Fri - Aug 31, 2007 : 06:37 pm
0.33 daily views
2134 total views
Gentoo in the Business World
It's not too often you read stories about a business who knowingly chooses gentoo as their Linux distribution of choice; this is why I liked this story so much.
Everything they say about gentoo (both good and bad) I believe is right on the money.
This company chose gentoo to run their main servers for an email marketing company, and haven...
Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Aug 31, 2007 : 05:50 pm
0.33 daily views
2112 total views
Survey Says... "The Data is GOOD!"
Okay, people....
I was hired on here at Nature's Way as the only person in the IT department who knows anything about web development. Almost all people here are either networking, helpdesk, or SAP gurus. They desperately needed help in the web development corner of IT. So... They hired me. Go figure.
Anyway... I w...
Personal / Programming
Fri - Aug 31, 2007 : 09:27 am
0.33 daily views
2092 total views
New Haircut
I just thought I'd let ya'll know that I got a new haircut a couple of days ago. I think its swell.
I guess this just goes to show that I'm not entirely sane... pretty much... ever.
The mohawk has quite a story which I might as well divulge right about now.
It all happened about 7 years ago, when my brothers all got together for some event...
Thu - Aug 30, 2007 : 05:30 pm
0.33 daily views
2121 total views
Did I switch too soon?
Today was a good day. I didn't get enough sleep, so after our work lunch party, which enabled us to eat large amounts of Korean food (seasoned beef 'n' stuff wrapped in lettuce was good, but I didn't like the "kimchi" which was nothing more than hot and spicy rotten cabbage), I felt a bit tired... Too tired to work.
So, I wen...
Wed - Aug 29, 2007 : 08:56 pm
0.31 daily views
2000 total views
A New Frontier with PL/SQL
At work, I've got .... well.. I was gonna say dilemma, but... it's not a dilemma because I know of a way out.
My dilemma is, I've gotta have a website functional by Friday, which means I've got two days to get it to work.
The database we're connecting to (postgres on gentoo, thank heavens) has a table with more than 12 million rows in it....
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 08:42 pm
0.37 daily views
2346 total views
ILMJ Gets Comments!
Yes! You can now comment on public blog entries at!
I wrote the whole process from scratch, so some of the methods used to keep bots away might be new to you. Here's the skinny:
First off, nothing is required except the comment and the human-test answer. I'm not sure if this is gonna stick or not, but I co...
I Love My Journal
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 10:19 am
0.36 daily views
2292 total views
Staying True to Yourself
One other thing I've been thinking about lately is a lesson I learned a long time ago. This lesson is summarized into one sentence:
Being true to God in no way diminishes your being true to yourself, simply because God knows how the *best* "you" is.
I was talking with one of my brothers when he said "But if I become 'churchy'...
Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 09:25 am
0.32 daily views
2057 total views
At church this Sunday, we talked about the topic of "forgiveness" in priesthood class and I've gotta say, holy cow - I love that class.
Ya know... I often wonder what makes a good class, and what makes a "not-so-great" class as far as gospel doctrine or priesthood or relief society goes. Learning about religion can ...
Lds / Spiritual
Mon - Aug 27, 2007 : 06:55 pm
0.37 daily views
2385 total views
Sony is at it again.
Heh.... If you know me at all, you probably know a couple of things about me (in no particular order):
I love Linux and gentoo
I own a 2007 Mustang GT
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I really loathe the idea of DRM.
Now, before I get into the details, DRM just makes me sick. I ha...
Mon - Aug 27, 2007 : 02:30 pm
0.35 daily views
2241 total views
FCKeditor - Thank You!
I've just gotta say.... Man alive, I love open source. I've also gotta pay my dues.
ILMJ uses a wonderful open source editor called fckeditor. It is simply amazing. I haven't done much with it, but without it - this website wouldn't even be close to being usable yet.
I just got done configuring the image-upload process, an...
I Love My Journal / Personal
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 12:06 pm
no mood
0.43 daily views
2794 total views
Necessity of Church Membership
An interesting question came to me today, while talking to a good friend at work. The question is simple.
It’s based on the premise of two distinct beliefs.
1. LDS faith teaches us that unless the proper ordinances have been performed by those who are in authority to perform such ordinances, one cannot enter into the kingdom of heav...
Sat - Jan 26, 2008 : 10:06 pm
0.38 daily views
2390 total views
1st Nephi : 16 - Holy Cow
I'm not entirely sure where to even begin with this chapter. So many good stories are found in this one, which can easily be likened to our own lives and our own times. Various lessons come to mind....
For example, verses 1 through 3 are a magnificent litmus test of personal righteousness. When someone comes at you and truthfull...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 29, 2007 : 10:38 am
0.43 daily views
2763 total views
Okay... So, I've been reading quite a bit about cats lately (in blogs of others) and looking at all the freaking / crazy / awesome cat pics people have out there.. I just have to add my two cents.
I grew up with cats. I love cats. I pretty much love everything about em', except when they wake me up by their incessant meowing outs...
Fri - Oct 12, 2007 : 03:37 pm
0.51 daily views
3206 total views
Geek Lunch - Buca Di Beppo
Oh, man... I just got back from a wonderful geek lunch with the guys 'n' gals from UPHPU (Utah PHP Users Group), and it was a blast. ... heh... makes me smile just thinkin' about it. Okay... I didn't just get back. I had to make sure I could get done today what I promised my boss, and then I would write about it.
Well... ...
Linux / Miscellaneous / Personal
Fri - Jun 12, 2009 : 02:20 pm
0.49 daily views
2789 total views
Vista Dualboot Gotcha
I recently bought a Toshiba Laptop (a Satellite A305-S6916), and with it, came Vista Home Premium.
I, of course, immediately wiped the hard drive clean, took a shower for having touched a computer with Vista pre-installed on it, then proceeded to partition it, and install gentoo Linux on it.
The compatibility with Linux of the peripherals on th...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.15 daily views
929 total views
South of happienss
koyote Dreams
Well today my maw had this big Womens class about an hour away from here. So me and my family took her up there and we spent the few hours at the mall :-) We don't go to the mall to much cuz it's so far away! But I ain't t so sure I like it all that much, I ain't a people person my self. But it's ok some times. While I was there some very funny thi...
Sun - Jul 21, 1996 : 09:15 pm
no mood
0.19 daily views
1984 total views
Scott's Homecoming
Well.. Yesterday, I rode home in an airplane for the whole day, but everything was cool.. I rode
by David and Sharon that have a 19 year old daughter, Mormon, and single. I didn't get her phone number
- just ask me why, I could kick myself. Anyway.. I listened to my music for most of the way home and just
enjoyed myself. I actually like flying,...
Fri - Dec 14, 2007 : 09:35 am
0.16 daily views
1003 total views
Amber's Poem
One day along time ago,
Before the world began
A plan was given to each of us
It was placed in our willing hands
There were two parts to this plan
One was for all the world
The other plan was just for us
About our life and what was in store
This first plan included a Savior
Jesus Christ, our brother
He will come to earth...
Sat - Jan 24, 2009 : 10:35 pm
0.56 daily views
3287 total views
A Great Day
It's raining outside.
...and I love it.
Today was pretty much wonderful from the beginning to the end. I don't have as much time as I would like to express myself here and now, so I pray my fingers will be fast!
Amidst all the stress going on in my life right now, today was definitely a day given to me as a gift. Possibly to do no...
Babblings / Fun / Life / Personal
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.14 daily views
835 total views
Long long day
koyote Dreams
Today has been ok I guess.. My Maw and I stayed in the house all day and cleaned, while the boys worked in the yard. I hate "womens work"!!!! I rather be out side, but of corse I can't.
I'm tired!!! Tomorrow I'm suppost to skip out stake sports day and go with my Maw to this womens class thingy, I'm hoping that some one I know fr...
Sun - Mar 08, 2009 : 08:09 pm
0.17 daily views
1001 total views
Don't know how to feel
koyote Dreams
Ok, so all this crazy stuff has happend since my last blog! When I say crazy I mean un-believeable. I've felt every emotion from the worst of heart breaks to pure joy to all the sudden being swept off my feet by someone I never would've thought of. I learned NOT to hide my realtionships from my parents, that it's still lying if you hide the most im...
From A Wild Mind
Thu - May 01, 2008 : 10:17 am
no mood
0.17 daily views
1060 total views
hey this is to koyote dreams and i hope i spelled ur name right lol anyway wats up u seem really cool and dat u have a lot going on in ur life and i do 2 so i get wats going on 2 u and i no its hard but u'll get through it believe me on dat one i've already been throught the whole guy thing and mostly everything else so i can relate 2 u so i think ...
Tue - Apr 29, 2008 : 10:14 am
0.17 daily views
1038 total views
koyote Dreams
My best friend ever, She's more like a sister then a friend. She's kinda like the only friend I have here. I don't mean here here as in on this site, I mean like where I live. And she lives about 5 hours away from me. Well she's moving to this really really far away place, far enough I wont ge to see her again! I miss her so much.....
But I'm worr...
Tue - Aug 31, 2010 : 02:43 pm
0.17 daily views
891 total views
Being the mature one
Being the mature one
Being the mature one
I am more mature than my brother and my older sister. I care about my parents. My brother he doesn't seem like he does sometimes because he is always yelling at them or something like that. My sister she is 20 years old and she doesn't g...
Wed - Apr 30, 2008 : 02:58 pm
0.16 daily views
1007 total views
He must really love us
koyote Dreams
A few days ago some things were said that hurt my feelings really really bad. Needls to say I was kinda down. I started believeing what was said and felt really worthless, I called that girl I talked about in the last blog not the crush one but the one before that. Well I called her and just talked, turned out she was feeling kinda down too! ...
Mon - Nov 19, 2007 : 01:43 am
0.16 daily views
1018 total views
kelly miller
Poetry 2 with 3 added by Kelly Miller
Fri - Nov 28, 2008 : 06:40 pm
no mood
0.16 daily views
953 total views
I really like it
koyote Dreams
So, after almost being robbed at Wal-mart I came home talked to a friend went to bed. When I woke up I wrote this poem, " Never to cry" it makes scence to me because well there my feelings.
So comment and let me know what you think about " Never to cry"
Lost in wonder,
I can’t see why you l...
Fri - Oct 24, 2008 : 06:29 pm
no mood
0.16 daily views
976 total views
Samuel at two weeks
Here are the latest pictues of Samuel and the kids. He is doing really great! At his two week check on Monday the Pediatrician said he looks perfect. We are adjusting pretty well. The main problem for me is just lack of sleep right now, but that will get better with time. Anywho, enjoy the pictures.
Samuel's fi...
Children / Family / Life
Mon - Apr 21, 2008 : 07:37 pm
0.16 daily views
1001 total views
koyote Dreams
Here is another one of my poems, seems like all I do is write :-) This is one is not like my others, because this one is kinda happy. I think...... I wrote it back in December about how I felt about this guy, I was hiding from how I felt about him. So this is what I wrote.
I can't let myself feel like this!
It's so ridiculous,
I find I'm always ...
Thu - Oct 16, 2008 : 07:43 am
0.16 daily views
978 total views
Praying makes it better
koyote Dreams
I got the chance to go to work with my mom yesterday and help run the shop while doing some seminary when we had no people in the store. Around 3 I sat down at one of the desks and opend my books and the door bell rang and I got up since my mom was on the phone helping some one else, but the man went to some products that I have NO clue about so I ...