Wed - Jul 13, 2011 : 04:32 pm
0.39 daily views
1942 total views
Ether : 6
Interesting how verse 3 is pretty much an exact parallel with the light of Christ in our lives.
Verse 4 is yet another example of taking a pretty huge risk in the name of God. Getting into ships, the likes of which none of them had ever seen before, being built by the blueprints of God. Closing the doors, with all your family inside, ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Jul 06, 2011 : 05:59 pm
0.95 daily views
4736 total views
PDFTK - Generate Issues
So, I've been working on this PDF project for awhile, and I think it might be beneficial for me to add some notes which were somewhat elusive on the net.
The FDF file which is generated by PDFTK generate is encoded in UTF-16 character set - and is very hard to work with. I found this script which solves the problem, and allows the FD...
Linux / Programming
Wed - Jul 06, 2011 : 10:17 am
0.40 daily views
1977 total views
Ether : 5
So... To be honest, this chapter is kind of confusing. Verse 1 and 2 is like Moroni is talking directly to Joseph Smith, due to his referencing the ability to "translate". That in itself is kind of cool. I've often thought what it must have been like to be Joseph Smith receiving the plates and translating when he gets to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Tue - Jul 05, 2011 : 10:44 am
0.39 daily views
1944 total views
Ether : 4
So, on last chapter's post, someone left a wonderful comment. Thank you, whoever you are. That is precisely why I do this.
Now... Ether 4. This chapter starts out with an interesting verse. I guess Mosiah would have had several channels whereby he could have known he should not let the book of Ether out of the bag u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jun 28, 2011 : 06:36 pm
0.42 daily views
2073 total views
Ether 3 : Deep...
So, before I even begin reading this chapter, I've gotta say that this is one of those chapters which is seriously deep in doctrine. I could probably spend the better portion of 2 or 3 days studying this one. That said, I don't have much time to spend now, so I'll get as far as I can.
Verse 1 : An "exceedingly high mountai...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Jun 23, 2011 : 10:53 am
0.38 daily views
1917 total views
Ether : 2
It's quite obvious that this chapter is speaking to anyone and everyone (throughout all time) who lives on this land. Verses 9,10, and 12 are especially insightful.
"What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?"
I love that question. I never noticed outright that right after the Lord poses th...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Jun 22, 2011 : 10:08 am
0.40 daily views
1970 total views
Ether 1
Not too much to write about on this one. I guess I could try to memorize all the relationships mentioned. hehe.
Genealogy must have been pretty important back then (pretty important now-a-days, too), because they mentioned that it would be possible for us to have the history of the entire world up to that time. Interesting...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Tue - Jun 21, 2011 : 04:43 pm
0.40 daily views
1973 total views
Mormon : 9 - Love?
Growing up, I used to have a mis-conception that those who erred against God in their ways were best suited for rebuke the way God gives it in the scriptures. I was ignorantly judgemental, and for a long time, couldn't understand why people tended to shy away from my tactics.
Reading the beginning of this chapter brings back a lot of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jun 07, 2011 : 12:51 pm
0.66 daily views
3319 total views
iPhone cloud vs Android
Okay... So, this isn't gonna be the rant that you thought it was by the title. With the little time I have, I couldn't come up with a better one...
So, the story is - I had just eaten a delicious burger at Coney's, when on my way home, I happened to turn on Rush Limbaugh. He was talking about this new "cloud" technolog...
Babblings / Linux / Miscellaneous
Mon - May 16, 2011 : 03:03 pm
0.43 daily views
2163 total views
Mormon : 8
Figuring out the mood and temprament of Moroni while he writes this is tough. The things he writes about are horrific. The Lamanites have killed his entire race, his family, and his father. The "state of the union", as it were, was "continual warefare, bloodshed, and violence." He had to be depress...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Aug 29, 2008 : 08:45 pm
0.43 daily views
2593 total views
Mosiah : 6 & 7
I read Mosiah 6 quite a while ago, but didn't have the chance to write anything about it. I re-read it again tonight, along with chapter 7.
The last verse of chapter 7 hit me years ago, when I realized the bondage to which the Lord is referring is not only physical bondage, but easily can refer to addictions, beliefs, people, choices, anyt...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 06, 2009 : 08:45 am
6.54 daily views
37886 total views
Disney DRM, Ripping DVDs
Lately, I've been viewing a few Disney flicks on DVD. I got Bolt and Bedtime Stories. Because I usually rent them on redbox and can only have them for a day, I will rip them, and then when I get around to it, I'll watch em' then delete them. No problems with that, as far as I can see. I rent them to view them once, and that'...
Drm / Linux
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:36 pm
0.67 daily views
3891 total views
Green Bay - Summed Up
In chatting with my friend Steve, I realized I haven't yet given any details as to my trip to Green Bay this week, so, before this weekend comes, I figured I had better write something.
Day 3 (Wednesday) went pretty smooth. I woke up with a high level of sleep deficiency (surprise, surprise), and went out to the office for the last time.&n...
Life / Nature's Way / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 22, 2009 : 05:34 pm
0.52 daily views
2935 total views
Unbelievable... *facepalm*
I'm not entirely sure how to begin this post, but I'm just sitting here kind of wagging my head back and forth in disbelief. I hope this is at least exaggerating.
With everyone blathering on about how wonderful Windows 7 is, Microsoft hasn't changed a bit.
Before I begin, let me just say how wonderfully reassuring it is to be using Linux ...
General Insanity / Linux / Microsoft
Mon - Jun 28, 2010 : 11:32 am
0.72 daily views
3826 total views
Sorely Creative Weekend
Where do I even begin? Well... The craziness began on Thursday of last week, so I'll start there.
Every year, my uncle Cloy and Evelyn Jones have a family reunion intended for their family. I'm not entirely sure why, but my parent's family has been invited to this reunion for a long time. Some years we go, som...
Family / Life / Music / Personal
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 09:25 am
0.32 daily views
2066 total views
At church this Sunday, we talked about the topic of "forgiveness" in priesthood class and I've gotta say, holy cow - I love that class.
Ya know... I often wonder what makes a good class, and what makes a "not-so-great" class as far as gospel doctrine or priesthood or relief society goes. Learning about religion can ...
Lds / Spiritual
Tue - Jan 05, 2010 : 12:36 pm
0.42 daily views
2294 total views
Alma : 47 - Continuing The Hate
Man... Amalickiah... I'm more and more convinced that this guy is the epitome of evil in the flesh. I wonder what would have happened with the entire history of the Nephites had Captain Moroni caught Amalickiah, when he was chasing him and his armies last chapter.
I really believe that had he been caught (and appropriately dealt with), much...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Sep 28, 2007 : 02:43 pm
0.61 daily views
3868 total views
*sigh*....Microsoft Vista...
*sigh*..... Where do I ever begin? I mean.... I shudder when I say this, but, I've been a Microsoft user longer than I've been a Linux user. What have you done, Microsoft?
I'm referring to this "new and improved" piece of software they've recently released called Vista. In all honesty, I hoped it would fai...
Wed - Jan 07, 2009 : 10:47 pm
1.89 daily views
11121 total views
New Song - "Dance With Me"
(audio entry)
Well... Nothing too exciting in my life, but I thought I'd tell everyone that I wrote a new song. As you can probably guess, it's called Dance With Me. It's nothing more than a bass-line I came up with and a few more instruments.
I've gotta say though, Ryan Phillips, the guy on the guitar is awesome. I love working with him, an...
