been an amazing chapter to me. I would like to capture in my mind's eye, the way p...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Mar 31, 2011 : 11:02 am
1.30 daily views
6585 total views
Melodies of March
I apologize for the complete lack of posts in March. I've been having so much fun recording, I forget to write about it.
If you'd like to stay more up-to-date with the studio happenings, I tend to post much more information on Advanced Budget Studio's Facebook page than on the blog. It's just easier.
So, head on over to Facebo...
Sun - Mar 27, 2011 : 11:27 pm
0.62 daily views
3126 total views
Updated Audiofire12 + Gentoo
So, I wrote a few days ago how I was able to get my new echo audiofire12 working under gentoo Linux with the old firewire stack. Well, I couldn't leave well-enough alone, so I tried my hand at updating my kernel and using the new stack. Turned out there were a few caveats that, without some external help from a great person in the...
Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Mar 27, 2011 : 02:53 pm
0.08 daily views
405 total views
Shadya's Update
Sunday March 27, 2011
Hey everyone! It's been a while but I'm back and I have so much to share with you. Lately I've been busy with school. It's really challenging and it's getting down to being time for finals. I just hope that I'll do very well on my finals than I am on my classwork.
I also would like to share that I'll be participating in ...
Tue - Dec 02, 2008 : 03:49 pm
no mood
0.15 daily views
908 total views
Some pictures of Sam
I was talking to Annie yesterday and she reminded me that I need to get some pictures of Sam up here.
Here are just two of him at 1 month old. He will be two months old this Friday and I will have more posted then, so keep checking. Cecilia took one of him smiling that I will post on Friday too. so cute!
Sat - May 03, 2008 : 09:39 am
no mood
0.08 daily views
488 total views
4 days
today has been prety good its 4 days away til my b-day ill b 11.........YAY!!!!!!!im already planning but i have to get our house clean first(with some help).my friends and i made a club called angels and my other friend kyote dreams helps me with any problem i have so right now my life rocks...
Wed - Sep 26, 2007 : 01:40 pm
75.53 daily views
479719 total views
Ugliest Animal Ever
Okay... This is an unusual post for me, but I can't believe what I just saw.
For years I thought the hairless cat was the ugliest animal alive, but no - not even close to tell you the truth.
Goes to show that mother nature really isn't discriminatory at all. "Sickeningly ugly or average or whatever, come one come all", s...
Thu - Oct 23, 2008 : 06:12 pm
0.73 daily views
4376 total views
PHP / PGSQL Character Encoding
I've been writing a snippet of code to take a list of rows from a table in an Oracle database, and have been having problems with a pesky error having to do with PostgreSQL's character encoding and PHP's handling of it.
The error I've been receiving is thus:
Query failed: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xae HINT: Th...
Computers / Programming
Thu - Oct 22, 2009 : 05:17 pm
no mood
0.60 daily views
3336 total views
Windows 7
Why on earth would I spend $109.00 on a new operating system when I could buy a friggin' 1.5 TERABYTE HARD DRIVE FOR THE SAME PRICE!?!?!? (and that's the cheap version of Windows 7 - you know, the one you'll regret buying even if you do buy in to all this Microsoft crap. The version that'll make you regret purchasing Windows the l...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Wed - Aug 13, 2008 : 01:03 pm
no mood
0.23 daily views
1393 total views
Reason i choose my nickname
If you knew me youd understand why i choose my name lifesux111.But you dont so i guess ill do a lil explainin.My life sux for a couple different reasons.#1I lost my bestfriend last night we have been friends for 5 years scince i moved down here.#2My dad got a blood blister like sometime last June which tottally sux bigtime!!!#3My mom left when i wa...
Mon - Sep 22, 2008 : 08:40 am
0.41 daily views
2471 total views
Mosiah : 12
I wonder if Abinadi's disguise was due to him not being welcome in the city anymore, as in, he couldn't get in at all without it. Dunno... Just a thought.
Also, I find it quite prophetic for Abiniadi to be using the analogy of a piece of cloth in a hot furnace, as far as the worth of King Noah's life. He could have just as easily used...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Jun 18, 2009 : 07:42 pm
0.44 daily views
2496 total views
Alma : 31
Interesting Alma used the phrase "my heart began to sicken" when he heard about what the Zoramites were doing. That is such a descriptive word, and I can almost feel what he described as I read...
I also find verse 5 interesting at this point in my life. It seems that Alma confirms that sometimes, when moved upon by the spir...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Nov 12, 2008 : 03:45 pm
0.65 daily views
3836 total views
Simplicity - Perry
I'm not in the mood to write much, but I figure that since work is kind of slow today, that it would do me good to watch and write about a conference talk right about now.
Elder Perry's talk seemed to talk about a topic which would benefit a lot of people today - simplicity.
As far as I go, I can think right now of one specific thing which I co...
General Conference / Lds / Religion
Thu - Aug 21, 2008 : 02:59 pm
0.48 daily views
2878 total views
Random Thoughts...
I haven't been getting much sleep lately... So I think I'll write about.... something. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about, but it's been much too long since I've written to continue not writing any longer.
I found this link today, given to me by this dude. It's a great theme for a blog, and I hope it goes far.
Babblings / Life / Miscellaneous / Poetry
Sat - Sep 06, 2008 : 09:32 pm
0.76 daily views
4556 total views
Project :
Although I use the Internet and Linux to make a living, there's still a bunch I have to learn. One of those things happens to be the most popular ad affiliate program in the world.
Last week, I was doing a bit of research, and found that I could be making a bit of money using google adsense. Enough to get rich? Heavens no, but ...
Lds / Programming
Tue - Nov 08, 2011 : 02:36 pm
0.75 daily views
3625 total views
Welcome the Newcomers!
I've gotta say, October was crazy. It was the busiest month the studio has ever seen. That said, it has allowed us to upgrade some microphones!
Might you join with me in welcoming our two newest microphones to the pack:
The Joly Edition - "Gomez" Cascade ribbon mic!
In our initial tests, I found the Gomez to be anothe...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Tue - Jan 19, 2010 : 06:11 pm
0.75 daily views
4152 total views
Gentoo XFCE4 / XDM / TWM Problems
Okay... So with the latest update to xorg-server (I think it was 6.5), xdm stopped loading XFCE4 and I couldn't get it to load anything but TWM.
Here was the problem:
Somehow, an important file got removed. The file is this one:
The contents of the file is simply:
With that...
Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Nov 09, 2007 : 12:07 pm
0.75 daily views
4735 total views
Is Linux Really More Secure?
I've been using Linux now for long enough to have heard just about all the facts, opinions, babblings, and flame-wars about Linux security vs. Microsoft security.
It seems that every time I try to explain to people the added security inherent to Linux, they have all sorts of explanations why my explanations are bogus. Some of my ...
Gentoo / Linux / Microsoft
Sat - Aug 09, 2008 : 11:30 pm
0.75 daily views
4528 total views
Youth Conference 2008
I don't even know where to begin, to tell you the truth. I'll do my best, but I've got a novel inside me for what happened yesterday. All in all, it was quite simple, but at the same time it was probably the most profound thing which has happened to me in years... and I have no idea how to portray it.
Let me begin with the foll...
Computers / Personal / Spiritual / Youth Conference
Wed - Mar 05, 2008 : 05:42 pm
0.75 daily views
4665 total views
Is OCI8 in PHP encrypted?
My job has me creating a website derived from data housed in an Oracle database.
It's getting to the point now where we're going to co-locate the server and press the big green button.
Well... My boss came in today asking about the connection between my postgresql database from which the website runs, and Oracle from which Postgres is populated...
Computers / Programming
Fri - Feb 17, 2012 : 11:06 am
0.74 daily views
3493 total views
Biggest Upgrades Ever
I don't even know where to start. Let's start at the beginning...
So, 10 years ago, I got a hair-brained idea to buy a keyboard and start writing and recording music. Seven years ago I thought it'd be a good idea to get a mic kit for my drums to learn how to record drums better. Three years ago the studio had its first paying c...
Audio Hardware
Thu - May 24, 2007 : 05:00 am
0.74 daily views
4798 total views
Audio file for Nature's Way
Journal entry is contained within the attached audio file....
Sun - Jul 27, 2008 : 06:18 pm
0.74 daily views
4486 total views
My Wedding Day...
I got married like a bit more than 5 years ago, and I'm lovin' it.
But, during those five years, I've had some footage gracefully shot and donated to me by my friend
Ty Swartzlander
on my wedding day. On that day, Ty told me he was going to put something together and give it to me later, but instead, I told him I'd really, really, real...
Kdenlive / Personal / Video
Thu - Dec 18, 2014 : 06:19 pm
0.74 daily views
2752 total views
Christmas Time!
So, today I released what has proved to be the best recording of any choir I've ever produced. It was the UVU Institute's Latter-day Celebration Choir. The song is "Baby Boy", one I've never heard before.
It can be heard by clicking here. (feel free to download, listen, and share as much as you like)
This was my fora...