Wed - May 11, 2011 : 10:48 am
0.46 daily views
2309 total views
Mormon : 7 - Guiltless
"Remnant of this people". Talking straight to the American Indians. heh.. I love the foresight.
Guiltless... I love that word. He that is found guiltless. Please note it does not say "sinless".
To be found guiltless. What would that entail? Continual repentance would probably b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - May 09, 2011 : 10:17 am
0.43 daily views
2164 total views
Mormon : 6
So... Here's a thought for ya. Mormon had seen the end of his people. He knew the Nephites were going to be destroyed, and not only that, he knew how and when they were going to be destroyed. Verse 6 confirms this by relating, "...and knowing it to be the last struggle of my people". He knew his people...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Thu - May 05, 2011 : 09:53 am
0.44 daily views
2224 total views
Mormon : 5 - Arms of Jesus
So, the past few days have been days of trial, and these days come and go largely, I believe, to help me remember the covenants I've made to God, and to help me remember how sweet it is to feel the Spirit.
When I read the end of verse 11, I wondered what those who had never felt "clasped in the arms of Jesus" might think of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 25, 2011 : 01:00 pm
0.43 daily views
2176 total views
Mormon : 4
Man... This chapter was brutal. Wars, wickedness, and death. Seems to me that this is the result of giving power to Satan, letting him run rampant. Hating your neighbor and wanting to kill him for the sake of being bloodthirsty. So terribly sad, and unfortunate.
Interesting in verse 5 that Mormon writes that the wick...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Apr 20, 2011 : 04:10 pm
0.42 daily views
2108 total views
Mormon : 3
If there is one thing throughout all eternity that I do *NOT* want to happen to me, is what happened to the Nephites in verse 15 of this chapter. Having the Lord, God of this earth, proclaim, "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay", kind of makes the hair on my neck stand up. The Lord makes good on all of his promises, and...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Apr 14, 2011 : 08:40 pm
0.45 daily views
2275 total views
Mormon : 2
So, again, something kind of odd. Mormon was 16 when he was commissioned to be the leader of the entire Nephite army. Is that not insane? Seriously. Every 16-year-old I know barely has the sense to tie their shoes in the morning! Okay, not really, but - wow. Mormon was 16 years old when he was put in charge of th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Apr 13, 2011 : 10:47 am
0.45 daily views
2254 total views
Mormon : 1
Not sure why this caught my attention this time, but doesn't it seem a bit weird that Mormon was carried by his father when he was 11 years old? It seems like he was carried on somewhat of a journey, too - to a different land. Maybe his father was quite big and could accomplish such a task, because an 11-year-old isn't small enough to ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Apr 12, 2011 : 09:51 am
0.47 daily views
2355 total views
4th Nephi
So, it's been awhile since I last wrote about the scriptures, but the fight to the end continues! I'm in Las Vegas right now for a conference, and what better way to start my day in sin city than to read the holy words of God?
4th Nephi has always been an amazing chapter to me. I would like to capture in my mind's eye, the way p...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 27, 2011 : 11:27 pm
0.62 daily views
3126 total views
Updated Audiofire12 + Gentoo
So, I wrote a few days ago how I was able to get my new echo audiofire12 working under gentoo Linux with the old firewire stack. Well, I couldn't leave well-enough alone, so I tried my hand at updating my kernel and using the new stack. Turned out there were a few caveats that, without some external help from a great person in the...
Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux
Sat - Mar 26, 2011 : 10:00 am
0.73 daily views
3716 total views
Echo Audiofire12 + Gentoo Linux
**UPDATED ARTICLE HERE** (for using the new firewire stack)
Okay. I got my new Echo Audiofire12 3 days ago, and I now have it fully functioning on all 12 ports. I don't have MIDI working yet, but I haven't really tried on that one.
Here's what I did to get it working.
First, I'm using the 2.6.33-rt kernel. I enabled the OLD FIRE...
Audio Hardware / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Feb 17, 2009 : 12:04 am
0.83 daily views
4834 total views
Deleting Program Data in MythTV
Just thought I'd let you all know something that isn't readily apparent from googling - at least it wasn't for me.
For two channels, I had program data which was approximately 1.5 hours off. This did me absolutely no good when it came to recording shows from mythtv.
I'm using MythTV .21
I came across a mailing list thread which had the ...
Linux / Video
Wed - Mar 03, 2010 : 10:06 am
3.74 daily views
20427 total views
Proper Spelling of "Ridiculous"
Okay... I rarely .... well.. I never have posted something like this before in my blog, but this is getting RIDICULOUS. This is not getting REDICULOUS. It is getting R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
It seems like when ever I see that word spelled anywhere on the Internet, it's spelled consistently wrong, and I can't for the life ...
Tue - May 20, 2008 : 06:50 pm
6.29 daily views
38451 total views
FFmpeg Webcam Video in Linux
Okay... I've been wondering how to do this for quite some time, and I finally figured it out with the help of this mailing list thread.
I've always thought ffmpeg was a pretty amazing program, but now, I will build a shrine to it and worship it weekly.
Ffmpeg is the program which allows me to create a video with sound in Linux.
I hav...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Mar 17, 2009 : 02:46 pm
5.36 daily views
31166 total views
Outlook Calendar Events in PHP
Man, the weather's getting nice out there... Makes me not want to program. Yet, here I am.
Today I had the task of somehow getting a PHP-generated web app to generate an Outlook appointment based on database information, and have it work.
Turns out that 2 hours later, I have it functioning perfectly, thanks, in large part to this bl...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Thu - Jul 16, 2009 : 12:28 am
4.48 daily views
25525 total views
Notes on AC3 to MP3 using ffmpeg
I recently put up a video which I took from a network broadcast, HD recording. It, of course, was using the AC3 audio code. As I was trying to get the video chopped and converted to view in the flash player, I encountered an interesting challenge.
When I put the video into kdenlive (which failed miserably to do even the most bas...
Audio / Linux / Video
Tue - Oct 12, 2010 : 02:50 pm
5.13 daily views
26873 total views
IE min-height solution
Why does Microsoft insist on making life so hard for developers?
There are web standards, Microsoft, in case you missed the memo. Please adhere to them. It would do EVERYONE good.
Here's yet another hack to get IE to work in cases where min-height is used (according to my browsers, this still doesn't work in even IE8)
I found t...
Wed - Nov 19, 2008 : 09:39 pm
0.54 daily views
3205 total views
What I Miss Most
Ya know... I've told many people this, but I'm not sure I've told you. If I have, suck it up and listen to it again.
When I got married almost 6 years ago, I was preparing for the worst. People told me that marriage was a jar to the system, the knock-out punch, the "learning" experience, and many other metaphors basica...
Children / Family / Life
Wed - Sep 26, 2007 : 01:40 pm
75.53 daily views
479719 total views
Ugliest Animal Ever
Okay... This is an unusual post for me, but I can't believe what I just saw.
For years I thought the hairless cat was the ugliest animal alive, but no - not even close to tell you the truth.
Goes to show that mother nature really isn't discriminatory at all. "Sickeningly ugly or average or whatever, come one come all", s...
Thu - Oct 22, 2009 : 05:17 pm
no mood
0.60 daily views
3336 total views
Windows 7
Why on earth would I spend $109.00 on a new operating system when I could buy a friggin' 1.5 TERABYTE HARD DRIVE FOR THE SAME PRICE!?!?!? (and that's the cheap version of Windows 7 - you know, the one you'll regret buying even if you do buy in to all this Microsoft crap. The version that'll make you regret purchasing Windows the l...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Thu - Jun 18, 2009 : 07:42 pm
0.44 daily views
2496 total views
Alma : 31
Interesting Alma used the phrase "my heart began to sicken" when he heard about what the Zoramites were doing. That is such a descriptive word, and I can almost feel what he described as I read...
I also find verse 5 interesting at this point in my life. It seems that Alma confirms that sometimes, when moved upon by the spir...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - May 22, 2009 : 02:27 pm
0.89 daily views
5124 total views
New Keyboard
Alright.. I'm just typing this entry for mostly the purpose of trying out my new keyboard I got at work. For the past employments I've had, probably for the past 2 years, I've used the Microsoft Natural 4000 keyboard, and to be honest, it took a long time to get used to. The buttons were too far apart, and it just felt a bit more ...
Computer Hardware / Computers
Mon - Sep 06, 2010 : 12:00 am
0.87 daily views
4563 total views
2 monitor radeon xorg.conf
So, I spent a few minutes today seeing how bare-bones I could get my xorg.conf. My configuration is 2 23-inch Acer monitors, which are side-by-side using a Radeon HD4850 video card. I'm using gentoo.
make.conf : VIDEO_CARDS="radeon".
Also, I've got one big desktop from the 2 monitors. Here's the config.
Gentoo / Linux
Tue - May 06, 2008 : 06:16 pm
0.87 daily views
5339 total views
Gen. Conf. - Testimony - Oaks
Awhile back, I wrote a journal entry concerning the scientific method and knowing spiritual facts to be true.
This talk seems to be hitting the same vein, but in a much wiser and broader sense.
"Knowledge of outside temperature can be verified by scientific proof. Knowledge that we love our spouse is personal and subjective. While not capa...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Aug 22, 2010 : 11:26 pm
0.86 daily views
4573 total views
gentoo mp3 tag editor
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find a good console-based mp3 tag editor in gentoo, and was surprisingly fruitless in doing so.
After using the wonderful "equery belongs" command tied to an editor I use on my server (but couldn't remember where it came from), the program mp3blaster came up.
Although mp3blaster claims to just be an m...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Aug 06, 2008 : 05:25 pm
0.85 daily views
5101 total views
Gen. Conf. - Daughters of God - Ballard
I just got done watching and reading the talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard, and it caused me to ponder my wife, quite a bit.
Boiled down, the talk was given on how much mothers do, and how much we, as husbands, need to appreciate them.
I certainly hope that I'm appreciating Sarah enough. Heaven knows I've been in Elder Ballard's plac...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Nov 25, 2007 : 09:44 pm
0.84 daily views
5264 total views
Another Wonderful Sabbath
Sitting here before I begin this entry, I have to sit and sigh... A sigh of gratitude.
Today has been a Sabbath of great spiritual confirmations of simple truths.
While reading this entry, I suggest you click the "play" icon button in the upper right-hand corner of this entry window. Instead of playing the usual En...
Tue - Feb 17, 2009 : 12:04 am
0.83 daily views
4834 total views
Deleting Program Data in MythTV
Just thought I'd let you all know something that isn't readily apparent from googling - at least it wasn't for me.
For two channels, I had program data which was approximately 1.5 hours off. This did me absolutely no good when it came to recording shows from mythtv.
I'm using MythTV .21
I came across a mailing list thread which had the ...
Linux / Video
Mon - Dec 05, 2016 : 11:28 am
0.82 daily views
2455 total views
2016 Christmas Adventure
So.. I thought I'd write down a little bit about what happened to us on Saturday.
I had a recording session Saturday morning while Sarah was doing her monthly stake baptism duties, and we both finished up around noon.
We were going to make our yearly journey to Ephraim, UT to climb the mountain and chop down a Christmas tree for our...
Fri - Nov 23, 2007 : 10:54 am
0.81 daily views
5102 total views
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well... It came and went yet again.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Yesterday was a day filled with gratitude, family, good food, and fun.
We woke up, got the family ready to go, and we took off for Farmington in my Mustang GT (Hehe... Yup.. We packed a crib, casserole, oreo pie, two kids, and two adults into this wonderful sports ca...
Miscellaneous / Personal
Sun - Apr 01, 2018 : 10:51 am
0.81 daily views
2027 total views
Solemn Assembly and Hell Week
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the first solemn assembly I remember having attended. As I raised my hand in my bedroom while sustaining President Nelson, tears welled up in my eyes. I felt as if I was partaking in something very important. I was with Luci and Leah. Everyone else in my family was out doing o...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey