Sun - Jan 06, 2008 : 09:31 pm
no mood
0.99 daily views
6194 total views
Song - Livin' Right
(audio entry)
Okay. I've been working on a song since a while back, actually... I wrote the lyrics on the same night I wrote this entry.
Anyway... It's just about done. All I'm waiting for now is some seriously kicking piano tracks from my good friend Scott. As soon as I receive those, I'm all but sure they'll kick bootie, and I'll incoropor...
Audio / Music / Personal
Sat - Jan 05, 2008 : 06:51 pm
0.69 daily views
4336 total views
1st Nephi : 2
Things that impressed me for this chapter were different than any time I've read it before (that I can remember), and that, being as simple as it is, is a testament to me as to why we should continue reading the Book of Mormon throughout our entire lives.
Interesting how Laman and Lemuel consider the spiritual visions of Lehi to be "foolishn...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Jan 04, 2008 : 11:52 am
0.62 daily views
3905 total views
HD? Don't Use Vista!
I just got done reading an account of a guy who, for reasons having to do with his own personal HD video editing of his own personal HD videos taken by his own HD camcorder which I suppose he didn't steal, decided to purchase an HD monitor.
Due to his desire to experience true HD, for unknown reasons, Microsoft decided to not let him.
Although ...
Drm / Microsoft
Thu - Jan 03, 2008 : 10:11 pm
0.55 daily views
3453 total views
1st Nephi : 1
Three things stood out at me during tonight's study session:
1. I wonder where the translation of the plates of Lehi are right now? I've never read the history of the Chuch, so I don't know if it's documented there, but Joseph Smith had them, and had them returned to him after he lost them. Did he destroy them? Are they somewhe...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 02, 2008 : 10:10 pm
0.54 daily views
3378 total views
Book of Mormon Intro.
This entry begins the documenting of my studies of the Book of Mormon in my "journal". One of my new year's resolutions for 2008 is to read, study, and write about every chapter in the Book of Mormon. I figured today was as good a time as any to begin.
And so I begin with the Introduction of the Book of Mormon.
I nev...
Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Jan 01, 2008 : 02:54 am
0.57 daily views
3595 total views
2007 For Me...
Today I had time to reflect on everything which happened this year. I'll try my best to articulate my thoughts, though I'm not exactly sure what will turn up.
2007 was a year of goal making, goal breaking, and goal taking.
I really hate to say this, in fact, I hesitate to even make mention of it, due to its total cliche, but it's really t...
Sun - Dec 30, 2007 : 08:12 pm
0.14 daily views
864 total views
The Power to Change
kelly miller
The Power to Change
Are there tears in me
For who I want to be?
Humbly in meek prayer,
I'll extend all energy.
With God's help I can abstain.
A new life I can obtain.
I will hold to the rod,
With my life close to God
Through His narrow paths I will trod.
Can these tears of mine
Cleanse all my soul and mind?
With the S...
Thu - Dec 27, 2007 : 11:22 am
0.51 daily views
3216 total views
Uncomfortable Spirituality
I was brought up in a good, wholesome LDS home where abuse wasn't even thought about. I didn't even know abuse was a word until I learned about it from others. I went to church, had a good time, and generally enjoyed a wonderful family life.
During my teenage years, I started thinking about spirituality for no apparent reason. I star...
Music / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Dec 27, 2007 : 11:16 am
0.50 daily views
3154 total views
I've been finding it hard to write / blog lately, simply because I have no desire to write. I've been thinking about this for a bit, so I decided to write about ... writing.
In order to write / blog, I have to have something to write about - obviously. What isn't so obvious is, I always have something to write about.
I came to...
Mon - Dec 24, 2007 : 09:20 pm
0.13 daily views
835 total views
merry christmas
kelly miller
Merry Christmas Dear Latter-Day Saints
Merry Christmas
I greet you wherever you may be
as members of a church family
Tonight we pay homage to our Lord.
Born in a stable. Loved and adored.
He who'd been the creator of this earth.
Condescended to a humble birth.
And, thus we have the gift of Christmas.
This the greatest of ...
Wed - Oct 02, 2013 : 11:45 pm
0.70 daily views
2887 total views
So Grateful!
So, if you don't know already, I have been one of two people obnoxiously pushing a kickstarter campaign for the last 3 weeks.
The newly formed duo (Me, and Jesse Crowley) called "Tiny Boats" has been working on their debut album since early March of this year.
Tiny Boats' music could be classified as the energetic...
Sun - Jun 08, 2008 : 06:33 pm
0.64 daily views
3908 total views
2008 - Roth Memorial - Friday
I just got done making the video for this entry, so take a look if you've got a high speed Internet connection.
Today was the 2nd day of the Ed Roth Memorial Reunion held in Manti, UT.
There were finksters-a-plenty there on Friday, but even more on Saturday. I lost count of how many Rat Finks I saw.
So, because the days were packed, ...
Audio / Cars / Music / Personal
Tue - Oct 20, 2009 : 07:37 am
0.45 daily views
2501 total views
Alma : 41
My first question comes from the first verse. "Why would anyone be 'worried' about the law of restoration?" Well... Let's take it from the potential perspective of someone in Corianton's situation. I guess if I had sinned with a harlot while I was on my mission, I might be a bit worried that the whole "what ye...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sat - May 01, 2010 : 12:31 pm
0.42 daily views
2256 total views
Helaman : 10
Amazing. A couple of chapters ago, I was commenting on the sad state which Nephi found himself in, and the amazing faith he must have had to remain in a state of faithfulness to God, when everyone around him was wicked.
I guess that's the way it goes. God tries us to our breaking point, careful not to give us trials beyond our capabil...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 06, 2011 : 12:11 pm
0.57 daily views
2944 total views
AnythingSlider is Awesome
So, when I started the re-design of my studio website, I knew I would need sliders, but I didn't realize how many unconfigurable, and generally static sliders were out there. I must have gone through 5 iterations of sliders before I found one that matches my needs (and probably will be the go-to slider for any project I work on in the future)...
Sun - Jun 01, 2014 : 01:03 am
0.55 daily views
2141 total views
Exhausting Day
Today, I woke up at 6:00am, after getting a maximum of 4 hours of sleep (and it would only be 4 hours if I wasn't woken up in the middle of the night multiple times, which I was, so it was actually less)
I prayed before I went to bed that I would be able to survive the day and get everything done that needed doing.
Anyway, I woke up at 6,...
Music / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 15, 2007 : 05:13 pm
0.09 daily views
552 total views
One Month til Maui!
Shaun Roos
Less than one month until I board a plane and fly to the tropical islands!! WAHOO!! It's going to be sweet. My nephew, Christian, just graduated from high school and to celebrate, a bunch of us are taking him to Hawaii (my mom, Paige, Christian and his parents, Robyn and Tim and myself and Tiffy). We will be going to Maui for 2 da...
Tue - Jan 17, 2006 : 10:52 pm
no mood
0.27 daily views
1871 total views
Bad Decisions....
Ya know... Today I really messed up. Well, not *really*, but I messed up pretty badly if we're considering the goal I set at the beginning of this week.
I decided to play Need For Speed Underground 2 (my latest addiction) for a "while" and it turned out to be for "7 hours". Yeah.. That's just not cool when all the decisions I'm making are suppos...
Wed - Sep 10, 2014 : 10:03 am
0.82 daily views
3126 total views
Live Room Upgrade
Soon after I began recording audio, I had a feeling I would be in the pursuit of an unattainable goal. Finding that "perfect" recording space, or even creating that "perfect" recording would be difficult, if not entirely impossible.
10 years after I began, I was able to pour my heart and soul into a new recording space, ...
Sat - Jul 14, 2012 : 12:04 am
0.54 daily views
2489 total views
Out with the Old...
Wow... I can't believe it's here.
For those who don't know, Advanced Budget Studios resides as a single bedroom rigged up as a recording studio in my basement.
Thanks to all of you, I'd like to announce, both sadly, and beyond excitedly, that I have outgrown this little single-room studio. The acoustics, the size, and the location...
Babblings / Studio
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 07:13 pm
0.36 daily views
2315 total views
One other thing.
ILoveMyJournal now has an RSS feed for the main page content. Soon, we'll be adding categories to the blogs as well as categorized RSS feeds.
Also, eventually, we'll be getting the ability to post comments on blog entries.
I love this site. :)...
Thu - Jul 19, 2007 : 10:48 pm
0.36 daily views
2304 total views
Fires in Utah / Gratitude
Well... It seems that all of Utah is on fire. I mean... Almost literally. Currently there are 5-6 fires raging on in various parts of Utah, the extreme north, to the extreme south. One has consumed 18,000 acres so far. Insane...
Why do I find this interesting? Well, it's just interesting that one of the "si...
Fri - Mar 14, 2008 : 09:58 pm
0.36 daily views
2250 total views
2nd Nephi : 24
I find it interesting how Satan is described throughout scripture.
In this chapter, through verses 13 - 20, Satan is seemingly exposed as the weak fraudster he really is. Verse 16 is quite potent, written from the standpoint of people who were tempted by him, when shown his actual person, are amazed at the frailness of Satan. They say...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 02, 2008 : 11:51 pm
0.36 daily views
2250 total views
2nd Nephi : 14 & 15
To be honest, about 80% of these two chapters made no sense to me at all. I didn't put forth my best effort to understand, but I really did concentrate.
A couple of verses made a lot of sense to me due to the state of the world we live in.
Chapter 15 verses 20-23. You know it's a bad day when people in general accept wickedness as r...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Sep 05, 2007 : 04:55 pm
0.36 daily views
2302 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 6
Okay... It had to happen, and it happened today. Since this is a public entry, and I really don't want to throw a negative light on the situation, I'll do my best to filter out my emotions. If I have to vomit emotions, I'll do it in private. Anyway...
This morning, I woke up and Kim (my dear mother-in-law) decided to make ...
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 10:19 am
0.36 daily views
2300 total views
Staying True to Yourself
One other thing I've been thinking about lately is a lesson I learned a long time ago. This lesson is summarized into one sentence:
Being true to God in no way diminishes your being true to yourself, simply because God knows how the *best* "you" is.
I was talking with one of my brothers when he said "But if I become 'churchy'...
Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 23, 2008 : 09:47 pm
0.36 daily views
2245 total views
1st Nephi : 15
After reading this chapter for no more than 30 seconds, I simply must type.
I love verse 3.
Many, many times have I been in a doctrinal discussion with someone and the other person just can't "get" what a scripture or principle means. Verse 3 could explain why that happens to us.
Some things we just can't understand without th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Feb 02, 2008 : 02:17 pm
0.36 daily views
2253 total views
1st Nephi : 21 - Isaiah
I think that most of this chapter is talking about the gathering of the tribes of Israel, although I could be completely and totally offbase. This is one of the chapters which I probably wouldn't write about had I not made a resolution to write about each and every chapter from the Book of Mormon.
Pretty difficult to understand right now.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 01, 2007 : 09:13 pm
0.36 daily views
2287 total views
Financial Decisions...
Okay... I keep on runing into these people who have learned what I want to learn.
About a year ago, I met a guy named Rick Koerber and he seemed like a normal guy. About 6 months later, I find out he's a freaking multi-millionarie. I also find out that he teaches how he did it, and so I learn about it. It seems really legit...
Sun - Sep 09, 2007 : 08:09 pm
no mood
0.36 daily views
2263 total views
Sorry for the outage...
Sorry for the outage, guys.
If you tried to access between last Friday and today, you probably just got a "timed out" response.
We had some technical difficulties, but all is well now. No journals were affected.
If you notice anything wrong with your journal, please contact me....
I Love My Journal