Sun - Aug 12, 2007 : 12:26 pm
0.51 daily views
3276 total views
Teaching With The Spirit
I just arrived home from a most splendid 3-hour church meeting.
Yesterday morning I got a call from the elders' quorum president, in which he asked me to teach the priesthood lesson today. I said yes, and got the information I needed to teach.
The lesson was on "Obedience Born of Faith in God". Well... I spent about 5 ...
Lds / Spiritual
Fri - Aug 10, 2007 : 01:12 am
2.83 daily views
17994 total views
VLC - DVD Rip Command
I must proclaim it from the rooftops!!!!
Yes! I finally figured out how to rip DVDs with that nasty Sony ARccOS protection!! (up yours, Sony)
You see, I'm one of the good guys. I don't condone pirating stuff, and rarely pirate anything myself. The collection of the 5500 songs I own, are 99% mine (I'm not perfect), as well as my hundre...
Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Aug 09, 2007 : 03:11 pm
0.59 daily views
3789 total views
Postfix + Postgres + Dovecot
Well, people.... Most of yesterday (until this morning around 12:30am) I spent trying to figure out what to do about my email situation.
Here's my situation: I get so much friggin' spam, I can't stand it. This shouldn't be news to anyone. The person who receives no spam is a person who doesn't have an inbox.
So, I decided ...
Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Aug 07, 2007 : 11:19 pm
0.45 daily views
2857 total views
Sin and Hope
I'm not exactly sure what I want to write about today. No... I know what I need to write about, but I think it's too private, and I want to write something I can publish publicly.
Ya know... I really hate sin. I really do.
I am amazed at how much the world accepts what is wrong. Pondering how much the world accepts s...
Mon - Aug 06, 2007 : 09:40 pm
0.46 daily views
2923 total views
LDS Doctrine
As I was sputtering around the net today, I found a pretty cool feature within google, of which I did not know. Did you know that google can search blogs for stuff you're interested in?
Well.. Today I typed in "LDS Doctrine" and I found this site which had all sorts of good stuff in it. I read one of his posts concernin...
Sun - Aug 05, 2007 : 11:13 pm
0.37 daily views
2361 total views
A Good Sabbath
I just got home from Jovi's baby blessing (Brandon and Chloe's first baby) and it was a pretty cool experience.
Today was a good day because I thought that it was gonna be .... not good.
Yesterday night, I stayed out a bit too late, and thus didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. In fact, on my way home, my good friend Steve bought me ...
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 07:13 pm
0.36 daily views
2277 total views
One other thing.
ILoveMyJournal now has an RSS feed for the main page content. Soon, we'll be adding categories to the blogs as well as categorized RSS feeds.
Also, eventually, we'll be getting the ability to post comments on blog entries.
I love this site. :)...
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 06:55 pm
0.35 daily views
2250 total views
When You Care...
Today I had an interesting thought. It's a question that possibly has thousands of answers, but, since I'm on a pensive streak, I thought I'd write down some of what I came up with.
The thought was "How do you tell if someone cares for you?", which also spawned the thought, "How do I tell if I care for someone else?", whi...
Fri - Aug 03, 2007 : 11:56 pm
0.34 daily views
2186 total views
Friends and Friendship
Hmm.... I'm wondering how I can write this entry without offending anyone, so... if you are offended by it, I'm sorry. What is going to be said has to be said, and it will, hopefully, enlighten at least someone.
Due to this wonderful blog, I've been feeling quite pensive lately and liking the change. Midst this change, I asked on...
Thu - Aug 02, 2007 : 08:11 pm
0.43 daily views
2712 total views
Sleep and Caffeine
Heh.... My wonderful 3-year-old daughter Luci loves to sleep with her parents. Her dad doesn't sleep very much anymore, and because of this, he has to watch his caffeine consumption or he'll get addicted to it.
Heh.... Caffeine... That brings up some interesting history.
Due to my personal beliefs and what people taught me...
Mon - Oct 13, 2008 : 04:02 pm
0.46 daily views
2754 total views
Mosiah : 24
Hmm.... I'm kind of tired right now, but I figured I needed to read some scriptures...
This time around, I realize how being under the rule of a tyrant would be absolutely horrible. In this case, Alma was under the rule of one (or more) of the Amulonites - which were his wicked peers when they were the king's priests. Talk about...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:22 pm
no mood
0.14 daily views
899 total views
Creatine Tastes Terrible
No punch line or long post here, it's freaking nasty. I'm not kidding....
Tue - Dec 15, 2009 : 10:25 pm
0.54 daily views
2959 total views
Fedora 12 - Getting Closer
Well... I'm not quite as frustrated tonight as I was when I tried to do with Ubuntu, that which I am now trying with Fedora 12.
I installed Fedora 12 on my laptop from the install DVD, and I've gotta say, Fedora, neither in the installation, nor in running the OS, was as slick as Ubuntu. Ubuntu was quite a bit more polished, I'...
Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 03:11 pm
0.07 daily views
450 total views
(short story)
I hate life sometimes i swear.Yesterday i was riding my stupid bike......which i shouldnt have been doing cause it has 2 flat wheels and when i went to turn around my house i hit a rock or something and the handle bar slipped out of my hand and i lost balence and fell when i fell i landed on the handle bar and i have a hard time walking cause...
Mon - Sep 24, 2007 : 10:44 am
0.37 daily views
2347 total views
To begin, quite honestly, let me say this:
Without, using Linux in a professional environment (which I have been doing now for 4 straight years across 4 different companies) would have been, and would currently be, much more difficult at the very least.
Those who have desk jobs, and more specifically programming jobs, know how...
Computers / Linux
Fri - Nov 20, 2009 : 10:49 pm
no mood
0.17 daily views
928 total views
Home Page
Visit my homepage!
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 06:00 pm
0.38 daily views
2327 total views
Gen. Conf. - Sustaining - Uchtdorf
I didn't really anticipate writing anything about the sustaining of the church officers after seeing it, but for some reason, when President Uchtdorf asked all the elders and high priests to stand and sustain Thomas S. Monson as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, something I didn't expect ...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:31 pm
no mood
0.44 daily views
2880 total views
Mormon Myths....
I almost didn't post anything tonight..... But... I've gotta.
One thing which seems to irritate me quite a bit is this phenomenon among people of my faith which drives them to make some pseudo-philosophical yet some how not quite doctrinally correct quote and then follow it by "I'm sure it's in the scriptures. I just read it. I swear. " or, "I'...
Sun - Apr 18, 2010 : 10:48 pm
0.40 daily views
2173 total views
Happy Birthday, Jason!
Okay... I know it's a little bit late, but I thought I needed to write about my B-day anyway. It was the 14th, and evidently, the 16th, too.
So, the 14th began with a great time eating lots of great food. Pancakes for breakfast, my best friend Scott took me to my all-time favorite Thai restaurant and we got some insanely delicio...
Life / Personal
Fri - Dec 14, 2007 : 11:40 pm
0.43 daily views
2687 total views
poetry one
kelly miller
Poetry by Kelly Miller
THis is dedicated to my son Shawn VanWagen who left on his mission in 2005 and that next week I started writing poetry. It has been a big part of my life since and has kept me very busy. Also, to President Hinckley and his challenge for the members to read the book of mormon. and to Bernice Hutchenson w...
Fri - Sep 05, 2008 : 12:20 pm
0.15 daily views
894 total views
koyote Dreams
I've been reading Matthew in seminary and have been understanding things so much better. My teacher has us write down what jumped out out at us and tell why, so I've been doing it and have learned a lot about myself! Each week I give him my papers and he reads them and gives them back, he writes notes on the side and tells me what he things about i...
Tue - Jul 29, 2008 : 11:59 am
0.15 daily views
883 total views
Personal Progress
koyote Dreams
So, about 9 months ago I finshed my personal progress. It felt amazing to have done it! Sunday at our Fireside they called me up infront of everybody, keep in mind theres a few hundred people there. Once I got up there they handed me a letter and told me how proud they all were.... So I go back and sit with my friends and brother!
I got hom...
Thu - Sep 11, 2008 : 07:31 pm
0.15 daily views
871 total views
Why does this happen?
koyote Dreams
Why is it that when I try to make friends my Ex has to come in and mess things up? Theres this girl, she's got NO friends at church and from what I hear she ain't got none at school either. I wanted to be her friend, to give her some one so she end up like me, alone. She's a really great girl, but she don't just get it, I can't tell her about my ex...
Fri - Sep 05, 2008 : 11:52 am
no mood
0.15 daily views
905 total views
Lifes problems
koyote Dreams
I've been working on getting my inactive Laurels, trying to get them to come back to church. Well I set up a class in my last BYC that I'd teach them all the Cha Cha on the 3 so I spent a lot of time getting ready, then once I had everything prepared I went to go have a tooth pulled and they used Latex! I don't do well at all with latex. So I...
Sat - Nov 05, 2011 : 06:23 pm
0.15 daily views
727 total views
Writing for Nano
Today I started my entry titled Lost In The Past for Nano month. This is where writers try to write 50,000 words in one month. Mine is a young adult novel. Here is the synopsis for it.
Lost in the Past
Her millionaire father thought it would be great to raise her without the problems of today, so he builds a house free of elec...
Everyday Thoughts / Family / Fun / Personal / Writing / Young Adult
Tue - Dec 02, 2008 : 03:49 pm
no mood
0.15 daily views
901 total views
Some pictures of Sam
I was talking to Annie yesterday and she reminded me that I need to get some pictures of Sam up here.
Here are just two of him at 1 month old. He will be two months old this Friday and I will have more posted then, so keep checking. Cecilia took one of him smiling that I will post on Friday too. so cute!
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 07:53 pm
0.15 daily views
906 total views
Life for a southern girl
koyote Dreams
I've been talking to Johnny Depp, but one night while talking to him I saw this other girl post him telling him that she hates his singing and that he's fake. For about four days she just bashed him then I got to thinking; what if he ain't the real Johnny? I tryed looking at what he might have said to her, but I can't. If it ain't the REAL Johnny t...
Wed - Sep 17, 2008 : 08:07 pm
0.15 daily views
895 total views
Asked Out
koyote Dreams
OK, so my family had this stupid wager about when I'd be asked out right.... Well I wagered 3 months, cuz you know I'm ME. But my family all wagerd two to the three weeks, I even had some guy wager! But I just stayed here and tryed to stay focused on my work, home work, yard work, house work all that junk. I started talking to my friend who've I've...
Mon - May 19, 2008 : 08:24 am
0.15 daily views
894 total views
koyote Dreams
(short story)
Well, the auction went real well! We made more then enough money for camps. Which by the way I am going to Girls camp. Their bumping me up a year so I'll be with my own age group.
At the auction I sold myself three times, each time was funny. Because the first I got up on the stand, heard the anounser say " Here is a very pretty young l...
Sat - Sep 20, 2008 : 09:50 am
0.15 daily views
902 total views
Not happining
koyote Dreams
Well today I woke up and got dressed and all ready for my date. Then my mom came in and told me that I was not going the date unless he called to ask me... So I pretty much gave up on that! Then my cell phone rings and he said that he called my house but my Pa was on the computer so it not ring, I talked to him about where he wanted to meet and whe...