Thu - Apr 05, 2007 : 12:43 pm
no mood
0.39 daily views
2522 total views
Javascript form submission gotcha
I spent about 2 hours today trying to debug something so stupid and simple as the following code.
function submit_me() {
<form name="form1test" method="post" action="newuser.php">
<input name="submit" type="button" value=&...
Computers / Programming
Mon - Mar 19, 2007 : 08:54 pm
no mood
0.37 daily views
2420 total views
Salt Flats with Ry, Mac, and Scott
Saturday, three people and myself decided to make a trip down to the Salt Flats again. This time Scott Morris came down with his trusty camera and shot video of us doing it. Hopefully that video will be posted soon. My little bro. , Ryan came down with his Mustang GT to get in the action. Also, Mac Newbold, a friend from UPHPU came down with hi...
Sun - Feb 11, 2007 : 10:27 pm
no mood
0.38 daily views
2493 total views
Holy Salt Flats, Batman!
Okay... I can't write a lot, but I've *got* to write something.
My good friend Steve and I have been wanting to find a good place to race our new cars. He has a 2006 Cobalt SS (sweet ride), and I just got a 2007 Mustang GT (which, unfortunately, I really don't know how to drive well yet).
So, today we decided to just head out west and end u...
Sat - Feb 10, 2007 : 11:30 pm
no mood
0.42 daily views
2732 total views
Salt Flats Craziness
Okay... I can't write a lot, but I've *got* to write something.
My good friend Steve and I have been wanting to find a good place to race our new cars. He has a 2006 Cobalt SS (sweet ride), and I just got a 2007 Mustang GT (which, unfortunately, I really don't know how to drive well yet).
So, today we decided to just head out west and end u...
Fri - Feb 09, 2007 : 10:04 pm
no mood
0.48 daily views
3175 total views
Christ-like Neighbor
Here I am again, in my bed typing in my journal on my laptop. Ya know, life is really good. Life has dealt me a bunch of cards which I interpret as being quite possibly the "straight flush" of life. Has it been easy? Nah. But I can't complain - nope, not one bit. Now, then.. on with the story.
In my last entry, I briefly mentioned that my g...
Sat - Jan 20, 2007 : 02:55 pm
no mood
0.39 daily views
2531 total views
Insane January...
Okay... It's been awhile since I've typed in here, and LOTS has happened, so... let's get started.
First off, I've had a chat with my bishop and I think I'm ready to go back to the Temple. It's been tough, but I think I'm ready to go back. I could chat about that subject for a LONG time, but there's so much to say, I've gotta get it out in lit...
Mon - Apr 24, 2006 : 09:38 am
no mood
0.32 daily views
2219 total views
Workplace Politics......gah!
Man alive.... I don't deal well with politics in the workplace AT ALL.
Why in the world aren't we using gentoo? Who knows. Probably because of the "support" that we don't get because we have PHP 5 installed on a SLES9 server. augh.....
Can I just tell you how much I hate it when people make snide remarks about something the know absolutely not...
Tue - Apr 18, 2006 : 02:07 pm
no mood
0.33 daily views
2239 total views
Man.... I've just gotta say something. I was originally going to IM this to a good friend of mine (Steve), but decided that it was going to my blog.
I recently (about 10 minutes ago) got a pop3 server going on my home-server on my gentoo box (heh.. all of my boxen are gentoo.... What...? I'm not a zealot! Serious!)
Anyway.. When I finished ...
Thu - Apr 06, 2006 : 08:18 pm
no mood
0.38 daily views
2595 total views
Sweet Little DVD Encoding Command...
I love mythtv. Thank heavens for the wonderful, altruistic people who created such a fantastic program.
I also love transcode and mplayer. Equally fantastic programs. Put em' all together and what do you get? An encoded library of your DVDs ready for viewing straight from your hard drive.
Here's some tips I've found out. (actually, I'm w...
Sun - Feb 19, 2006 : 09:20 pm
no mood
0.30 daily views
2095 total views
Today at Church...
An interesting thought came to my head that turned into a quote of sorts. I'm sure others have said likewise, but I think this would be a great thing to have hanging in the house to constantly remind us.
May thoughts and choices of today bring God to guide and light my way.
Life with a healthy baby and a healthy wife sure is good. Welcome to ou...
Sat - Aug 28, 2010 : 11:27 pm
0.48 daily views
2529 total views
Alex Bateman
You know those types of musicians... The ones that just "get it". They don't worry much about writing the music, but rather, it seems to write itself. Now, I'm not going to put words in his mouth, but it sure seems like this is the case with Alex Bateman.
He came in, knew what he wanted, and the way he wanted his reco...
Audio / Music
Thu - Jan 13, 2011 : 09:08 pm
0.68 daily views
3478 total views
General Thoughts
I got down here to my studio tonight, after playing with the kids, putting Sam to bed, and taking care of a few other odds 'n' ends, and I got to feeling like I should write in my journal. Not entirely sure about what, but it's been months, if not a few years since I have just sat down to write, with nothing in mind beforehand. Some of ...
Babblings / Personal
Mon - Sep 17, 2007 : 03:17 pm
no mood
0.08 daily views
507 total views
Black-I-Treo-Phone-Berry 12-ety Billion V2
Gadgets, shiny and most often expensive little doodads that kick people in the face with their awesomeness and cause strife between angsty teenagers and their "just squeaking by" parents. For some people the latest release of a gadget means improved response, better software, and more functionality. For others it's simply a way to say &qu...
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 10:19 am
0.36 daily views
2260 total views
Staying True to Yourself
One other thing I've been thinking about lately is a lesson I learned a long time ago. This lesson is summarized into one sentence:
Being true to God in no way diminishes your being true to yourself, simply because God knows how the *best* "you" is.
I was talking with one of my brothers when he said "But if I become 'churchy'...
Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Nov 15, 2009 : 01:19 am
0.43 daily views
2390 total views
It's Been Awhile...
Wow... It's been a long, long time since I updated anything about my life on here. Mostly because stuff got really busy, and really interesting about April of this year. I've documented all the crud that we've gone through, so no need to rehash that.
What I would like to say is that music is more a part of my life now than it ever has...
Life / Music / Personal
Mon - Jan 17, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.76 daily views
3873 total views
New Direction in Following Christ
this ones personal.
I left the church after realizing that I am gay, and I don't want to change that. Lastnight.
I do not believe in the Church's stance on homosexuality. Which is that you can overcome those temptations,
that it is an awful sin, and as long as you don't act on it, youre okay.
I really don't believe that God would make 10% of...
Babblings / Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Gay / Gospel / I Dont Want It No More / Lds / Lesbian / Me / Miscellaneous / Past Memories And Future Concerns / Personal / The Future / The Gospel / The Past / Things I Like
Mon - Dec 29, 2008 : 03:50 pm
0.56 daily views
3269 total views
Christmas 2008
Hmmm.... It's hard to write about something so wonderful when I'm not in the mood... But I've found that when I feel like "blah", and I write about something wonderful, I usually am feeling closer to wonderful when I'm done... So, here goes.
First off, I'm at work, so I don't have any pictures, but I'll update it when I get...
Fun / Life / Personal
Mon - Dec 24, 2007 : 09:20 pm
0.13 daily views
834 total views
merry christmas
kelly miller
Merry Christmas Dear Latter-Day Saints
Merry Christmas
I greet you wherever you may be
as members of a church family
Tonight we pay homage to our Lord.
Born in a stable. Loved and adored.
He who'd been the creator of this earth.
Condescended to a humble birth.
And, thus we have the gift of Christmas.
This the greatest of ...
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 01:55 pm
0.06 daily views
361 total views
Hello all of you journal people. I was thinking about something today. There is something all of us have in common. We love to write. There are thousands of people out there that love this too. We may not be professional writers, but we will make a difference in the...
Sun - Dec 16, 2007 : 05:31 pm
0.70 daily views
4383 total views
Gotta Start Another Project....
I'm going crazy in my life again. I'm kinda weird that way.
Things are going well and then I finish a project, or get sick of it, or something else. Heck, the whole "project" mentality I have is what started this whole "ilovemyjournal" thing (as well as I also wrote and produced 17 very ama...
Sun - May 24, 2009 : 09:43 pm
0.08 daily views
446 total views
Jason is WAY cool.
So, I am assuming that this whole site is one cool PHP project. Good job, Jason. Looking forward to the 'remake' of to see what happens there. That's a cool site, too. It isn't any wonder to me why someone would want to hire you. You'll have the Zend framework down in no time. MVC and OOP are just a different way of planning ...
Fun / Howdy
Wed - Apr 07, 2010 : 03:39 pm
0.08 daily views
452 total views
Starting my journal
Well, I started this website! I didn't know how it was going to work out, but it seems pretty cool.
I'd like to write in it everyday, but I might slack off. This will be a cool way to keep track of things.
Already, I have a whole 12 years to tell, so let's get started!...
First Page / I Love My Journal / My Journal
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 03:11 pm
0.07 daily views
450 total views
(short story)
I hate life sometimes i swear.Yesterday i was riding my stupid bike......which i shouldnt have been doing cause it has 2 flat wheels and when i went to turn around my house i hit a rock or something and the handle bar slipped out of my hand and i lost balence and fell when i fell i landed on the handle bar and i have a hard time walking cause...
Sat - Apr 10, 2010 : 12:09 pm
0.07 daily views
371 total views
Camp and Stuff
Sorry I couldn't write yesterday, I got a little preoccupied. My sister is going to camp with my mother (she wrote about it in HER journal) WITHOUT ME. They left at about 1:00pm and got there at 3:00pm.They're coming back on Sunday and will be home by about 8:00pm. I was mad, but then I remembered I get to go with the whole Young Women gr...
Babblings / Camp / Fun
Thu - Apr 08, 2010 : 03:31 pm
0.07 daily views
373 total views
Brown-Eyed Girl
Tomorrow before lunch I'm leaving school to go to a camp with my twin best friends.
They suggested that me, my mom, and them could go to a camp and we were ECSTATIC!!!!
There's gonna be a zip line, and cabins, and games and a lakeand its gonna be so fun!
Becaus of this, I won't be able to write for the next few days.
See you!...
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:20 pm
no mood
0.07 daily views
421 total views
So I made a mistake recently. A mistake that I knew at the time I shouldn’t make, but did anyway in the interests of “friendship”. The mistake was entering into a purchase “arrangement” for a car that I owned outright ( and didn’t have much use for) with a co-worker who is/was down on his luck. You’d think ...
Tue - Jul 08, 2008 : 11:03 am
0.07 daily views
445 total views
happy birthday
today is my gmas 61st birthday..or it would be if she wer here. she died about 7 months ago and i just wanted to say.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!...
Thu - Apr 10, 2008 : 09:33 am
0.07 daily views
426 total views
Yes One Day till the END of the WEEK
(short story)
Good Morning My THOUGHTS! Well yes I am happy because it is Thursday The 2nd to Last day of my working hard week. I am really Tired today, and yesterday too. I have so many thoughts in my head, but if I let it overcome me, the power I have over my weakness and strength will go down hill. Well last night He shouldn't have took a sip of that one beer...
Thu - Feb 19, 2009 : 10:31 pm
0.07 daily views
431 total views
Guirtar Hero World Tour
At school today i went by pretty fast because i was kind of out of it for some reason so ya it was okay. Then what was planned tonight was that we would go over to jonies house and plan some stuff for the things that we are going to to for the upcoming months. We did really good and got everything done which was awesome. Afterwards we decided...
Sun - Apr 27, 2008 : 06:30 pm
0.07 daily views
452 total views
I just had my patriarchal blessing done a few hours ago. I'm excited about it and the things I was told, but it didn't say some things I wanted to hear. I'm kind of just writing here to get some of my thoughts out in the open. This is just basically just the beginning of...