Wed - Oct 20, 2010 : 07:35 pm
0.77 daily views
4026 total views
So much going on.
This is my very first journal entry. And I love this journal website idea! I am really excited about it. Maybe now I will actually write out many of my thoughts and spiritual experiences I have that I tend to never write out.
I am going to just vent, because I need to; but first I will introduce myself.
Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Lds / My Journal / The Gospel
Tue - Oct 12, 2010 : 02:50 pm
5.13 daily views
26873 total views
IE min-height solution
Why does Microsoft insist on making life so hard for developers?
There are web standards, Microsoft, in case you missed the memo. Please adhere to them. It would do EVERYONE good.
Here's yet another hack to get IE to work in cases where min-height is used (according to my browsers, this still doesn't work in even IE8)
I found t...
Sun - Oct 10, 2010 : 12:11 am
0.92 daily views
4820 total views
Rock Box Cajon
Okay... So lately the studio has been getting some serious upgrades, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me, and creating awesome music.
About a month ago, I was chatting it up with a good friend, Jesse Crowley, about how in the world we were going to sell our fabulous new Herod the Fink album this season. You see, there ar...
Audio Hardware / Drums / Music
Fri - Oct 08, 2010 : 01:11 pm
0.56 daily views
2952 total views
3 Nephi : 15
From the beginning of this chapter, it's obvious that Christ means business when he makes covenants. Causing entire books to be written, and then keeping 100% of everything that is written means something.
I wonder why the people thought that Christ's coming "destroyed" the prophets? Interesting.
I love verse 9. &q...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Oct 03, 2010 : 10:06 pm
0.44 daily views
2284 total views
Last week was a week of upgrades!
The studio was able to finally get serious (well, at least semi-serious) about the way we look.
Previously, the studio "rack" was nothing more than a cut-out backwards bookshelf bought at Walmart, and with all the stuff we were able to upgrade last week, it was finally time to buy a real rack.
Audio / Audio Hardware
Mon - Sep 27, 2010 : 02:18 pm
0.42 daily views
2222 total views
For The Love of The Craft
Take a moment, now, and think about what you'd do if you had access to unlimited funds, and didn't have to "work" another day of your life.
I once heard a multi-millionaire state that, "money brings out with clarity, that which is inside you." If you love to watch football with a passion, then having loads of money would...
Sun - Sep 26, 2010 : 10:47 pm
2.10 daily views
11040 total views
Two Delta 1010 Config
Okay... So I own and operate a recording studio, and I've been using an M-Audio delta 1010 as my primary audio interface. This provides me 8 channels of simultaneous audio streams coming into my workstation. Up until about a month ago, this has been very sufficient.
About a month ago, I ordered another Delta 1010, and planned o...
Audio / Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Sep 24, 2010 : 09:59 pm
0.90 daily views
4753 total views
gentoo + jack + dbus = broken
Linux + gentoo + jack-audio-connection-kit + dbus use flag enabled = doesn't work any more.
Okay... Just a personal note to remember.
So... Unless I'm missing something, this is pretty much th...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Sep 23, 2010 : 05:01 pm
0.42 daily views
2195 total views
Progress Continues...
Aside from being booked solid last week, Advanced Budget Studios has made some progress on the techinical side as well. Up until now, we have only been able to handle 8 simultaneous streams of audio into the workstation, however, due to the success we've been having, we saw a need to upgrade. We now have two M-audio delta 1010's synced ...
Audio Hardware
Tue - Sep 21, 2010 : 11:57 pm
0.48 daily views
2522 total views
Herod the Fink - Coming This Fall
Some of you may know that I've been working on a Christmas music project called "Herod the Fink" with someone who has been steadily becoming a great friend of mine - Jesse Crowley.
This started September of 2009, when he called me up and asked me if I wanted to work on a few Christmas songs he had been cooking up, and I accepted. We...
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 08:20 pm
0.41 daily views
2183 total views
Good Friends and Nature
So Jeff Petersen is a guy with whom I've been friends for years. I hadn't seen him in probably as long. We went to BYU together, were roommates, and had summer jobs in California together. We got along very well...
But then we each got married, he moved to Missouri, and that was that... ...until two days ago.
Mon - Sep 10, 2007 : 05:19 pm
0.37 daily views
2340 total views
Editable Entries at ILMJ
ILoveMyJournal announces the formal inauguration of editable entries!
Yes, you heard right, folks! You can now edit any entry you have previously entered here at ILMJ. You can do this from two pages.
First, Please make sure you are in your private journal, not in your blog. All blog entries are also displayed within your pri...
I Love My Journal
Wed - Aug 06, 2008 : 05:25 pm
0.85 daily views
5101 total views
Gen. Conf. - Daughters of God - Ballard
I just got done watching and reading the talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard, and it caused me to ponder my wife, quite a bit.
Boiled down, the talk was given on how much mothers do, and how much we, as husbands, need to appreciate them.
I certainly hope that I'm appreciating Sarah enough. Heaven knows I've been in Elder Ballard's plac...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 06:00 pm
0.38 daily views
2363 total views
Gen. Conf. - Sustaining - Uchtdorf
I didn't really anticipate writing anything about the sustaining of the church officers after seeing it, but for some reason, when President Uchtdorf asked all the elders and high priests to stand and sustain Thomas S. Monson as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, something I didn't expect ...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 10:41 am
0.33 daily views
2074 total views
Why I Love Monterey
Okay.... Yes.. Collin knows he's cool. Actually, he's just happy to be on his way to Monterey to enjoy the various wonderful goings-on there.
Anyway... I thought I'd list the reasons I love Monterey while I'm waiting for everyone to get ready for the day. So... Here goes:
By far the best reason to come to Monterey Califo...
Tue - Aug 05, 2008 : 11:05 am
0.49 daily views
2979 total views
Gen. Conf. - Book with Promise - Christensen
Man, I need to write more about spiritual stuff. I've been slacking a bit.
Anyway, the talk given about the Book of Mormon by Elder Christensen was really a good one.
It brought back sweet memories of my life. Early on, during my mission, I taught a family who had been been searching for the Book of Mormon for years. Of course...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jun 22, 2011 : 10:08 am
0.40 daily views
1970 total views
Ether 1
Not too much to write about on this one. I guess I could try to memorize all the relationships mentioned. hehe.
Genealogy must have been pretty important back then (pretty important now-a-days, too), because they mentioned that it would be possible for us to have the history of the entire world up to that time. Interesting...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Fri - Dec 14, 2007 : 09:35 am
0.16 daily views
1003 total views
Amber's Poem
One day along time ago,
Before the world began
A plan was given to each of us
It was placed in our willing hands
There were two parts to this plan
One was for all the world
The other plan was just for us
About our life and what was in store
This first plan included a Savior
Jesus Christ, our brother
He will come to earth...
Mon - Sep 17, 2007 : 03:17 pm
no mood
0.08 daily views
508 total views
Black-I-Treo-Phone-Berry 12-ety Billion V2
Gadgets, shiny and most often expensive little doodads that kick people in the face with their awesomeness and cause strife between angsty teenagers and their "just squeaking by" parents. For some people the latest release of a gadget means improved response, better software, and more functionality. For others it's simply a way to say &qu...
Fri - Nov 20, 2009 : 10:49 pm
no mood
0.17 daily views
932 total views
Home Page
Visit my homepage!
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 11:27 pm
0.68 daily views
3949 total views
Flight To Green Bay
Okay... This sucks. I just spent the last 10 minutes typing up a nice novel on how today was spent, and I then proceeded to accidentally delete it. How unfortunate. Let's see if I can do it again.
....nope. Sorry... I'm tired, and it's late (it's now 12:30am), and I've got to get up tomorrow morning.
Fun / Life / Nature's Way
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.68 daily views
2525 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Tue - Feb 10, 2009 : 02:59 pm
0.68 daily views
3974 total views
Customize Your Blog!
Tired of the same old colors? Try customizing the color scheme of your ILMJ blog! Here's how to do it:
First, make sure you go to your blog home page. If you're not sure how to get there, simply click on "Blog", and choose your blog. You will then be at the home page of your blog. From there, you will noti...
I Love My Journal
Wed - Sep 03, 2008 : 01:27 pm
0.68 daily views
4107 total views
Mustang GT vs Neon SRT-4
So a little more than a year ago, I took my mustang out for the first time on the Salt Flats. I had a blast out there with my good friend Steve.
On the way home, Steve had some problems with salt lining his rims, causing some tire imbalance, so we got off the freeway, I showed him what the problem was, and as I was getting back on th...
Cars / Fun
Thu - Jan 13, 2011 : 09:08 pm
0.68 daily views
3510 total views
General Thoughts
I got down here to my studio tonight, after playing with the kids, putting Sam to bed, and taking care of a few other odds 'n' ends, and I got to feeling like I should write in my journal. Not entirely sure about what, but it's been months, if not a few years since I have just sat down to write, with nothing in mind beforehand. Some of ...
Babblings / Personal
Mon - Jan 07, 2008 : 09:10 pm
0.68 daily views
4233 total views
1st Nephi : 3
Within the first 5 verses of this chapter, I'm reminded again of how a person works who is truly interested in God's commandments.
Lehi was commanded of the Lord to have his sons return to Jerusalem to get the plates of brass from Laban.
Telling Laman and Lemuel would most certainly have some consequences in that they would automatically assu...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 27, 2010 : 12:09 am
0.68 daily views
3764 total views
First Impressions : MXL V77
Since the studio's new shining star arrived, we've been having a lot of fun around here. To be honest, the guy who was good enough to sell us our new MXL V77, couldn't say enough about this microphone, which unfortunately is no longer in production, so when it arrived, I had my hopes up quite high - possibly too high.
So, after two successf...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Sun - Oct 05, 2008 : 07:34 pm
0.67 daily views
4026 total views
Samuel is Here!
I'm still kind of in awe of it all, but .... holy cow.. Samuel Jason Jones has arrived!
We got into the car around 4:30pm after Sarah had been in labor since around 6:00am. Wow... What a trooper.
We arrived here at the hospital at 5:00pm anticipating his arrival around 10:00pm or so... Yeah right... Samuel had ot...
Children / Family / Personal
Wed - Aug 05, 2009 : 12:53 pm
0.67 daily views
3810 total views
Ballmer at it again...
I just got done reading about and listening to a wonderful audio-bite from good ol' Steve Ballmer. Honestly, I don't understand why Microsoft keeps him employed.
Anyway... According to Mr. Ballmer, Linux is no longer free. So, with that in mind, please do not try to download Linux from here, or here, or here, or here, or here, o...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft / Programming
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:36 pm
0.67 daily views
3891 total views
Green Bay - Summed Up
In chatting with my friend Steve, I realized I haven't yet given any details as to my trip to Green Bay this week, so, before this weekend comes, I figured I had better write something.
Day 3 (Wednesday) went pretty smooth. I woke up with a high level of sleep deficiency (surprise, surprise), and went out to the office for the last time.&n...
Life / Nature's Way / Personal / Spiritual