Sat - Sep 18, 2010 : 11:47 pm
0.43 daily views
2276 total views
Musical Marathon Madness
"Is this week already over??" Wow... I guess it's Saturday night. Yup.
This week, the studio has been packed. Full house. Monday was the only day without sessions, and that was on purpose. Tuesday through Saturday was full, and that's the way we like it here at Advanced Budget Studios.
Yesterday and...
Audio / Babblings / Music
Mon - Sep 13, 2010 : 09:08 am
0.51 daily views
2679 total views
3 Nephi : 14
The golden rule seems to have come out of this chapter.
The first thing that caught my attention in this chapter is the possible meaning of verses 4 and 5. the "mote in thy brother's eye" verses. Some people would interpret this as "live and let live", or "worry about yourself, not others". To...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Sep 09, 2010 : 11:59 pm
0.44 daily views
2328 total views
Music till Dawn
So, I haven't written for awhile - mostly because I enjoy writing after a project has been completed. Well - right now Advanced Budget Studios has quite a few bands in the works, who are going after multi-track demos. My guess is - we'll be fishing them up around the same time, and let me tell you now - all of em' are going to be awesom...
Audio / Babblings
Mon - Sep 06, 2010 : 12:00 am
0.87 daily views
4563 total views
2 monitor radeon xorg.conf
So, I spent a few minutes today seeing how bare-bones I could get my xorg.conf. My configuration is 2 23-inch Acer monitors, which are side-by-side using a Radeon HD4850 video card. I'm using gentoo.
make.conf : VIDEO_CARDS="radeon".
Also, I've got one big desktop from the 2 monitors. Here's the config.
Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Sep 03, 2010 : 03:26 pm
0.53 daily views
2771 total views
3 Nephi : 13
The first six verses of this chapter talk about performing your "alms" without fanfare. I'm caught wondering why this is important. What's the concept behind the action?
Well, I think that's the very essense of it. - "Why are you giving?" "Why are you charitable?" Is it so you can appear to be...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Aug 31, 2010 : 02:43 pm
0.17 daily views
893 total views
Being the mature one
Being the mature one
Being the mature one
I am more mature than my brother and my older sister. I care about my parents. My brother he doesn't seem like he does sometimes because he is always yelling at them or something like that. My sister she is 20 years old and she doesn't g...
Mon - Aug 30, 2010 : 01:43 am
0.47 daily views
2462 total views
New Song - My Wonder Woman
So lately, I've been posting little snippets on social networking sites about how awesome I think my wife is. I really don't know exactly what has been throwing me into this state of absolute gratefulness for her, but it doesn't seem to be slowing down.
I guess I'm just having a good hard realization that (only 2nd to God himself) she is th...
Music / Personal
Sat - Aug 28, 2010 : 11:27 pm
0.48 daily views
2553 total views
Alex Bateman
You know those types of musicians... The ones that just "get it". They don't worry much about writing the music, but rather, it seems to write itself. Now, I'm not going to put words in his mouth, but it sure seems like this is the case with Alex Bateman.
He came in, knew what he wanted, and the way he wanted his reco...
Audio / Music
Wed - Aug 25, 2010 : 12:31 pm
0.45 daily views
2363 total views
3 Nephi : 12
Lately, I've been struggling with readaing my scriptures. I'm not entirely sure why, but lately, instead of just hunkering down and doing it because I know it needs to be done (and then reaping the Spirit due to my obedience), I've just had the hardest time sitting down and actually doing it.
Well.. Today I did. I opened to 3rd Nephi ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Aug 23, 2010 : 07:30 pm
0.71 daily views
3761 total views
Worlds of the Crystal Moon
A while ago, Advanced Budget Studios had the privilege of working with the author of a great book in a voice-over. The author's name is Phillip Jones, and his book is called Worlds of the Crystal Moon.
When I was contacted to help out with the voice-over, I had no idea what to expect, and I wasn't sure what Phillip was expecting, either.&n...
Audio / Mixing / Voice-overs
Mon - Sep 17, 2007 : 03:17 pm
no mood
0.08 daily views
508 total views
Black-I-Treo-Phone-Berry 12-ety Billion V2
Gadgets, shiny and most often expensive little doodads that kick people in the face with their awesomeness and cause strife between angsty teenagers and their "just squeaking by" parents. For some people the latest release of a gadget means improved response, better software, and more functionality. For others it's simply a way to say &qu...
Sun - Jul 21, 1996 : 09:15 pm
no mood
0.19 daily views
1995 total views
Scott's Homecoming
Well.. Yesterday, I rode home in an airplane for the whole day, but everything was cool.. I rode
by David and Sharon that have a 19 year old daughter, Mormon, and single. I didn't get her phone number
- just ask me why, I could kick myself. Anyway.. I listened to my music for most of the way home and just
enjoyed myself. I actually like flying,...
Thu - Jan 24, 2008 : 07:01 pm
0.36 daily views
2270 total views
Focus Becomes Reality
Ya know... Chatting with good friends has its benefits. Just like think-tanks and collegeate consortiums are good for concerted cognation, a good conversation with a concerned cohort can be just as contenting.
I think I've mentioned this before in my journal, but in talking with a good friend of mine, I hadn't made the connection with just...
Lds / Spiritual
Thu - Mar 31, 2011 : 11:02 am
1.30 daily views
6585 total views
Melodies of March
I apologize for the complete lack of posts in March. I've been having so much fun recording, I forget to write about it.
If you'd like to stay more up-to-date with the studio happenings, I tend to post much more information on Advanced Budget Studio's Facebook page than on the blog. It's just easier.
So, head on over to Facebo...
Sun - Sep 02, 2007 : 04:24 pm
0.33 daily views
2120 total views
Grace vs. Works
I just got back from a Presbyterian church meeting with Henry, Kim, Julia, Sarah, myself and our two kids. It was quite interesting.
We walked in there about 5-10 minutes late, and went forward until we were sitting like 5 rows back from the front.
A full band of 7 people was playing on a stage and was sounding quite wonderful, actually.&...
Lds / Personal
Mon - Sep 24, 2007 : 10:44 am
0.38 daily views
2393 total views
To begin, quite honestly, let me say this:
Without, using Linux in a professional environment (which I have been doing now for 4 straight years across 4 different companies) would have been, and would currently be, much more difficult at the very least.
Those who have desk jobs, and more specifically programming jobs, know how...
Computers / Linux
Thu - Apr 24, 2008 : 05:24 pm
no mood
0.07 daily views
450 total views
im glad to have a really good freind like mesa but seriously i feel so tupid i just basically told my friend to get lost cause o my cousin...
Wed - Apr 20, 2011 : 04:10 pm
0.42 daily views
2108 total views
Mormon : 3
If there is one thing throughout all eternity that I do *NOT* want to happen to me, is what happened to the Nephites in verse 15 of this chapter. Having the Lord, God of this earth, proclaim, "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay", kind of makes the hair on my neck stand up. The Lord makes good on all of his promises, and...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 03:11 pm
0.07 daily views
455 total views
(short story)
I hate life sometimes i swear.Yesterday i was riding my stupid bike......which i shouldnt have been doing cause it has 2 flat wheels and when i went to turn around my house i hit a rock or something and the handle bar slipped out of my hand and i lost balence and fell when i fell i landed on the handle bar and i have a hard time walking cause...
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.15 daily views
930 total views
South of happienss
koyote Dreams
Well today my maw had this big Womens class about an hour away from here. So me and my family took her up there and we spent the few hours at the mall :-) We don't go to the mall to much cuz it's so far away! But I ain't t so sure I like it all that much, I ain't a people person my self. But it's ok some times. While I was there some very funny thi...
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:36 pm
0.67 daily views
3891 total views
Green Bay - Summed Up
In chatting with my friend Steve, I realized I haven't yet given any details as to my trip to Green Bay this week, so, before this weekend comes, I figured I had better write something.
Day 3 (Wednesday) went pretty smooth. I woke up with a high level of sleep deficiency (surprise, surprise), and went out to the office for the last time.&n...
Life / Nature's Way / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 13, 2009 : 11:22 am
0.66 daily views
3805 total views
Alma : 22
Well.. I got to verse 3, when a concept which, for some reason, has been pounded into my spirit throughout pretty much my whole life, came ringing true and clear. What is that concept, you ask? Don't assume to know anything about the effect you may have on others. Sometimes you can tell, but sometimes you can't.
Because of the honesty...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Spiritual
Sun - Dec 02, 2012 : 10:08 am
0.66 daily views
2937 total views
Live Room is framed!
Well, I'd say last week was a success for the progress of the studio! I'd also say it was a pretty big failure for the state of my body. Man, I'm getting old. Even my 70-year-old dad out-did me, and that's just sad. Even though my fingers are swollen, and my feet hurt, I've gotta say it was 100% worth it.
We started ...
Thu - Apr 02, 2009 : 02:05 pm
0.66 daily views
3811 total views
Projects Are Officially Dead
I've been debating on whether or not to write about this, and if I write about it, whether or not to make it public.
Well... As you can see, I decided to make it public. and to write about it.
I came to work two days ago with the intent on working on the last of the original PHP projects still having a chance on making it through the me...
Life / Nature's Way / Personal
Thu - Mar 12, 2009 : 04:18 pm
0.66 daily views
3832 total views
Web Editors in Linux
I just got done lightly scanning over this article before I shook my head in disgust and decided to write this entry.
Let me say this first. I've been professionally employed in web development now for 6 years, and am by no means a genius on the subject, but I think I may have a clue or two.
I have absolutely no idea why Bluefish seems to...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Fri - Oct 16, 2009 : 12:08 am
0.66 daily views
3679 total views
Recording Country? You bet!
We've been recording a bunch of drum-takes to be added to otherwise "ready-to-go" songs lately here. The latest of which happened to be a genre I particularly don't like much - country.
But, the music sounded so good for this particular song, I decided to have at it anyway - and 4 hours later, we came up with the final result.
Audio / Drums / Music
Tue - Jun 07, 2011 : 12:51 pm
0.66 daily views
3319 total views
iPhone cloud vs Android
Okay... So, this isn't gonna be the rant that you thought it was by the title. With the little time I have, I couldn't come up with a better one...
So, the story is - I had just eaten a delicious burger at Coney's, when on my way home, I happened to turn on Rush Limbaugh. He was talking about this new "cloud" technolog...
Babblings / Linux / Miscellaneous
Thu - Oct 02, 2008 : 11:02 pm
0.66 daily views
3925 total views
Curtis and Laura's Sealing
Update: Due to the popularity of this post, some people are having a hard time viewing the video posted above. If it won't play for you, simply wait until the gray progress bar has filled 1/4 to 1/2 of the way before you press play. That should do the trick.
Yesterday I took the day off work to go to my bother's sealing to his w...
Family / Lds / Spiritual / Video
Tue - Sep 17, 2013 : 11:08 pm
0.66 daily views
2765 total views
Tiny Boats!
So, about 4 or 5 years ago, I met a guy named Jesse Crowley, and we played music together. At first we played music that other people wrote, but then Jesse got bored with that, and decided to write Christmas music instead. We recorded a few Christmas albums, and I think they turned out pretty good.
So, Jesse decided that wasn't enough...
Music / Studio
Fri - Jan 23, 2009 : 03:45 pm
0.65 daily views
3793 total views
Alma : 13
Okay. I've used various verses from this chapter to prove that we had agency in the pre-earth life, but now I'm questioning myself. Here's the basis:
Verse 3 says this:
And this is the manner after which they were ordained—being acalled and bprepared from the cfoundation of the world according to the dforeknowledge of God, on ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual