Sat - Jan 04, 2014 : 11:21 pm
0.49 daily views
2005 total views
My testimony (Godhead)
"How have you been changed by knowing the Godhead?"
To be honest, I don't think I would recognize myself without the relationship I have with God, through prayer, with Christ through his atonement, and with the Holy Ghost's comfort and guidance.
Knowing the Godhead,to me, means that I have an incredible force behind my righteous choic...
Wed - Oct 16, 2013 : 11:13 pm
0.56 daily views
2311 total views
ETQW won't run, image not found
Just thought I'd spread the love...
If you get these errors while trying to load Enemy Territory Quake Wars (ETQW), on a Linux box (most claim to have Intel HD graphics cards)
ERROR: idMegaTextureLevel::EmptyLevelImage : generated image has an incorrect internal format (0x8050 expected 0x83f0)
It also throws a couple of warnin...
Computers / Games / Linux
Sun - Jun 23, 2013 : 12:23 am
0.60 daily views
2555 total views
G+ Public Hangouts
So, with the new G+ hangout update, all of my Chrome extensions quit working ("My Hangouts", "Hangout Canopy", etc...), and I was wondering how in the heck to find hangouts to meet new people...
Well, it's actually very easy.
Within G+, search for #hangoutpost
Then, in the drop-down right-side of the submenu, click &...
Thu - Dec 13, 2012 : 11:06 pm
0.48 daily views
2125 total views
Getting Real...
So, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she was at our new home-to-be this evening, and apparently, almost everything is done. The carpet isn't in, nor are the toilets, nor are the cement stairs leading down to the basement, but everything else - yeah - it's done. I'm just beside myself. We could be moving in as early as la...
Sun - Dec 09, 2012 : 10:00 am
0.46 daily views
2046 total views
Grateful Whirlwind
So... I don't even know where to begin. Honestly, my life is so full right now, I feel as though I might decide to curl up into a remote corner of the world somewhere and hide for a few months. That said, each day I seem to manage to get up with a renewed strength to attack the day's duties with a renewed vigor.
Even though it's cl...
Wed - Jul 18, 2012 : 12:06 am
0.51 daily views
2349 total views
Getting Real...
Today was spent with my good friend, and brother, Ryan (and his family, who happens to love my family!)
We spent the day moving all sorts of large items from our home into the storage space we're renting. From the kitchen table and chairs, to the couch downstairs, to the hutches - we made two trips full of items, with our mini-van and Dad'...
Personal / Studio
Mon - Feb 27, 2012 : 04:42 pm
0.62 daily views
2943 total views
Musical Ramblings...
Okay, so I recently watched a documentary on the Foo Fighters called "Back and Forth", and I thought it was really well made - okay, I thought it was awesome. The funny thing is - I don't own a single Foo Fighters album, and am really not familiar with them as a band, even though I generally like the "rock" genre they asso...
Tue - Feb 14, 2012 : 05:21 pm
1.08 daily views
5131 total views
Google Hangout Linux Fix
So, I just got a new Logitech C910 web cam, and when trying to join or create google hangouts, I couldn't see myself in the stream at all, nor anyone else's. I can hear everyone, and everyone can see me, but I can see nobody, nor myself. I found this gem of a site with a very easy solution.
I'm using gentoo Linux, and this simple tric...
Linux / Video
Sun - Oct 16, 2011 : 10:17 pm
0.51 daily views
2500 total views
Moroni : 10
...and so we've come to the last chapter, and the closing of the book I opened almost 4 years ago. The goal was to read and write about each and every chapter in the Book of Mormon, no matter how long it took me. Tonight, I'm gonna complete that goal. Wow. That just feels good.
Let's charge on to Moroni 10, shall w...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Oct 13, 2011 : 09:35 am
0.45 daily views
2213 total views
Moroni : 9
What a horrible, yet extremely personal and hopeful chapter. The nature of it reminds me of the psalm of Nephi (2 nephi 4:15-end). What horrible, horrible things were going on at the end, but it just amazes me, the strength of Mormon, and his constant prayers for Moroni - and his pleading to God for his soul to be brought b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Thu - Mar 26, 2009 : 09:54 pm
2.28 daily views
13215 total views
Tuning My Snare Drum
Well... Yesterday, a friend of mine had told me he had the privilege of being formally taught how to tune a snare drum.
