Tue - Mar 25, 2008 : 09:51 pm
0.54 daily views
3333 total views
2nd Nephi : 32
This chapter, to me, is all about following the Spirit.
Verses 3 and 5 are among the most potent in all of scripture.
"Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."
"...the Holy Ghost ... will show unto you all things what ye should do."
Doesn't get any clear...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Mar 24, 2008 : 11:34 pm
0.49 daily views
3012 total views
2nd Nephi : 31 - Language
All the other times I've read this chapter, it's been mostly about the whole baptism thing. Now, I don't discredit the sermon given about Christ being baptised, and the necessity for our being baptized to make it to heaven...
...But this time, something else struck me.
Ya know... I love having chats with people about the Gospel.&nbs...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 23, 2008 : 11:41 pm
0.46 daily views
2815 total views
2nd Nephi : 30
The beginning verses of this scripture were the ones of focus today.
For the past 2 chapters (or more), the Lord has been chastising the Gentiles, should they fall into the pride cycle and not repent.
The beginning 2 verses of this chapter basically says, "even though the Gentiles were bad, don't get on your high-horse, thinking you're any...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 23, 2008 : 11:25 pm
0.46 daily views
2823 total views
How Grateful I Am
I know a lot of the posts this year have been on the spiritual topic, but, I write about the events of my life, and so I guess this is what ya get.
Today was awesome.
If you've read my previous posts, you'll know that today I sang in the choir, gave a talk in sacrament meeting, and taught the 15-16 year old doctrine class.
It was wonderful.
Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Mar 22, 2008 : 09:21 pm
0.43 daily views
2645 total views
2nd Nephi : 29
Wow... What a testimony of the Book of Mormon, and of the prophets who wrote it.
This whole chapter is a rebuke against people who don't accept the Book of Mormon. Reading chapters like this strengthens my testimony concerning the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I mean, what are the chances, if the Book of Mormon were false,...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Mar 21, 2008 : 10:56 pm
0.43 daily views
2629 total views
2nd Nephi : 28
Well.... From the first eight verses of this chapter, I could write pages. The first verse itself is a great testament to the veracity of Jacob 4:13, which states that the Holy Ghost "speaketh the truth and lieth not".
Because we all can be under the influence of the Holy Ghost (and worthy members have the opportunity to ha...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Mar 20, 2008 : 12:17 pm
0.43 daily views
2674 total views
Talk For This Sunday
Imagine for a moment you had no idea about the atonement of Christ.
Now imagine you sitting there and listening to what I have to say.
And the first thing you hear are the words, "God demands perfection for salvation."
Not sure about you, but for me, that creates a sort of sinking feeling inside... I put "perfection an...
Lds / Spiritual
Wed - Mar 19, 2008 : 10:52 pm
0.41 daily views
2510 total views
When it rains...
About a week ago, I began thinking I needed another project. I really was getting to thinking about how I spend my time, and how I can better use the time I have.
Nothing popped out at me, until yesterday.
Yesterday, I got a call from one of the people in my ward, and he asked me if I would teach the 15-16 year olds in their gospel doctri...
Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Mar 19, 2008 : 10:46 pm
0.38 daily views
2365 total views
2nd Nephi : 27
In the beginning of this chapter, I didn't realize that the book to which the verses were referring was the Book of Mormon.
I guess this chapter answers the question, "What is in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?". The answer is quite simply found in verse 10: "...for behold, they reveal all things from the foun...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Mar 19, 2008 : 12:16 am
0.37 daily views
2257 total views
2nd Nephi : 26 - Part 2
Ya know, I sure am glad that Nephi wrote verse 22 of this chapter. In all of scripture, this is the only chapter which uses the word "flaxen" to describe the way Satan tempts us.
Flax is a fiber from a plant which is used to make linen. Linen isn't known for its strength.
Satan indeed does "lead us" with very ent...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 06, 2011 : 12:19 am
0.42 daily views
2153 total views
Taylor Miller Session
Man... I'm kicking myself right now for not taking a photo of this amazing musician, but I was way too interested in the music I was hearing to worry about silly cameras.
