Mon - Jan 02, 2012 : 11:08 pm
0.56 daily views
2693 total views
Rockin' Out in 2012!
So, I've been thinking about what the first post in 2012 should be, and I've been drawing a blank. I could talk about all the cool gear I've upgraded, and the success we had in 2011, but I've talked a lot about that stuff already (although the new RME Madi interface, ADI-8 QS converters, and Focusrite 828 preamps are pretty stink...
Wed - Dec 14, 2011 : 11:05 am
0.65 daily views
3166 total views
HTF : Carry the Stone
Herod the Fink is a Christmas collaboration project between Jesse Crowley and Jason Jones which has been going on now for 3 glorious years at Advanced Budget Studios. This year's offering is a 4-song EP.
The music this year ranges from a bluegrass crossing punk style of "Joy To The World" to an introspective look in to each of our...
Thu - Dec 08, 2011 : 03:50 pm
0.77 daily views
3749 total views
Year's End...
So I haven't written in a while, and that's both a great thing, and a not-so-great thing. It's great because since September, the studio has been busier than I thought possible. Honestly... It's been a whirlwind, and I'm not quite sure what caused it - but I'm so grateful for it. It's a not-so-great thing because I can't kee...
Audio / Babblings / Music
Tue - Nov 08, 2011 : 02:36 pm
0.75 daily views
3672 total views
Welcome the Newcomers!
I've gotta say, October was crazy. It was the busiest month the studio has ever seen. That said, it has allowed us to upgrade some microphones!
Might you join with me in welcoming our two newest microphones to the pack:
The Joly Edition - "Gomez" Cascade ribbon mic!
In our initial tests, I found the Gomez to be anothe...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Sat - Nov 05, 2011 : 06:23 pm
0.15 daily views
737 total views
Writing for Nano
Today I started my entry titled Lost In The Past for Nano month. This is where writers try to write 50,000 words in one month. Mine is a young adult novel. Here is the synopsis for it.
Lost in the Past
Her millionaire father thought it would be great to raise her without the problems of today, so he builds a house free of elec...
Everyday Thoughts / Family / Fun / Personal / Writing / Young Adult
Sun - Oct 16, 2011 : 10:59 pm
0.60 daily views
2938 total views
Just Getting Better
My apologies for not writing lately. I assure you, it's because I've been too busy recording!
So... Updates: As some of you know, for now, 100% of the money which comes into this studio, stays in the studio, which means all the proceeds from your recordings go directly back into ways to make your recordings even better. &...
Audio Hardware / Babblings / Miscellaneous
Sun - Oct 16, 2011 : 10:17 pm
0.52 daily views
2544 total views
Moroni : 10
...and so we've come to the last chapter, and the closing of the book I opened almost 4 years ago. The goal was to read and write about each and every chapter in the Book of Mormon, no matter how long it took me. Tonight, I'm gonna complete that goal. Wow. That just feels good.
Let's charge on to Moroni 10, shall w...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Oct 13, 2011 : 09:35 am
0.46 daily views
2259 total views
Moroni : 9
What a horrible, yet extremely personal and hopeful chapter. The nature of it reminds me of the psalm of Nephi (2 nephi 4:15-end). What horrible, horrible things were going on at the end, but it just amazes me, the strength of Mormon, and his constant prayers for Moroni - and his pleading to God for his soul to be brought b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Wed - Oct 12, 2011 : 11:45 am
0.44 daily views
2185 total views
Moroni : 8
So... I just checked, and throughout all canonized scripture, know how many times the phrase "solemn mockery" is used? Yup - you guessed it. Once. And it happens to refer to the baptizing of children. For some reason, I think God dislikes this act a bit.
Verse 14 seems kind of harsh, but if a person has nei...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Mon - Oct 10, 2011 : 12:00 pm
0.46 daily views
2261 total views
Moroni : 7 - Part 2
Today is a good day! So... Beginning in verse 12, the main theme I'm getting here is the complete polarization between God and Satan. Within the rules God has set (such as, "Satan can't kill people", and "Man has free agency", and "God won't save someone just because they're His offspring", and such.....
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Jan 08, 2010 : 11:23 am
0.83 daily views
4619 total views
Recording Jeff Felix's "Peculiar"
Picking up new clients is always a good thing, but in the case of yesterday, it was a great thing.
I had the privilege of recording his new song, Peculiar, and it was very refreshing. It was a simple tune with some great acoustic guitar work, and vocals. Jason Jones added some percussion accents, and the song came to life.
Audio / Mixing / Music
Tue - Sep 22, 2009 : 06:05 pm
0.70 daily views
3980 total views
Mustang GT vs. Camaro vs. GT500
Last Saturday, I woke up much earlier than I should have in order to go down and help my good friend Scott wash his cars, in preparation for his selling them.
After washing his other two cars, we decided to wash my car, and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical as to how this "great new car washing" system would work. Well... ...
Sun - May 24, 2009 : 09:43 pm
0.08 daily views
479 total views
Jason is WAY cool.
So, I am assuming that this whole site is one cool PHP project. Good job, Jason. Looking forward to the 'remake' of to see what happens there. That's a cool site, too. It isn't any wonder to me why someone would want to hire you. You'll have the Zend framework down in no time. MVC and OOP are just a different way of planning ...
Fun / Howdy
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
0.22 daily views
1312 total views
A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.69 daily views
2579 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Tue - Sep 06, 2011 : 12:11 am
0.64 daily views
3151 total views
Good times with Shallow Sky
So, this weekend I had the pleasure of meeting yet another one of Utah's finest bands. The band's name is "Shallow Sky", and if their music is any indicator, these guys are gonna stick around.
To be honest, I expected the 3 sessions (totalling 26-hours) with these guys to be a bit rough, due to only my incredible lack of sleep las...
Sat - Sep 12, 2009 : 11:05 pm
0.52 daily views
2962 total views
Getting the Mix Right...
When I originally mixed a tune from Sugar Stone, I didn't have enough time to really nail it. I did a good enough job for the time allotted, but when the product was delivered, I thought there could be a lot of improvements made.
So, I decided to spend a few hours today seeing what I could do about it. Before I go any further, here's...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Mon - Jan 18, 2010 : 01:25 am
0.63 daily views
3475 total views
Blues Aces Session
Last Friday, we had the awesome opportunity to meet a fairly incredible group of girls. They call themselves The Blue Aces, and after having listened to them strum a few chords, I'd say they've earned their title.
Their manager contacted me after hearing a few samples from Advanced Budget Studios, and was interested in getting a pilot song...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Sat - Feb 23, 2013 : 10:03 pm
0.77 daily views
3415 total views
Pilot #1 / New Name
So... Yeah... Holy cow. I started writing this as a Facebook update, and quickly realized ther was too much to say, so, into the blog it goes!
The bottom line is - We are back in business, people!
As of right now, the new studio is close to being finished, but the good news is - we can record. I've got 3 channels wired up, a...
Mon - Jan 10, 2011 : 05:10 pm
0.52 daily views
2697 total views
Great start to 2011!
So, Advanced Budget Studios took a bit of a break during the holidays, and with that came the usual curiosity as to how the new year would be.
Well, I'd have to say that 2011 is looking great. We started off the year recording a wonderful new artist named Taylor Miller. He'll have a website up soon, and his music sounds fabulous! ...
Miscellaneous / Music
Thu - Dec 13, 2007 : 05:25 pm
0.93 daily views
5902 total views
Best Project Management Explanation Ever!
Words could not have said it any better.
Makes me smile every time I look at it....
Mon - Dec 10, 2007 : 03:03 pm
0.93 daily views
5857 total views
Jones FHE
This is an audio recording of tonight. FHE is included.
That's about it....
Mon - Nov 10, 2008 : 08:47 am
0.92 daily views
5529 total views
Welcome to Conference - Monson
This morning I decided I'd start the traditional blogging of each general conference talk from the last general conference in October.
As President Monson began this talk, a familiar spirit filtered in to my office at work and inevitably, my heart was opened to the inspired words of our wonderful prophet.
I'm so grateful for our church. I...
General Conference / Lds / Religion / Spiritual
Sun - Oct 10, 2010 : 12:11 am
0.92 daily views
4876 total views
Rock Box Cajon
Okay... So lately the studio has been getting some serious upgrades, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me, and creating awesome music.
About a month ago, I was chatting it up with a good friend, Jesse Crowley, about how in the world we were going to sell our fabulous new Herod the Fink album this season. You see, there ar...
Audio Hardware / Drums / Music
Sun - Dec 02, 2007 : 01:22 pm
0.91 daily views
5749 total views
Happy 5th Anniversary, Jason
When will I ever learn to trust my wife, my brother, and my instinct? Probably never.
You see, Ryan, my brother, noted how bald the tires are on my Mustang GT about a month ago. My wife also noted the same thing, as well as a pretty big storm coming this weekend. Anyway... I'll get on with the story.
Sarah and I celebra...
Fri - Sep 24, 2010 : 09:59 pm
0.91 daily views
4810 total views
gentoo + jack + dbus = broken
Linux + gentoo + jack-audio-connection-kit + dbus use flag enabled = doesn't work any more.
Okay... Just a personal note to remember.
So... Unless I'm missing something, this is pretty much th...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Fri - May 22, 2009 : 02:27 pm
0.90 daily views
5184 total views
New Keyboard
Alright.. I'm just typing this entry for mostly the purpose of trying out my new keyboard I got at work. For the past employments I've had, probably for the past 2 years, I've used the Microsoft Natural 4000 keyboard, and to be honest, it took a long time to get used to. The buttons were too far apart, and it just felt a bit more ...
Computer Hardware / Computers
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 01:20 pm
0.90 daily views
4805 total views
NEW: Golden Age Pre-73!
We've been contemplating how to best improve the studio with all the business we've been getting lately, and the votes are in!
Please welcome our newest addition to the studio, a nice shiny new red GOLDEN AGE PRE 73 PRE-AMP! We spent a good deal of time looking into the best preamps for the money, and it came down to two main contenders.
Audio Hardware
Sat - Jul 12, 2008 : 01:30 pm
0.90 daily views
5513 total views
OpenFire gentoo problems
I just spent the last three hours trying to figure out why my OpenFire 3.5.2 instance was installing just fine, saying that it was running just fine, but in reality was not running at all.
Neither port 9090, nor 9091 was open, both ports 9090, and 9091 were closed. ps -A | grep openfire returned nothing - at all.
Yet, /etc/init.d/openfire sta...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - May 06, 2008 : 06:16 pm
0.88 daily views
5405 total views
Gen. Conf. - Testimony - Oaks
Awhile back, I wrote a journal entry concerning the scientific method and knowing spiritual facts to be true.
This talk seems to be hitting the same vein, but in a much wiser and broader sense.
"Knowledge of outside temperature can be verified by scientific proof. Knowledge that we love our spouse is personal and subjective. While not capa...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual