Wed - Oct 12, 2011 : 11:45 am
0.44 daily views
2146 total views
Moroni : 8
So... I just checked, and throughout all canonized scripture, know how many times the phrase "solemn mockery" is used? Yup - you guessed it. Once. And it happens to refer to the baptizing of children. For some reason, I think God dislikes this act a bit.
Verse 14 seems kind of harsh, but if a person has nei...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Mon - Oct 10, 2011 : 12:00 pm
0.46 daily views
2221 total views
Moroni : 7 - Part 2
Today is a good day! So... Beginning in verse 12, the main theme I'm getting here is the complete polarization between God and Satan. Within the rules God has set (such as, "Satan can't kill people", and "Man has free agency", and "God won't save someone just because they're His offspring", and such.....
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Oct 07, 2011 : 12:31 pm
0.44 daily views
2154 total views
Moroni : 7 - Part 1
I am SO glad that Moroni kept writing. Can you imagine the Book of mormon without the last 4 chapters of Moroni? The depth of explanation of faith, hope, and charity? The blessing of Babies? The promise and invitation to read the Book of Mormon, used by all missionaries? Yeah... There are some gems here in ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Oct 04, 2011 : 12:43 pm
0.44 daily views
2126 total views
Moroni : 6
This was a good chapter. Starts out stating that worthiness is necessary in order for baptism into the Lord's church:
bringing forth fruit of worthiness (not entirely sure what this means, specifically)
having a broken heart and contrite spirit, showing a witness of true repentance
taking upon yourself the name of Chris...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Oct 03, 2011 : 04:32 pm
0.41 daily views
1981 total views
Moroni : 5
Another very short one. If I understand it correctly, the prayer states that by partaking of the water, we are covenanting (or "witnessing") unto God that we will always remember Christ. I believe a few chapters ago, I wrote quite an entry on the importance of remembering. As evidenced by the inclusion of it in a w...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Oct 02, 2011 : 12:14 am
0.40 daily views
1949 total views
Moroni : 4
I think these chapters are too short. Interesting to note that the scripture says that the elder or priest would "kneel down with the church", yet the congregation doesn't kneel down today.
Also interesting to note that the sacrament prayer is one of very few prayers which have to be said verbatim, and hasn't changed at all ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Sep 30, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.40 daily views
1968 total views
Moroni : 3
Moroni 3. This one isn't speaking much to me, but I did find it interesting that only after they prayed, the disciples excercised their priesthood to ordain offices in the priesthood. ...and that it was done through endurance through faith on the name of Christ. Enduring to the end has always been pretty much the last key to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Wed - Sep 28, 2011 : 05:06 pm
0.39 daily views
1890 total views
Moroni : 2
So, these chapters are pretty small, but for some reason, I think there's quite a significance in this one. Not quite sure if I've found it yet, but the reason I think this, is - originally, this text was not included in the scripture - and it is Christ talking himself. I wonder why Moroni felt the need, or was inspired to include it?&n...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 27, 2011 : 01:28 pm
0.39 daily views
1891 total views
Moroni : 1
Holy cow. I only have 10 more chapters to go, and I'll finish the goal I set 3 years ago, to read and write about each chapter in the Book of Mormon. I'm not sure why, but when I just realized that (like 1 minute ago), it was kind of surreal for me. Anyway... Here goes.
Moroni 1.
Moroni had to be one of the most tr...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Sep 26, 2011 : 01:57 pm
0.40 daily views
1942 total views
Ether : 15
What a horrible end to this story. Poor Coriantumr. Saw his situation with vivid clarity after it was too late, and rather than give up his life, he watched (which what must have been a horror show) everything Ether had told him come to life: The complete destruction of his people, leaving him alone. I can't imagine th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Jan 19, 2009 : 12:04 pm
0.70 daily views
4130 total views
I Wish I Had a Camera
Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, I'm not a poor driver...
It's just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on.... pretty much anything left outside.
Everyday Thoughts / Life
Sun - May 18, 2014 : 10:40 pm
0.53 daily views
2085 total views
My Kindness (musical number)
So... Today was... beyond words, really.
It was a day that just brimmed with spiritual opulence. I woke up at 7:00, to warm up my voice (after having a pretty intense drumming session which lasted until midnight yesterday), and then went to practice the musical number at 8:00am, to sing it for the congregation at around 9:45.
Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Dec 13, 2012 : 11:06 pm
0.48 daily views
2125 total views
Getting Real...
So, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she was at our new home-to-be this evening, and apparently, almost everything is done. The carpet isn't in, nor are the toilets, nor are the cement stairs leading down to the basement, but everything else - yeah - it's done. I'm just beside myself. We could be moving in as early as la...
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.68 daily views
2525 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Sun - Feb 10, 2008 : 11:47 am
3.87 daily views
24033 total views
Comcast Bit Torrent Filtering
I've been using Comcast for my personal Internet connection now for about 5 years. Personally, I think they do a great job. My connection goes down on average about once per year, and it just works really well with my lifestyle. I think the price is a bit much, but having a steady Internet connection means a lot to me, so I keep i...
Computers / Drm
Wed - Aug 05, 2009 : 12:53 pm
0.67 daily views
3810 total views
Ballmer at it again...
I just got done reading about and listening to a wonderful audio-bite from good ol' Steve Ballmer. Honestly, I don't understand why Microsoft keeps him employed.
Anyway... According to Mr. Ballmer, Linux is no longer free. So, with that in mind, please do not try to download Linux from here, or here, or here, or here, or here, o...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft / Programming
Mon - Oct 20, 2008 : 03:14 pm
1.06 daily views
6291 total views
IE Caching AJAX bug
As programming techniques become more and more complex, and the programmers continue to be just as, or more, diversified, companies who insist on being the industry standard while tossing away organizations such as the W3C, make life as a web developer increasingly difficult.
If that didn't make much sense, let me rephrase: Micro...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft / Programming
Thu - Oct 02, 2008 : 11:02 pm
0.66 daily views
3925 total views
Curtis and Laura's Sealing
Update: Due to the popularity of this post, some people are having a hard time viewing the video posted above. If it won't play for you, simply wait until the gray progress bar has filled 1/4 to 1/2 of the way before you press play. That should do the trick.
Yesterday I took the day off work to go to my bother's sealing to his w...
Family / Lds / Spiritual / Video
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 11:27 pm
0.68 daily views
3949 total views
Flight To Green Bay
Okay... This sucks. I just spent the last 10 minutes typing up a nice novel on how today was spent, and I then proceeded to accidentally delete it. How unfortunate. Let's see if I can do it again.
....nope. Sorry... I'm tired, and it's late (it's now 12:30am), and I've got to get up tomorrow morning.
Fun / Life / Nature's Way
Thu - Mar 04, 2010 : 02:06 pm
0.59 daily views
3210 total views
2011 5.0 Mustang GT
Although I probably will never own one of these, it's just awesome that the pony cars are gettin' revved up again. Ford is definitely gonna bring up the competition with this beast. Bye-bye imports!
Tue - May 20, 2008 : 06:58 pm
1.20 daily views
7327 total views
Mohawks 'n' Camaro Cops
I've been needing to write a bit more about what's going on in my life lately, so... I'll give it a try this evening.
First, you'll notice by the video above that yesterday morning a sad event occurred.
No, my cat didn't die.
No, my computer didn't fry.
My mohawk went bye-bye.
Yup. I woke up yesterday morning and just couldn't ...
Cars / Personal
Fri - Aug 21, 2009 : 03:08 pm
1.18 daily views
6651 total views
m4a audio conversion in Linux
Today, an audio file was sent to me in an email. This audio was compressed and encoded using the aac codec for compression and wrapped in m4a. In order to use it, I had to convert this file to a wav format. Usually, I receive files in mp3, ogg, or flac file types, and use lame, oggdec, or flac to decode them back to wav. Wit...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Jun 10, 2009 : 12:11 pm
1.15 daily views
6594 total views
ATI fglrx vs radeonhd
Man... Starting my new job, I had the opportunity to build a new computer. They ordered me the parts, and I was good to go.
For this computer, I opted to buy two acer 22-inch widescreen monitors. In doing so, I knew I would have to be up and functioning quickly with a dual-head setup running gentoo Linux. I knew this was ...
Computer Hardware / Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Sat - Feb 16, 2008 : 11:59 pm
1.15 daily views
7160 total views
07 Mustang GT VS 99 Firebird
I just got back from one of the best races I've been on. It was awesome.
I've only got a bit to write about it, so I'll write as much as I can.
I took off around 10:20 tonight to see what kind of damage I could do out on the streets.
I was cruising on state street in Orem when I found a Dodge Charger R/T who wanted to play. The...
Sun - Sep 14, 2008 : 07:54 pm
1.15 daily views
6885 total views
Salt Flats 2008!!
Oh, man... I haven't had a day like yesterday in quite some time. Possibly years.
My day started at 6:00AM with about 4 hours of sleep in me. Ah well... Caffeine has its purpose, right?
We started out thinking there would be 4-6 cars out there on the salt with us, but it ended up being just Steve and me. As it tu...
Cars / Fun
Tue - May 06, 2008 : 06:05 pm
1.10 daily views
6757 total views
Luci Singing Frog Song
Sunday morning, Luci came into our room, climbed up in our bed (Sarah and I were still half asleep in bed, as groggy as ever), and she started bouncing up and down while singing the "Green Speckled Frog" song.
Although I was still not aware of most the world around me, I thought her singing was quite cute. So about an hour later,...
Children / Music / Personal
Mon - Apr 13, 2009 : 11:39 pm
1.09 daily views
6321 total views
Gphoto2 / Gnome Problem
Ya know... Sometimes I hate open source. Most times I love it, but sometimes I hate it.
I recently updated my gentoo gnome installation to 2.24.2, and didn't think much of it. I then tried to connect my Nikon S210 digital camera to my usb port and perform the simple task of importing photos. I have done this probably 100 t...
Computers / Linux
Tue - Feb 14, 2012 : 05:21 pm
1.08 daily views
5130 total views
Google Hangout Linux Fix
So, I just got a new Logitech C910 web cam, and when trying to join or create google hangouts, I couldn't see myself in the stream at all, nor anyone else's. I can hear everyone, and everyone can see me, but I can see nobody, nor myself. I found this gem of a site with a very easy solution.
I'm using gentoo Linux, and this simple tric...
Linux / Video
Fri - Oct 11, 2019 : 04:19 pm
1.06 daily views
2075 total views
Gen Conf. 2019 Elder Oaks
First off, I don't like at all that the congregation was laughing during the initial parts of the talk. This interpretation of humor, to me, tells me people aren't really trying to empathize with someone who could ask that type of question. Considering the implications of polygamy, the question of living in one's own house vs. liv...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Nov 24, 2007 : 10:48 pm
1.06 daily views
6682 total views
We Finally Cut It Down!
Wow... I can't believe I'm still awake. For future reference, the day after Thanksgiving is a day of pain. It is a day of fear and dread. But today was better.
When I got married to my wonderful wife, she told me she would marry me on one condition. Okay, okay... That's a lie. But if I wrote down all the conditions u...