Mon - Jun 28, 2010 : 11:32 am
0.71 daily views
3797 total views
Sorely Creative Weekend
Where do I even begin? Well... The craziness began on Thursday of last week, so I'll start there.
Every year, my uncle Cloy and Evelyn Jones have a family reunion intended for their family. I'm not entirely sure why, but my parent's family has been invited to this reunion for a long time. Some years we go, som...
Family / Life / Music / Personal
Tue - Jun 22, 2010 : 11:57 am
0.47 daily views
2510 total views
3 Nephi : 4
This chapter is great. All I gotta say is, if you follow the counsel of the Lord, all will be well.
Oh, yeah, also - Zemnarihah had to have had a brain about the size of a peanut. Great way to get all of your people killed....
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Jun 21, 2010 : 05:36 pm
0.39 daily views
2064 total views
3 Nephi : 3
Okay... So the past few chapters, I've been ragging on how wishy-washy the average human soul must be in order for signs of the Messiah's birth to be taken so lightly...
Well... This chapter leads me to believe that there were still quite a few believers who held true through all of the dissenting.
The part I liked most about this chapter...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 18, 2010 : 11:54 am
0.41 daily views
2166 total views
3 Nephi : 2
Ya know... I think these chapters are meant to teach us how frail the hearts of men are. Okay... Here's a good question.. How long did it take the Nephites to go from "seeing the sign of the birth of Jesus Christ" (this is *Christ* we're talking about here. *The Messiah*. How long did it take them from seeing that ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Jun 17, 2010 : 12:17 pm
0.51 daily views
2719 total views
3 Nephi : 1
So, we're starting 3rd Nephi. This should prove to be interesting.
The first thing I noticed was, again, how quickly (and stupidly) people make up excuses for that which is obviously true.
I imagine that living during the time all these miracle were happening (and increasing), would be such a gift. The signs and miracles profesied b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 04, 2010 : 11:08 am
0.37 daily views
1960 total views
Helaman : 16
I'm always slightly dumbfounded while pondering on the things that wicked men come up with to justify the signs given by prophets...
"Oh no, we can't hit this guy who is telling us we're wicked, so he must have a devil! GET HIM!"
"Oh my! All these miracles that are happening just as the prophets said they would - can'...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Jun 02, 2010 : 06:59 pm
0.44 daily views
2327 total views
Helaman : 15
Very interesting that the word "hate" is used in this context. Very interesting, indeed. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but it's quite interesting there were no other words chosen. I find it difficult to associate the word "hate" with God. I've gotta ponder on that one for a bit.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - May 19, 2010 : 10:37 pm
0.44 daily views
2353 total views
Helaman : 14
This chapter was interesting. The first thing I noticed is that Samuel had some serious insight as to things of God. He prophesied of the destruction of the entire Nephite nation in the last chapter, and in this chapter, he details quite specifically, events which were to occur at both the birth and the death of Christ. Interestin...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Tue - May 18, 2010 : 03:13 pm
0.40 daily views
2126 total views
Helaman : 13
Okay.. I've never thought of this before, but, how convenient do you think it was for Samuel to climb up on a wall, built around a city most likely to keep people out? Yeah, I don't think it could have been that easy. How often do we find any reason at all to get out of doing what God wants us to do? Well, God told Samuel he...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - May 17, 2010 : 10:33 pm
0.37 daily views
2001 total views
Best Gig Ever
So two days ago, I found myself on the same stage with the same band I've been with for the past 5 (or so) years, playing pretty much the same songs.
Except, this time, something was different. As I walked around looking at all of the awesome vehicles on the grounds, there was just something wonderful. I have no idea how to describe i...
Sun - May 18, 2008 : 10:24 am
0.70 daily views
4272 total views
2008 UVSC Auto Show
To start, I must say that the video above was created using a very old digital camera. It shoots at 15 fps, so, that is why the video quality is so horrible. I'll see if I can't get a more decent video later on. Now, on with the entry...
I would have written about this yesterday evening, but I was dead-tired. So... I'll wri...
Audio / Cars
Thu - Oct 25, 2007 : 11:13 am
0.47 daily views
2955 total views
Microsoft Makes Me Sick
I don't even know where to begin on this one. Maybe I'll start by screaming in frustration due to Microsoft's complete incompetence..... or is it incompetence? Maybe, and more likely, it's completely calculated, thought-through, planned, and executed....
Apparently, Microsoft sent out an "automatic update" to all XP a...
Gentoo / Linux / Microsoft
Sat - Apr 05, 2008 : 10:30 pm
0.53 daily views
3227 total views
Day 2 - Colorado Trip
Wow... It really is amazing what a good night's sleep can do to one's attitude. I don't know if everyone is affected this way, but man... Yesterday, it was all I could do to keep myself from just walking away from everyone and going to sleep. I was irritable, quick to frustration, and a general jerk to pretty much everyone.
Wed - Oct 03, 2007 : 10:41 am
0.80 daily views
5051 total views
MythTV Basement Home Theater
About 2 years ago I got this hairbrained idea to use mythtv to create a computer-based full-media center for my basement home theater. At the time, I had a sweet side-job which was paying me nicely, so I had the means to do pretty much exactly what I wanted.
I had a couple of things for which I wanted to use the basement, namely 1. My Home...
Computers / Linux
Thu - Apr 05, 2007 : 12:43 pm
no mood
0.39 daily views
2521 total views
Javascript form submission gotcha
I spent about 2 hours today trying to debug something so stupid and simple as the following code.
function submit_me() {
<form name="form1test" method="post" action="newuser.php">
<input name="submit" type="button" value=&...
Computers / Programming
Tue - Feb 12, 2008 : 11:29 pm
0.45 daily views
2808 total views
2nd Nephi : 4 - Part 1
One thing which caught my eye this time, was the phrase, "I know that if ye are brought up in the way ye should go ye will not depart from it."
I had to stop and read the sentence 4 or 5 times, just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
The footnotes on that sentence seem to confirm the vague meaning I'm deriving from it as well.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Jun 29, 1997 : 08:23 pm
no mood
0.19 daily views
1959 total views
Cody's Wedding
Well, right now I have quite a lot on my mind to tell you, so I've got to decide which to tell you first.
I guess I'll start yesterday.
Yesterday was Codell Bingham Sims' wedding. Let me just tell you that this is the first wedding
I've been to that has been thoroughly fun. It was GREAT! The sealing in the Temple was nothing short
of amazing....
Fri - May 23, 2008 : 12:30 pm
0.46 daily views
2774 total views
Gen. Conf. - Neighbor - Burton
Reading this talk from Bish H. David Burton really made me feel good. It brought the Spirit of God into my little work office and made me realize how much good there is to be done in the world.
I personally had no idea the church was doing so much to help so many people. I knew of some major disasters in which the church lent a huge h...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jul 30, 2008 : 01:08 am
0.58 daily views
3496 total views
Diving Into ATI
Okay... Ever since Nvidia came out with their Geforce series, I've been hooked. I've built upwards of 100 systems in my life (family / friends / work) and out of those, about 90% of them use Nvidia video cards. I also highly prefer AMD. In fact, the very first computer I built was an AMD K6-2 250MHZ machine with ...
Computers / Linux
Fri - Jul 15, 2011 : 09:21 am
0.39 daily views
1943 total views
Ether : 7
So... Sometimes I feel like I write things here that could get me into trouble, but I figure, if this is what I really think, and I'm sincere about it, then right or wrong, the truth will eventually come out. Many times, I've thought one thing, and then upon further studying and prayer, have found out I was wrong ... and I'm okay ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Dec 07, 2007 : 05:43 pm
0.70 daily views
4358 total views
Service Through Love
A little less than a month ago, my best friend's wife called me and told me she was planning a birthday party for her hubby. Well, Scott being my best friend and all, I thought this was a fantastic idea! After that, I didn't think too terribly much about it.
A couple of days after that, I remember Scott telling me that he really want...
Personal / Spiritual
Sun - May 25, 2008 : 08:28 pm
0.70 daily views
4242 total views
Five Little Monkeys - Luci
Not sure what to type, but the video taken was of Luci singing "5 Little Monkeys".
Good stuff to have....
Fri - Apr 03, 2009 : 03:43 pm
0.70 daily views
4047 total views
ILMJ Auto-Saved Entries
Lately, I've been getting a lot of feedback concerning lost entries from I Love My Journal. Occasionally, I would even lose one myself.
The session timer for is set to 2 hours, which means that you can stay logged in to the stie for 2 hours without being logged out due to inactivity.
I initially thought was long enough,...
I Love My Journal
Sun - May 18, 2008 : 10:24 am
0.70 daily views
4272 total views
2008 UVSC Auto Show
To start, I must say that the video above was created using a very old digital camera. It shoots at 15 fps, so, that is why the video quality is so horrible. I'll see if I can't get a more decent video later on. Now, on with the entry...
I would have written about this yesterday evening, but I was dead-tired. So... I'll wri...
Audio / Cars
Sun - Dec 16, 2007 : 05:31 pm
0.70 daily views
4382 total views
Gotta Start Another Project....
I'm going crazy in my life again. I'm kinda weird that way.
Things are going well and then I finish a project, or get sick of it, or something else. Heck, the whole "project" mentality I have is what started this whole "ilovemyjournal" thing (as well as I also wrote and produced 17 very ama...
Mon - Jan 19, 2009 : 12:04 pm
0.70 daily views
4102 total views
I Wish I Had a Camera
Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, I'm not a poor driver...
It's just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on.... pretty much anything left outside.
Everyday Thoughts / Life
Mon - Jan 12, 2009 : 12:01 am
0.70 daily views
4103 total views
Starting 2009 off right!
Well.... It became time again quickly to have a LAN party after the craziness of the holiday season. So, we decided to have one two days ago. It was fairly awesome.
I didn't bring my camera, so I don't have a video of this one, but suffice it to say that this one was pretty darned fun. It started with Eric Hansen and I lo...
Computers / Friends / Fun / Games / Personal
Fri - Feb 15, 2008 : 09:54 am
0.70 daily views
4307 total views
Who Designed Rollover Ads?
Today I was given a link by a friend to go view, and since I trusted this friend, I immediately clicked it. A good, interesting article came up, which I began to read.
I read for approximately 10 seconds and moved my mouse. Upon moving my mouse, I accidentally rolled over the link circled in red.
Well, after rolling over it, the ...
Computers / Miscellaneous
Tue - Sep 22, 2009 : 06:05 pm
0.70 daily views
3893 total views
Mustang GT vs. Camaro vs. GT500
Last Saturday, I woke up much earlier than I should have in order to go down and help my good friend Scott wash his cars, in preparation for his selling them.
After washing his other two cars, we decided to wash my car, and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical as to how this "great new car washing" system would work. Well... ...
Fri - May 13, 2016 : 01:30 am
0.69 daily views
2191 total views
13-hour Studio Session
Yup.. Today was awesome. I had a 13.5 hour session, and it was just amazing. The song creation process was a bit difficult at times, but little-by-little the song formed, and both me and my client (Jed Lefevre) were kind of dumbfounded at the end result. In the first hour, we had a piano track, and that was it.
At th...
Personal / Studio-journey