Taylor Miller came in for a visit, and recorded 3 original songs tonight. They have yet some proper embellishment to receive, but the tracks we got tonight were primo.&nbs...
Thu - Nov 08, 2007 : 09:30 am
0.69 daily views
4326 total views
Steve Ballmer At His Best
About a month ago, I came upon this video, which you simply must watch. It's basically a re-make of videos previously posted about a pretty animated Steve Ballmer (Microsoft's CEO) put to music, and hacked up beautifully.
At the time I watched it, I didn't think much of it. It was funny, and it was Steve Ballmer. Hooray.
Mon - Nov 22, 2010 : 05:21 pm
0.53 daily views
2747 total views
3 Nephi : 18
Sometimes I read the scriptures because doing so fills me with the Spirit. Today was one of those times. I need the spirit tonight.
This chapter is loaded with details on the Sacrament and serving the Sacrament in congregations.
Favorite verse was 32, "Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues, or your places ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Aug 28, 2005 : 08:29 pm
0.36 daily views
2255 total views
LDS Fest 2005 - Simply Sublime
People connect on different levels in this life, and I just had an
experience of supreme connection on the musical level. I felt like I
was experiencing something somewhat supreme... But I'll talk about that
Yesterday was the LDS Music Fest 2005, and EnZign was lucky enough to
be part of it again. It was such a s...
Audio / Miscellaneous / Personal
Sun - Jan 27, 2008 : 09:34 pm
0.35 daily views
2191 total views
President Hinckley Died Today
I just got up from a nap I was taking due to my going to bed at 4:00am this morning and the first words my wife told me after coming up stairs was "President Hinckley died a few hours ago."
I'm not one to get upset at death. For some reason, I've never had a problem with people dying. The one thought which makes this even ea...
Lds / Personal
Sun - Jun 08, 2008 : 12:13 am
0.55 daily views
3352 total views
Last Three Days
I've been fighting with my computer for the past hour to get gentoo to import the contents of an SD card in a card reader (announces itself through USB as "07cc:0500 Carry Computer Eng., Co., Ltd"), and was unsuccessful.
As such, I have lost all motivation and energy to work on getting the journal entries for the 3 days of Rat Fink (Ed ...
Tue - Feb 24, 2015 : 01:27 am
0.57 daily views
2093 total views
Late-night Testimony
So, I was just in bed just about to fall asleep (like within 1 or 2 minutes of sleeping), and I felt like I needed to come and write in my journal.
My prayers on Sunday evening, I believe it was, felt just like I was communing with the Spirit. Everything spiritual seemed so easily understood and understandable.
Man, I hope this make...
Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Jul 02, 2010 : 02:00 pm
0.41 daily views
2187 total views
Jason Taylor / Ear Candy
Okay... So Advanced Budget Studios had the opportunity last weekend to record a group which came from the Springville's Art City Music Fest, and due to time constraints, we really didn't get a very good tracking session. We got some of Bethany's vocals, JT's acoustic guitar, Jake's bass, Dan's shredding guitar solo, and a very rough scr...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Mon - Nov 19, 2007 : 01:51 pm
0.50 daily views
3129 total views
Temple Worthiness
Continuing in the tradition of weekly fasting, church this week was very enlightening. Sarah and I decided to go to a new "marriage and family" class instead of the usual gospel doctrine lesson, and I'm quite glad we made that decision.
Lately, temple worthiness hasn't meant much to me. There's more to that story, but that's...
Lds / Spiritual
Sun - Jun 16, 2002 : 11:00 pm
no mood
0.29 daily views
2382 total views
The day I asked for Sarah Young's Phone Number
Man alive... Girls can become a problem in one's life. I'm feeling a bit of stress in that well... Heck... I don't know how to explain it. There are girls coming at me from every angle. I've talked on the phone with Charlene now about 5 times and I enjoy talking with her quite a bit. Indeed, I do...
Today I asked for a girl's phone number...
Mon - Jun 23, 2008 : 12:09 am
0.40 daily views
2441 total views
Toilets and Servers
This past Thursday, we finally decided to rip it up. I mean, literally - rip it up.
Then, we decided to take it out the backyard to see what the heck was clogging it all up.
It was just as we suspected. Collin had flushed a freaking toy cell-phone down our toilet!
and yes, we took the toilet out in the backyard, twisted it, turned it...
Thu - Sep 13, 2007 : 01:40 pm
0.40 daily views
2534 total views
Nature's Way - Umcka
You would think I have an alterior motive for this post, due to the fact that I am currently employed by Nature's Way, but I honestly don't. I hope you'll see why soon.
I can't believe I haven't been told about, offered, showed, or by any other means received information about this product Nature's Way makes until recently.
Umcka Cold Car...
Nature's Way / Personal
Sun - Jul 13, 2008 : 06:07 pm
0.40 daily views
2419 total views
Thoughts of Family...
This morning I woke up and just was in a good mood... Feeling very grateful for lots of things... So, I decided to make a video of it all, and I think it turned out okay.
Just a jumble of thoughts and emotions from yours truly.
Fri - Apr 20, 2007 : 02:43 pm
no mood
0.40 daily views
2614 total views
Contention Sucks.
This morning, Steve broke in to chat and said something to the effect of "Pride sucks." Ya know... I completely agree with him. Pride does suck. I wonder why...
I've heard it said that "Pride is the only unforgivable sin." This is the doctrine according to me because I can't remember who said it, nor if it was an authority figure, so.... no ...
Sun - Oct 02, 2011 : 12:14 am
0.40 daily views
1949 total views
Moroni : 4
I think these chapters are too short. Interesting to note that the scripture says that the elder or priest would "kneel down with the church", yet the congregation doesn't kneel down today.
Also interesting to note that the sacrament prayer is one of very few prayers which have to be said verbatim, and hasn't changed at all ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Wed - Jan 30, 2008 : 10:03 pm
0.39 daily views
2427 total views
1st Nephi : 19
Ya know, I love verse 6, and verses like it (2nd Nephi 4, for example). The reason is quite simple.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that prophets are people, too. They're just subject to Satan's temptations and mistakes and errors and such as we are. Verses like this remind me that they aren't perfect, and it brings them down to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Jan 20, 2007 : 02:55 pm
no mood
0.39 daily views
2569 total views
Insane January...
Okay... It's been awhile since I've typed in here, and LOTS has happened, so... let's get started.
First off, I've had a chat with my bishop and I think I'm ready to go back to the Temple. It's been tough, but I think I'm ready to go back. I could chat about that subject for a LONG time, but there's so much to say, I've gotta get it out in lit...
Mon - Jan 14, 2008 : 11:32 pm
0.39 daily views
2449 total views
Strengthening Trials
Yesterday at church, I had a couple of thoughts which I neglected to write down. I think I'll write them down now.
Something I might have written down in my previous scripture studies is my question as to why Lehi's family didn't think about getting the plates of brass / Ishmael's family before they left for the wilderness? I would th...
Lds / Spiritual
Tue - Jul 20, 2010 : 01:43 pm
0.39 daily views
2094 total views
3 Nephi : 6
Ya know... I think this little line from this chapter (verse 5) which, I believe could apply to anyone, anywhere, and would be a great little line to post on your wall, and look at every day.
"And now there was nothing in all the land to hinder the people from prospering continually, except they should fall into transgression"
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jul 05, 2011 : 10:44 am
0.39 daily views
1944 total views
Ether : 4
So, on last chapter's post, someone left a wonderful comment. Thank you, whoever you are. That is precisely why I do this.
Now... Ether 4. This chapter starts out with an interesting verse. I guess Mosiah would have had several channels whereby he could have known he should not let the book of Ether out of the bag u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual