Wed - Sep 05, 2007 : 11:14 pm
0.34 daily views
2157 total views
I'm Glad I'm Not Crazy.
Okay... I've got to start off here on a postive note, or I'll bring up all sorts of crappy emotions which I'd just rather not get into right now. I'm sure they'll be brought up sooner or later, but for now, I'd like for you to just take a moment and sup in the absolute goodness found in the photograph on your right.
Yeah... Just ...
Wed - Sep 05, 2007 : 04:55 pm
0.36 daily views
2302 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 6
Okay... It had to happen, and it happened today. Since this is a public entry, and I really don't want to throw a negative light on the situation, I'll do my best to filter out my emotions. If I have to vomit emotions, I'll do it in private. Anyway...
This morning, I woke up and Kim (my dear mother-in-law) decided to make ...
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 09:51 pm
0.34 daily views
2189 total views
Old Fisherman's Grotto
We just got back from a wonderful dinner at The Old Fisherman's Grotto on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey California.
The halibut was quite wonderful, but not nearly as good as the side-dish of clam chowder I got. It really was fantastic.
If you're ever in Monterey, CA, you simply have to get a bowl of that chowder. It's quite amazing....
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 04:54 pm
0.35 daily views
2202 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 5
Today's not over, but while the kids are taking naps, I thought I'd see what I could do to write about this day so far.
First off - I *love* Monterey. Last night, I don't think I got a whole lot of sleep, but notwithstanding that, I still woke up in an incredibly good mood due to the crisp salty air, the perfect temperature (around 60-68 deg...
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 10:41 am
0.33 daily views
2074 total views
Why I Love Monterey
Okay.... Yes.. Collin knows he's cool. Actually, he's just happy to be on his way to Monterey to enjoy the various wonderful goings-on there.
Anyway... I thought I'd list the reasons I love Monterey while I'm waiting for everyone to get ready for the day. So... Here goes:
By far the best reason to come to Monterey Califo...
Mon - Sep 03, 2007 : 11:14 pm
0.34 daily views
2136 total views
Clam Chowder Heaven
I'm not entirely sure about the east coast or any other coast, but the clam chowder from the west coast at the Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey California is .... is.... well... it's clam chowder the way it was meant to be.
Today was a day full of driving in rush-hour-esque conditions, getting the hotel arranged at Monterey, CA.
Sun - Sep 02, 2007 : 04:24 pm
0.33 daily views
2120 total views
Grace vs. Works
I just got back from a Presbyterian church meeting with Henry, Kim, Julia, Sarah, myself and our two kids. It was quite interesting.
We walked in there about 5-10 minutes late, and went forward until we were sitting like 5 rows back from the front.
A full band of 7 people was playing on a stage and was sounding quite wonderful, actually.&...
Lds / Personal
Sun - Sep 02, 2007 : 04:16 pm
0.32 daily views
2038 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 2
Day Two....
I woke up this morning to a wonderful sore-throat. Nothing too bad, and I felt that it's one of those that will go away as the hours pass by. Turns up I was right.
I rolled around in bed (after getting probably like.... 2-3 hours of sleep on Friday night) this morning for a good 2 hours, trying to go back to sleep.
When I...
Sat - Sep 01, 2007 : 11:33 pm
0.19 daily views
1186 total views
html Images
I was goofing around with The Gimp and noticed it had a couple save as html options. I played around with them and settled on using the colorxhtml one.
This is how I took this image and turned it into a cool text html thingy.
The process goes like this:
Open the image.
Make sure the image is in the cor...
Sat - Sep 01, 2007 : 04:01 pm
0.33 daily views
2114 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 1
Wow.... Today has been crazy.
I woke up around 2:30am this morning, put the suitcases in the van, woke the kids up (actually, Luci was already awake and excited to be going to "Shugee's House"), put them in the van, said a quick prayer for safety and health, and we were off!
I'm tellin' ya... If you have kids and a 10-hour...
Thu - Jan 24, 2008 : 07:01 pm
0.36 daily views
2270 total views
Focus Becomes Reality
Ya know... Chatting with good friends has its benefits. Just like think-tanks and collegeate consortiums are good for concerted cognation, a good conversation with a concerned cohort can be just as contenting.
I think I've mentioned this before in my journal, but in talking with a good friend of mine, I hadn't made the connection with just...
Lds / Spiritual
Wed - Nov 21, 2007 : 02:47 pm
0.55 daily views
3449 total views
Women's Roles / LDS Beliefs
A couple of weeks ago, I spent some time in my car driving to and from Salt Lake City. During the trip, I had the opportunity to listen to one of the best talks on Women's Roles in the LDS faith. I was so impressed by the contents of this talk, I had to listen to the entire thing twice.
Both times, both my heart and my eyes were fille...
Lds / Personal
Mon - Feb 02, 2009 : 09:48 pm
0.76 daily views
4445 total views
LVM2 Auto-Reconnect
I run a server in my home. It's nothing more than a hobby-type server that runs gentoo Linux, a couple of web-sites, my myth-tv installation for my home-theater, and all the family files. I also have about 150 compressed movies on there, all of which can certainly take up a lot of hard drive space.
I started this project back in 2004...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Mon - Sep 28, 1998 : 12:00 am
no mood
0.23 daily views
2220 total views
Dozen Roses for Diana
I've got a lot of typing to do but i think I've got enough time to do it in now, if I hurry. Let me just
say that last weekend was heavenly. I fell deeper in love with Diana than ever before.
The weekend started at around 8:30pm Friday night when I arrived home in Farmington from
Provo. I called Diana immediately (after noticing some new CDs fr...
Thu - Sep 20, 2007 : 10:56 pm
0.46 daily views
2944 total views
Mustang GT Gone Cayman
It's late, but I've just gotta tell ya'll what happened about an hour ago.
An acquaintence of mine owns a 2007 Porsche Cayman and last Sunday, we talked and he agreed to take me out driving tonight.
So, he arrives here with his beautiful car out front, with the driver's door wide open. I say my goodbye's to the family and head out to th...
Mon - Sep 15, 2008 : 03:23 pm
no mood
0.14 daily views
849 total views
Conspiracies? What?
A little bit ago i was checking out a 'community' site that has something to do with "LDS" and "Freedom", and i saw the most ridiculous thing ... a whole topic based on "does president Monson really know what happened on 9/11"?
essentially, those posting were of the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy - tha...
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 12:06 pm
no mood
0.43 daily views
2804 total views
Necessity of Church Membership
An interesting question came to me today, while talking to a good friend at work. The question is simple.
It’s based on the premise of two distinct beliefs.
1. LDS faith teaches us that unless the proper ordinances have been performed by those who are in authority to perform such ordinances, one cannot enter into the kingdom of heav...
Sat - Jan 26, 2008 : 10:06 pm
0.38 daily views
2397 total views
1st Nephi : 16 - Holy Cow
I'm not entirely sure where to even begin with this chapter. So many good stories are found in this one, which can easily be likened to our own lives and our own times. Various lessons come to mind....
For example, verses 1 through 3 are a magnificent litmus test of personal righteousness. When someone comes at you and truthfull...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 29, 2007 : 10:38 am
0.43 daily views
2772 total views
Okay... So, I've been reading quite a bit about cats lately (in blogs of others) and looking at all the freaking / crazy / awesome cat pics people have out there.. I just have to add my two cents.
I grew up with cats. I love cats. I pretty much love everything about em', except when they wake me up by their incessant meowing outs...
Fri - Oct 12, 2007 : 03:37 pm
0.51 daily views
3213 total views
Geek Lunch - Buca Di Beppo
Oh, man... I just got back from a wonderful geek lunch with the guys 'n' gals from UPHPU (Utah PHP Users Group), and it was a blast. ... heh... makes me smile just thinkin' about it. Okay... I didn't just get back. I had to make sure I could get done today what I promised my boss, and then I would write about it.
Well... ...
Linux / Miscellaneous / Personal
Mon - Sep 24, 2007 : 08:46 pm
0.18 daily views
1152 total views
Nothing Quick About Charcoal
My wife and I got a dutch oven set about a month ago. We finally decided to try it out. We have both seen and helped with dutch oven cooking before, but have never done it without the help of someone more experienced.
Problem #1 You need to get the coals lit before you can cook anything.
I tried a couple methods to get them started.
Pile o...
Mon - Aug 18, 2008 : 04:42 pm
0.18 daily views
1061 total views
My Mom is a superwoman
(short story)
My mom Is the best mom in the world. My mom is a super woman to me. We used to live in the hood .I really loved it but now we are out of the hood im not mad but my mom tried.And Im so proud of her . Now we are moving on to bigger and better things. My mom is a beautician. I love you mom forever and ever.
Mon - Apr 28, 2008 : 07:47 pm
0.17 daily views
1033 total views
koyote Dreams
WOW, feels like forever since I last came in here to write. My comp crashed and just now got back up. For now....
I am really glad that I've been able to talk to Christine, she's a really great girl! I signed up for a website she sent me. I'm going to try and find her LOL
I had a lot to write, but just don't feel much like doing it a...
Thu - May 01, 2008 : 01:19 pm
no mood
0.17 daily views
1048 total views
Im depressed
OMG!why wont he talk to me this sux!i really like this one guy and im at his house with his lil sister and he knows i like him and his lil sis says he likes me but he wont even look at me or talk to me or anything and its driving me crazy!we had been thinking bout going out one time be4 but it never happened because this other girl that he had like...
Fri - Nov 20, 2009 : 10:37 pm
0.17 daily views
920 total views
Jazz Goodness...
I just got done playing some sweet jazz for a client, and with the usual rock 'n' roll requests coming in, this was a great change of pace.
I'm always intrigued at the different nuances that exist between styles of music as it pertains to rhythm and percussion. Rock and roll pounds out some great 4/4 along the occasional 3/4 timing, with so...
Drums / Music
Fri - Nov 16, 2007 : 06:09 pm
0.17 daily views
1062 total views
poetry two
kelly miller
Poetry 2 by Kelly Miller
We Know Not What Showers
Based on a talk by Dallin H. Oaks
We know not what shower...
Thu - May 01, 2008 : 10:17 am
no mood
0.17 daily views
1061 total views
hey this is to koyote dreams and i hope i spelled ur name right lol anyway wats up u seem really cool and dat u have a lot going on in ur life and i do 2 so i get wats going on 2 u and i no its hard but u'll get through it believe me on dat one i've already been throught the whole guy thing and mostly everything else so i can relate 2 u so i think ...
Tue - Apr 29, 2008 : 10:14 am
0.17 daily views
1039 total views
koyote Dreams
My best friend ever, She's more like a sister then a friend. She's kinda like the only friend I have here. I don't mean here here as in on this site, I mean like where I live. And she lives about 5 hours away from me. Well she's moving to this really really far away place, far enough I wont ge to see her again! I miss her so much.....
But I'm worr...
Sun - Mar 08, 2009 : 08:09 pm
0.17 daily views
1002 total views
Don't know how to feel
koyote Dreams
Ok, so all this crazy stuff has happend since my last blog! When I say crazy I mean un-believeable. I've felt every emotion from the worst of heart breaks to pure joy to all the sudden being swept off my feet by someone I never would've thought of. I learned NOT to hide my realtionships from my parents, that it's still lying if you hide the most im...
From A Wild Mind
Tue - Nov 17, 2009 : 04:04 pm
0.17 daily views
922 total views
Clockwork vs Groove
From the first memories I have, my life has been lived through rhythm. There has always been an inherent "groove" of my life. From walking down the sidewalk after school when I was in Jr. High, pacing the rhythm of the lines in the cement, and timing my steps accordingly, keeping the "1,2,3,4" clock in my head going ...
Audio / Drums