Fun / Music / Personal
Sun - Sep 28, 2008 : 05:53 pm
0.44 daily views
2638 total views
Sept. Overnighter
On Friday, around 4:00pm, Bill Hoopes and I took our teachers quorum up to camp out up Hobble Creek canyon. It was pretty fun. (This is going to be rather dry because I'm so tired)
Anyway... We had a great time. Kaiden, Jake, and Josh came with us to camp. Bill brought his awesome dutch oven skills, and I brought, um...
Fun / Lds / Life
Wed - Jul 06, 2011 : 05:59 pm
0.95 daily views
4736 total views
PDFTK - Generate Issues
So, I've been working on this PDF project for awhile, and I think it might be beneficial for me to add some notes which were somewhat elusive on the net.
The FDF file which is generated by PDFTK generate is encoded in UTF-16 character set - and is very hard to work with. I found this script which solves the problem, and allows the FD...
Linux / Programming
Wed - Apr 02, 2008 : 11:58 am
0.94 daily views
5812 total views
Voicemail From Luci
I was sifting through some old voicemails today, when I found this treasure. I almost deleted it when it was originally left, but I'm glad I didn't.
This will be fun to show Luci when she's older.
The voicemail itself is attached as audio in this entry....
Thu - Dec 13, 2007 : 05:25 pm
0.93 daily views
5851 total views
Best Project Management Explanation Ever!
Words could not have said it any better.
Makes me smile every time I look at it....
Sat - Mar 29, 2008 : 01:57 am
0.93 daily views
5748 total views
Racing 3 Dream Cars
As many of you know, I recently upgraded the exhaust on my 2007 Mustang GT.
Well... Tonight, I had to take it out to see what I could do. So, I went the usual route and didn't find much more than a crappy 90's Eclipse that wanted to play. After almost an hour of dragging back and forth, lady luck just didn't have it in for me tonight...
Thu - Dec 13, 2007 : 03:47 pm
0.93 daily views
5852 total views
Microsoft Takes On Microsoft
Oh, man... Where do I even begin this post? And from which angle? How about I just start typing and figure it out when I'm done.... Yeah, that's what I'll do.
I just finished reading this Microsoft article which explains, using no uncertain terms, how to get "IT Management" to see the "value" in upgrad...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Mon - Nov 10, 2008 : 08:47 am
0.92 daily views
5460 total views
Welcome to Conference - Monson
This morning I decided I'd start the traditional blogging of each general conference talk from the last general conference in October.
As President Monson began this talk, a familiar spirit filtered in to my office at work and inevitably, my heart was opened to the inspired words of our wonderful prophet.
I'm so grateful for our church. I...
General Conference / Lds / Religion / Spiritual
Mon - Dec 10, 2007 : 03:03 pm
0.92 daily views
5782 total views
Jones FHE
This is an audio recording of tonight. FHE is included.
That's about it....
Fri - Sep 24, 2010 : 09:59 pm
0.90 daily views
4753 total views
gentoo + jack + dbus = broken
Linux + gentoo + jack-audio-connection-kit + dbus use flag enabled = doesn't work any more.
Okay... Just a personal note to remember.
So... Unless I'm missing something, this is pretty much th...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Dec 02, 2007 : 01:22 pm
0.90 daily views
5683 total views
Happy 5th Anniversary, Jason
When will I ever learn to trust my wife, my brother, and my instinct? Probably never.
You see, Ryan, my brother, noted how bald the tires are on my Mustang GT about a month ago. My wife also noted the same thing, as well as a pretty big storm coming this weekend. Anyway... I'll get on with the story.
Sarah and I celebra...
Sat - Jul 12, 2008 : 01:30 pm
0.90 daily views
5447 total views
OpenFire gentoo problems
I just spent the last three hours trying to figure out why my OpenFire 3.5.2 instance was installing just fine, saying that it was running just fine, but in reality was not running at all.
Neither port 9090, nor 9091 was open, both ports 9090, and 9091 were closed. ps -A | grep openfire returned nothing - at all.
Yet, /etc/init.d/openfire sta...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux