Sun - Sep 23, 2007 : 03:27 pm
no mood
0.72 daily views
4578 total views
Texture Extraction
Using The Gimp to remove low frequency data from an image.
When I take a picture of something I would like to use for texture, there is often a slight change in the color across the entire image. I want to keep the detail, but make the overall color even across the image.
This is a picture of dusty rain marks on the hood of my car:
It is l...
Sat - Sep 22, 2007 : 01:51 pm
0.41 daily views
2602 total views
Job Market Down?
This might be the only "current events" post I ever do, but something has been puzzling me for the past 6-12 months.
Last night, I watched the last half of the democratic candidates' debate on TV, and although it wasn't mentioned much, there were still a couple of references to a "downward economy", and the need for "job...
Current Events
Thu - Sep 20, 2007 : 10:56 pm
0.46 daily views
2909 total views
Mustang GT Gone Cayman
It's late, but I've just gotta tell ya'll what happened about an hour ago.
An acquaintence of mine owns a 2007 Porsche Cayman and last Sunday, we talked and he agreed to take me out driving tonight.
So, he arrives here with his beautiful car out front, with the driver's door wide open. I say my goodbye's to the family and head out to th...
Thu - Sep 20, 2007 : 06:13 pm
0.40 daily views
2546 total views
"Posting Forms to Sessions" - Trick
Any web developer who has been in the craft for more than a couple of days realizes how often forms are used in web development. Well... Where forms are used, form methods are used, and one of the crazily irritating problems with forms using a "POST" method is the fact that when the "back" button is pressed after lea...
Wed - Sep 19, 2007 : 05:36 pm
0.56 daily views
3531 total views
Building a Computer
I guess I just take for granted all the tips 'n' tricks I've learned over the past 10 years I've been building my own systems (along with most of my family's and friend's computers), so with that thought, let me try to explain how I build computers.
First off, this article is intended for those people who are not necessarily tech-wizards, but ar...
Wed - Sep 19, 2007 : 03:14 pm
0.44 daily views
2803 total views
Viruses and Linux
Yesterday, my wife spent some time setting up her "my space page", which I absolutely refuse to do for myself, and when she got it done, she was pretty happy with herself. I helped her with some images and that was that.
Later on in the evening, she mentioned that she had received an email from Annie (my sister-in-law who I love)...
Computers / Linux
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:53 pm
0.41 daily views
2581 total views
Truth Exists....Right?
Sadly, lots of problems exist with the world today. I guess it's human nature to create problems, and ya know...? I'm alright with that. Problems need to exist in order for life to be life, right? Yup... The eternal struggle for self-improvement, or whatever.
Anyway... One thing that irks me quite a bit, and a...
Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:22 pm
no mood
0.14 daily views
899 total views
Creatine Tastes Terrible
No punch line or long post here, it's freaking nasty. I'm not kidding....
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:20 pm
no mood
0.07 daily views
421 total views
So I made a mistake recently. A mistake that I knew at the time I shouldn’t make, but did anyway in the interests of “friendship”. The mistake was entering into a purchase “arrangement” for a car that I owned outright ( and didn’t have much use for) with a co-worker who is/was down on his luck. You’d think ...
Mon - Sep 17, 2007 : 03:17 pm
no mood
0.08 daily views
507 total views
Black-I-Treo-Phone-Berry 12-ety Billion V2
Gadgets, shiny and most often expensive little doodads that kick people in the face with their awesomeness and cause strife between angsty teenagers and their "just squeaking by" parents. For some people the latest release of a gadget means improved response, better software, and more functionality. For others it's simply a way to say &qu...
Mon - Jan 21, 2008 : 10:26 pm
0.37 daily views
2299 total views
1st Nephi : 13
Where do I even begin with this chapter?
I remember reading it and understanding it for the first time during my mission. It was really cool realizing that all of this stuff in this chapter is written about in history books! It talks about Christopher Columbus discovering America, the Revolutionary War, the Bible, the coming of the Bo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Jan 22, 2008 : 10:06 pm
0.38 daily views
2337 total views
1st Nephi : 14
When I sit and think about what I just read, the 14th chapter of 1st Nephi is pretty crazy.
Just a few points...
The majority of the chapter is all about the "mother of abominations" and the "whore of all the earth".
I believe it's written here to clarify the impact this (these) church(es) has (have) had upon the plain and...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Aug 01, 2011 : 01:52 pm
0.41 daily views
2031 total views
Ether : 10
So... Interesting that one of the reasons cited for Heth's righteousness is his remembering what the Lord had done for his people, specirfically, bringing Jared and his kin over the ocean. There has got to be something behind the whole "remember what the Lord has done for you" thing, and living a righteous life. Heck.. E...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Sep 05, 2008 : 12:20 pm
0.15 daily views
894 total views
koyote Dreams
I've been reading Matthew in seminary and have been understanding things so much better. My teacher has us write down what jumped out out at us and tell why, so I've been doing it and have learned a lot about myself! Each week I give him my papers and he reads them and gives them back, he writes notes on the side and tells me what he things about i...
Tue - Apr 15, 2008 : 11:57 pm
0.40 daily views
2459 total views
Jarom, for some reason, didn't seem all that inspired to me, this time around.
The only thing which caused me to question was verse 2.
To me, it seems that Jarom didn't want to write "much" for two reasons: 1. Because the plates are small, and 2. They are being written for the benefit of the Lamanites.
I guess I can u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 21, 2009 : 10:35 pm
0.07 daily views
398 total views
First entry
Well i just barely made my very first blog, and this is my very first entry. So my day was school pretty much (sigh). And then i went onto my facebook account and invited myself over to my friend Jakes house. And what we did there was play a wicked game of Star Wars Battlefront Greatest Hits. I didnt do so well because i had a lot of stuff on...
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 06:55 pm
0.35 daily views
2250 total views
When You Care...
Today I had an interesting thought. It's a question that possibly has thousands of answers, but, since I'm on a pensive streak, I thought I'd write down some of what I came up with.
The thought was "How do you tell if someone cares for you?", which also spawned the thought, "How do I tell if I care for someone else?", whi...
Mon - Jul 01, 2002 : 01:22 am
no mood
0.26 daily views
2161 total views
Cave Experience in California. Exclusive with Sarah.
Wow... Ok... On Saturday, I played hooky yet AGAIN from work. I know I shouldn't have, but I was going to miss an excursion up to a cave in Auburn, CA with 20 other awesome people. I gave it some thought, and I figured that this would probably be my only opportunity to get to go in this situation, so... I went. I had a WONDERFUL time..
I saw...
Mon - Jun 21, 2010 : 05:36 pm
0.39 daily views
2064 total views
3 Nephi : 3
Okay... So the past few chapters, I've been ragging on how wishy-washy the average human soul must be in order for signs of the Messiah's birth to be taken so lightly...
Well... This chapter leads me to believe that there were still quite a few believers who held true through all of the dissenting.
The part I liked most about this chapter...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Nov 17, 2009 : 04:04 pm
0.17 daily views
918 total views
Clockwork vs Groove
From the first memories I have, my life has been lived through rhythm. There has always been an inherent "groove" of my life. From walking down the sidewalk after school when I was in Jr. High, pacing the rhythm of the lines in the cement, and timing my steps accordingly, keeping the "1,2,3,4" clock in my head going ...
Audio / Drums
Sat - Apr 27, 1996 : 07:45 am
no mood
0.23 daily views
2377 total views
Woah... It's like been a long time since I wrote in my journal, huh? Ohwell, so I've been a little busy, okay?
Yesterday night a group of missionaries (Elder Musick, Topham, me, and Elder Reinwand) got together and we decided to go and sing. We all sing really rather well together, so we thought we could help some people feel the Spirit with t...
Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - May 23, 2010 : 09:28 pm
no mood
0.23 daily views
1205 total views
Fun Pics
Since I don't blog very much I thought I would add just a whole bunch of fun pictures of the kids with the latest things that have been going on. So enjoy!
Above: This is the best Mother's Day picture we could get. The sun was shining right in the kids eyes.
Luci on her Zoo field trip. This was my group.
Children / Family
Mon - Sep 28, 1998 : 12:00 am
no mood
0.23 daily views
2181 total views
Dozen Roses for Diana
I've got a lot of typing to do but i think I've got enough time to do it in now, if I hurry. Let me just
say that last weekend was heavenly. I fell deeper in love with Diana than ever before.
The weekend started at around 8:30pm Friday night when I arrived home in Farmington from
Provo. I called Diana immediately (after noticing some new CDs fr...
Thu - Dec 31, 2009 : 11:04 pm
0.22 daily views
1190 total views
Drum Cover : Green Day - Basket Case
Will the craziness ever end? I thought for sure, I'd be too busy today to do another cover, but around 4:00pm, I got bored, the kids were occupied or asleep, and my wife was reading, so... Down to the studio I go!
Hope you all like this cover. It's one of the better ones I've done. I missed a couple of hit-accurate fills,...
Audio / Drums / Music / Video
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
0.22 daily views
1270 total views
A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Tue - Apr 29, 2008 : 07:31 pm
0.21 daily views
1290 total views
A lost crush
koyote Dreams
Ok, I'm all confused! Theres this boy, he's a year older then me and majorly hott!
About a year I met him and fell for him :-) as girls do lol but this guy was somthing... something amazing he was perfect, I'm only 15 but I knew how perfect he was. Well we e-mailed everyday and he called me a few times. But he gose to school and leavs kinda ...
Thu - Dec 31, 2009 : 02:14 am
0.21 daily views
1175 total views
Drum Cover : SR-71 - Right Now
I guess I can't get enough of these covers. I had no intention of doing one tonight, but I was so in the mood, I ripped this out on the 2nd take.
I take a lot of liberties on this, and there are a few slight timing issues, but I thought it was a great show of the "groove" inside music.
Good times.
Enjoy the video, and be su...
Audio / Drums / Music / Video
Wed - Dec 30, 2009 : 12:27 am
0.21 daily views
1147 total views
Creed : Higher - Drum Cover
Good times. I thought this one would be tough, but I've played it so many times over the past decade, it came back to me rather quickly.
In the ending, there were quite a few hiccups, but I thought it turned out quite nicely.
Click here to view the video....
Drums / Music
Sun - May 10, 2009 : 06:22 pm
0.20 daily views
1125 total views
Mormon Prom
koyote Dreams
So last night was the big Mormon Prom, me and my boyfriend Sean looked great! I had spent all day getting my hair and stuff done, and it really paid off in the end. Even though I was running like 15 minutes late to where Sean has wanted to take some pictures.
It took two and a half hours to do my hair, so I didn't get to leave in time. So I told ...
Sun - Jun 29, 1997 : 08:23 pm
no mood
0.19 daily views
1959 total views
Cody's Wedding
Well, right now I have quite a lot on my mind to tell you, so I've got to decide which to tell you first.
I guess I'll start yesterday.
Yesterday was Codell Bingham Sims' wedding. Let me just tell you that this is the first wedding
I've been to that has been thoroughly fun. It was GREAT! The sealing in the Temple was nothing short
of amazing....