I read what he had to say (he posted it on facebook, so if you're not his friend, I imagine you can't read it, but here's the link anyway)
So, today, I went and investigated a bit of whether I could get the proper tool...
Drums / Music
Thu - Oct 02, 2008 : 11:02 pm
0.66 daily views
3925 total views
Curtis and Laura's Sealing
Update: Due to the popularity of this post, some people are having a hard time viewing the video posted above. If it won't play for you, simply wait until the gray progress bar has filled 1/4 to 1/2 of the way before you press play. That should do the trick.
Yesterday I took the day off work to go to my bother's sealing to his w...
Family / Lds / Spiritual / Video
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 01:53 pm
0.71 daily views
4155 total views
Off To Wisconsin I Go!
It's about 10 minutes before I have to leave to go to the airport to fly to Wisconsin to meet my new boss and co-workers. The situation at Nature's Way is definitely changing.
Right now, I just wanted to write down some thoughts and feelings to see how they would contrast against what I think after-the-fact.
Right now, quite honestly, I d...
Nature's Way / Personal
Tue - Apr 21, 2009 : 10:26 pm
0.52 daily views
2977 total views
5-Year-Old's Perspective
I just finished putting my 5-year-old and my 3-year-old to bed.
Earlier today, they both went to the dentist to have a check-up, and for Luci, it was a semi-traumatic experience. She did really good, but at one point, she was seriously distraught about this gun-looking thing which sprayed water everywhere, and the vacuum they were going to ...
Children / Life
Wed - Jul 25, 2007 : 09:38 pm
0.42 daily views
2697 total views
Two Motorcycles and The Moon
"What is a motorcycle doing in *this*?", I thought as I continued upward through the winding Spanish Fork canyon. It wasn't so much that a motorcycle was in this particular canyon, but rather in the canyon during one of the 3 most torrential downpours I've seen during my lifetime.
I was coming home from work today when about ...
Mon - May 11, 2009 : 07:40 am
0.52 daily views
2997 total views
Jason Mraz Concert in Vegas!
So, first, I've gotta give a HUGE THANK YOU to my mother-in-law and father-in-law, because it was they who bought me the tickets for my birthday last month, in the first place. I would have never bought the tickets for myself, so wthout them, I literally would have never seen such a concert.
Friends / Fun / Music
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 10:51 am
0.79 daily views
4739 total views
About Me
Hi there! I'm PoeticIntensity
I guess this is my journal... still.
I started journaling when I was 14, in 1990, as a new years resolution. I had no idea then just how much I would get into journaling.
It took me 12 years, off and on, to transcode all of my 3000+ journal entries, and then put them into a database. I ...
Babblings / Life / My Journal / Personal
Wed - Aug 27, 2008 : 08:59 am
0.70 daily views
4185 total views
Dave Pelzer
I just got done reading the book "A Man Named Dave", after reading "The Lost Boy", and 6 years ago, "A Child Called It".
Ya know... To a certain extent, I enjoy doing things from time to time, to keep myself grounded. To keep myself living in a reality close to what is real for everyone else. I do t...
Sun - Jun 23, 2002 : 12:18 pm
no mood
0.31 daily views
2526 total views
Musical Nirvana in Cali
PoeticIntensity Yesterday was simply beautiful.....simply beautiful. I don't have NEAR enough time to write down exactly my feelings nor what happened...however - suffice it to say, yesterday was beautiful.
I got up yesterday morning and started packing up my drums almost immediately. I was supposed to be at Dane's house at 1:00pm and...
Sat - Nov 29, 2008 : 10:55 pm
0.53 daily views
3123 total views
Ironman 2008
Last weekend I went to Arizona to see my brother Greg, my sister Andi, and my friend Natalie compete in the Ironman Event.
I put together a video which pretty much sums it all up. I hope you like it....
Family / Life / Miscellaneous
Wed - Jan 07, 2009 : 10:47 pm
1.89 daily views
11121 total views
New Song - "Dance With Me"
(audio entry)
Well... Nothing too exciting in my life, but I thought I'd tell everyone that I wrote a new song. As you can probably guess, it's called Dance With Me. It's nothing more than a bass-line I came up with and a few more instruments.
I've gotta say though, Ryan Phillips, the guy on the guitar is awesome. I love working with him, an...
Fun / Music / Personal
Mon - Jun 09, 2008 : 10:33 am
1.79 daily views
10921 total views
Video Editing With Kdenlive
I've recently become interested in integrating video into my journal and blog. As such, I realized that my 4-year old digial camera just wasn't gonna cut it anymore, so I went out and bought the cheapest camera I could find that would shoot 30 frames per second which happened to be the Nikon S210 digital camera. It takes pretty good vid...
Computers / Gentoo / Kdenlive / Linux / Video
Tue - May 06, 2008 : 05:20 pm
1.79 daily views
10964 total views
07 Mustang GT Upgrade Round 2
Those who have followed my journal / blog, know that I have a 2007 Mustang GT, which I recently upgraded with Flowmaster exhaust and a Magnaflow X-Pipe.
Well, I was expecting it tomorrow, so when my wife called me at work, right after lunch to give me the news, I was beside myself with excitement.
Delievered to our door was my new ...
Sun - Sep 14, 2008 : 11:15 pm
1.54 daily views
9228 total views
Quicktip: Kdenlive Text
I'm probably going to re-write this later, but I just wanted to jot down quickly how to do text with Kdenlive.
It's really quite easy to set it up. You just click on "Project->Create Text Clip", and proceed to create your clip.
My problem was this: What if I don't want the text on its own page, but rather have it show...
Kdenlive / Linux / Video
Thu - Oct 04, 2007 : 09:44 pm
1.50 daily views
9537 total views
Jump On It
Okay... I just got back from an absolutely wonderful place. This place is called:
Jump On It
and it's seriously a wonderful place.
My wife is addicted to this game called "Bunko" which she plays once a month with about 12 other women, so I get to play "Let's Go Babysit!" for 2-3 hours while she plays Bunko.
Miscellaneous / Personal
Wed - Dec 05, 2007 : 05:34 pm
1.45 daily views
9134 total views
Skype 2.0 Beta + Webcam
Earlier today I wrote about my experience trying to get a Logitech Orbit AF webcam installed in Gentoo Linux.
About 2 hours later, I finally got Skype 2.0 beta to work (after figuring out a problem with QT), and upon loading it, configuring it, and finding someone with whom to test it (thanks, mindjuju), I finally got a webcam to act as a streami...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Mar 27, 2008 : 03:29 pm
1.34 daily views
8276 total views
07 Mustang GT Upgrade Round 1
Well... I finally did it. I've been kind of anxious about the whole "modifying my car" because I've never done it before, and my car is still under warranty. I have no idea what this might mean for the warranty, but after hearing / feeling the difference, I don't regret it one bit. I love it!
Just two modifications fo...
Tue - Jul 08, 2008 : 03:57 pm
1.34 daily views
8100 total views
KNRS 570 AM and Linux
When I'm not listening to music, I love listening to a few AM talk radio programs. Well, about six months ago, one of my favorite radio stations, KNRS 570 AM radio, changed their streaming program that let people use the Internet to hear their content.
This change effectively shut-out all Linux users. I chatted with 4 other Linux use...
Gentoo / Linux / Miscellaneous
Thu - Feb 05, 2009 : 09:54 am
1.25 daily views
7330 total views
New Song - "No Way Out"
(audio entry)
At the beginning of this year, one of the things I wanted to accomplish by next year was to write enough songs to create an album. So far I have 3 songs I reallly like, and one which I think should be destroyed by fire. Not too shabby, considering it's only the beginning of February.
When I was 26, 1 day after I had broken up with my...
Mon - Nov 03, 2008 : 10:14 am
1.22 daily views
7275 total views
New Song - "Hello"
(audio entry)
Okay... So about a month ago, I sat down at my keyboard and plunked out a few notes. About 2 weeks later, I gave a rough copy of a mash of music to my friend, Ryan Phillips, and had plunked out some sweet riffs to it.
Two weeks later, I add some vocals and effects, and this is what you've got.
I hope you like it. (press the ...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux / Music