Mon - Jan 10, 2011 : 05:10 pm
0.51 daily views
2651 total views
Great start to 2011!
So, Advanced Budget Studios took a bit of a break during the holidays, and with that came the usual curiosity as to how the new year would be.
Well, I'd have to say that 2011 is looking great. We started off the year recording a wonderful new artist named Taylor Miller. He'll have a website up soon, and his music sounds fabulous! ...
Miscellaneous / Music
Thu - Jan 06, 2011 : 12:11 pm
0.57 daily views
2944 total views
AnythingSlider is Awesome
So, when I started the re-design of my studio website, I knew I would need sliders, but I didn't realize how many unconfigurable, and generally static sliders were out there. I must have gone through 5 iterations of sliders before I found one that matches my needs (and probably will be the go-to slider for any project I work on in the future)...
Thu - Jan 06, 2011 : 12:19 am
0.42 daily views
2153 total views
Taylor Miller Session
Man... I'm kicking myself right now for not taking a photo of this amazing musician, but I was way too interested in the music I was hearing to worry about silly cameras.
Taylor Miller came in for a visit, and recorded 3 original songs tonight. They have yet some proper embellishment to receive, but the tracks we got tonight were primo.&nbs...
Tue - Jan 04, 2011 : 12:43 pm
0.44 daily views
2259 total views
Website Re-design!
About 2 months ago, a great musician, designer, and friend sent me a new design idea for After getting various opinions, I decided to have a go at it. Also, with all the free time I had during the holidays, I thought it would be a good time to get crackin'.
So, without further ado, I present you the new and ...
Mon - Dec 13, 2010 : 02:08 pm
0.44 daily views
2292 total views
We're on the radio!
Okay.. Not really the "radio", but a cool little Internet radio station picked up Herod the Fink (a band I'm in), and decided to feature us. They decided to play our song, "Desperate Husband's Chorus", and I think it's way cool.
The radio station is called "LDS Music Today" and can be found at http://www.ldsmu...
Herod The Fink / Personal
Sun - Dec 12, 2010 : 10:31 pm
0.47 daily views
2415 total views
Merry Christmas to A.B.S.!!
Since we haven't been booking clients during November and December, we've had a few extra moments to really think about and research the needs of the studio. The success this little studio has had is very exciting, and only makes us want to hone our craft that much more.
Honing the craft is great, but pouring the success of the studio back ...
Audio Hardware / Babblings / Miscellaneous
Mon - Dec 06, 2010 : 12:22 pm
0.50 daily views
2588 total views
Thoughts on HtF
So, the Christmas season is officially here, and I'm feeling more Christmas Spirt than I ever have in my life - by a long shot.
I attribute this to two things... First and foremost, attitude, and making good choices. To me, Christmas is a spiritual season because it's filled with love, good will, charity, friends, and family. If...
Herod The Fink
Fri - Dec 03, 2010 : 06:45 pm
0.08 daily views
398 total views
Friday December 3, 2010
Today was filled with the usually chore, practicing for the Christmas Cantada, and puttting up the Christmas tree. Finally! me and my family put up our tree. We usually do it after Thanksgiving but we where a little late.
You know. The more the years go by the faster Christmas seems to come. I can remeber when I was a litt...
Fri - Dec 03, 2010 : 11:37 am
0.49 daily views
2533 total views
Scramjet X-96 Contest!
Scramjet, a valued client of Advanced Budget Studios (and an amazing band, as well), has recently arrived in the top-ten list of a contest put on by X-96. Please support them by clicking here and voting for them and their awesome song, "Tread Softly".
Thanks, and thank you, Scramjet! You guys are awesome!
Tue - Nov 30, 2010 : 04:55 pm
0.57 daily views
2947 total views
3 Nephi : 19
It might be that I'm a techno-geek, but the first thing I thought of when I read this was "social media". People went from house to house and "labored exceedingly" all through the night to let it be known where Jesus was going to come the following day.
Also interesting are the activities of the people when the arrived t...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Feb 22, 2011 : 05:13 pm
0.49 daily views
2522 total views
3 Nephi : 28 - Fulness of Joy
So, I was reading this chapter when I came upon the phrase "fulness of joy" in verse 10. The phrase caught my eye primarily because it was only mentioned for the 3 Nephites who chose to stay. It was not mentioned for the others. That caused me to wonder how often the phrase "fulness of joy" is used in scr...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Sep 13, 2007 : 01:40 pm
0.40 daily views
2534 total views
Nature's Way - Umcka
You would think I have an alterior motive for this post, due to the fact that I am currently employed by Nature's Way, but I honestly don't. I hope you'll see why soon.
I can't believe I haven't been told about, offered, showed, or by any other means received information about this product Nature's Way makes until recently.
Umcka Cold Car...
Nature's Way / Personal
Tue - Jun 21, 2011 : 04:43 pm
0.40 daily views
1973 total views
Mormon : 9 - Love?
Growing up, I used to have a mis-conception that those who erred against God in their ways were best suited for rebuke the way God gives it in the scriptures. I was ignorantly judgemental, and for a long time, couldn't understand why people tended to shy away from my tactics.
Reading the beginning of this chapter brings back a lot of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jul 05, 2011 : 10:44 am
0.39 daily views
1944 total views
Ether : 4
So, on last chapter's post, someone left a wonderful comment. Thank you, whoever you are. That is precisely why I do this.
Now... Ether 4. This chapter starts out with an interesting verse. I guess Mosiah would have had several channels whereby he could have known he should not let the book of Ether out of the bag u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Mar 14, 2008 : 09:58 pm
0.36 daily views
2250 total views
2nd Nephi : 24
I find it interesting how Satan is described throughout scripture.
In this chapter, through verses 13 - 20, Satan is seemingly exposed as the weak fraudster he really is. Verse 16 is quite potent, written from the standpoint of people who were tempted by him, when shown his actual person, are amazed at the frailness of Satan. They say...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Mar 26, 2011 : 10:00 am
0.73 daily views
3716 total views
Echo Audiofire12 + Gentoo Linux
**UPDATED ARTICLE HERE** (for using the new firewire stack)
Okay. I got my new Echo Audiofire12 3 days ago, and I now have it fully functioning on all 12 ports. I don't have MIDI working yet, but I haven't really tried on that one.
Here's what I did to get it working.
First, I'm using the 2.6.33-rt kernel. I enabled the OLD FIRE...
Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Jul 18, 2012 : 12:06 am
0.51 daily views
2349 total views
Getting Real...
Today was spent with my good friend, and brother, Ryan (and his family, who happens to love my family!)
We spent the day moving all sorts of large items from our home into the storage space we're renting. From the kitchen table and chairs, to the couch downstairs, to the hutches - we made two trips full of items, with our mini-van and Dad'...
Personal / Studio
Tue - Apr 07, 2009 : 04:09 pm
0.54 daily views
3128 total views
Alma : 19
One thing that comes to mind while reading the first verses of this chapter is, "If I were a queen, and my servants brought me my unconscious husband, I'd immediately want to know who did it." - and Ammon did it. That doesn't make much sense to me. Obviously the times of the Book of Mormon were , uh, different, so that could e...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures
Tue - Nov 08, 2011 : 02:36 pm
0.75 daily views
3625 total views
Welcome the Newcomers!
I've gotta say, October was crazy. It was the busiest month the studio has ever seen. That said, it has allowed us to upgrade some microphones!
Might you join with me in welcoming our two newest microphones to the pack:
The Joly Edition - "Gomez" Cascade ribbon mic!
In our initial tests, I found the Gomez to be anothe...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Sun - Dec 16, 2007 : 05:31 pm
0.70 daily views
4417 total views
Gotta Start Another Project....
I'm going crazy in my life again. I'm kinda weird that way.
Things are going well and then I finish a project, or get sick of it, or something else. Heck, the whole "project" mentality I have is what started this whole "ilovemyjournal" thing (as well as I also wrote and produced 17 very ama...
Mon - Jan 19, 2009 : 12:04 pm
0.70 daily views
4130 total views
I Wish I Had a Camera
Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, I'm not a poor driver...
It's just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on.... pretty much anything left outside.
Everyday Thoughts / Life
Sun - Dec 16, 2007 : 05:31 pm
0.70 daily views
4417 total views
Gotta Start Another Project....
I'm going crazy in my life again. I'm kinda weird that way.
Things are going well and then I finish a project, or get sick of it, or something else. Heck, the whole "project" mentality I have is what started this whole "ilovemyjournal" thing (as well as I also wrote and produced 17 very ama...
Fri - Apr 29, 2011 : 05:19 pm
0.70 daily views
3542 total views
Upcoming New Modded Mics
So, in the business of audio recording, it doesn't get much more fundamental than 1. Room Acoustics, 2. Sound Source, and 3. Microphones.
One of those three basics is about to get a serious upgrade here at Advanced Budget Studios.
Today, Michael Joly of OktavaMod is modifying two Apex 205 ribbon microphones, and will be shipping them back ear...
Audio Hardware
Fri - Feb 15, 2008 : 09:54 am
0.70 daily views
4340 total views
Who Designed Rollover Ads?
Today I was given a link by a friend to go view, and since I trusted this friend, I immediately clicked it. A good, interesting article came up, which I began to read.
I read for approximately 10 seconds and moved my mouse. Upon moving my mouse, I accidentally rolled over the link circled in red.
Well, after rolling over it, the ...
Computers / Miscellaneous
Mon - Jan 12, 2009 : 12:01 am
0.70 daily views
4131 total views
Starting 2009 off right!
Well.... It became time again quickly to have a LAN party after the craziness of the holiday season. So, we decided to have one two days ago. It was fairly awesome.
I didn't bring my camera, so I don't have a video of this one, but suffice it to say that this one was pretty darned fun. It started with Eric Hansen and I lo...
Computers / Friends / Fun / Games / Personal
Sun - May 25, 2008 : 08:28 pm
0.70 daily views
4278 total views
Five Little Monkeys - Luci
Not sure what to type, but the video taken was of Luci singing "5 Little Monkeys".
Good stuff to have....
Thu - Aug 20, 2015 : 01:56 am
0.70 daily views
2428 total views
I should be way more tired than I am.
I just got done praying, and a day before that I had just got done sinning. You know the kind I'm talking about. It's the kind you really need to rid yourself of. The kind that always keeps creeping around, finding an idle brain-cell to occupy... So, yeah... Hundreds, if n...
Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 22, 2009 : 06:05 pm
0.70 daily views
3917 total views
Mustang GT vs. Camaro vs. GT500
Last Saturday, I woke up much earlier than I should have in order to go down and help my good friend Scott wash his cars, in preparation for his selling them.
After washing his other two cars, we decided to wash my car, and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical as to how this "great new car washing" system would work. Well... ...
Fri - May 13, 2016 : 01:30 am
0.70 daily views
2225 total views
13-hour Studio Session
Yup.. Today was awesome. I had a 13.5 hour session, and it was just amazing. The song creation process was a bit difficult at times, but little-by-little the song formed, and both me and my client (Jed Lefevre) were kind of dumbfounded at the end result. In the first hour, we had a piano track, and that was it.
At th...
Personal / Studio-journey
Fri - Dec 07, 2007 : 05:43 pm
0.70 daily views
4404 total views
Service Through Love
A little less than a month ago, my best friend's wife called me and told me she was planning a birthday party for her hubby. Well, Scott being my best friend and all, I thought this was a fantastic idea! After that, I didn't think too terribly much about it.
A couple of days after that, I remember Scott telling me that he really want...
Personal / Spiritual