Sun - Apr 20, 2008 : 08:04 pm
0.19 daily views
1146 total views
Not good enough
koyote Dreams
I told you I love you,
And yet you broke my heart.
you had to run around,
Behind my back!
Now I'm sitting here,
I can't think of anyonelse!
But the one thing rings in my head,
Why was I never good enough for you?
How come I'm alone?
I wanted to give you my heart,
But you just can't be true,
Can you?
Now your running around,
Trying to m...
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.15 daily views
884 total views
South of happienss
koyote Dreams
Well today my maw had this big Womens class about an hour away from here. So me and my family took her up there and we spent the few hours at the mall :-) We don't go to the mall to much cuz it's so far away! But I ain't t so sure I like it all that much, I ain't a people person my self. But it's ok some times. While I was there some very funny thi...
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 08:05 pm
0.14 daily views
861 total views
koyote Dreams
I can't believe this. Evansence my all time favorite band the band I LOVE, I heard someting from them today that I never thought would happen. I got a cd that I've wanted today, got it home and started listing to it. Then I heard Amy Lee say the f word! "That's not right!" I thought to my self 'cuz Evansence don't cus. So I jumped on line...
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 07:53 pm
0.07 daily views
434 total views
Kyote dreams
this is mainly to kyote dreams i dont know her rea name but shes really nice(atleast it seems so)
your a nice person and dont deserve none of the stuff happening to you like the yw person she can get lost.the breyers u really didnt deserve that no1 deserves seems as though your having a harder time then 15 ppl put together put there is one...
Sat - Apr 19, 2008 : 06:53 pm
0.07 daily views
448 total views
daughters of darkness
today has been a pretty good day except i cant find volume 2 of a really good book im reading called night world:daughters of darkness by l.j.smith if u have read it and really liked it comment telling me ur favorite point of the story and check back soon to c if i wrote u or put something under ur comment thnx and by
thanx for the hel...
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 09:37 pm
0.14 daily views
815 total views
My poem
koyote Dreams
It's a new day,
And so I must fight.
Fight for my right live!
As time gose on,
I know my suffering will be small.
But why must I stuggle at all?
Time will go on,
And soon I'll be,
Just another scar on your heart.
Am I so alone?
My sadness and pain,
I'll never show.
But will time go on for me?
Can there be light behind my sorrow...
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 08:35 pm
0.13 daily views
795 total views
Long long day
koyote Dreams
Today has been ok I guess.. My Maw and I stayed in the house all day and cleaned, while the boys worked in the yard. I hate "womens work"!!!! I rather be out side, but of corse I can't.
I'm tired!!! Tomorrow I'm suppost to skip out stake sports day and go with my Maw to this womens class thingy, I'm hoping that some one I know fr...
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 06:00 pm
0.36 daily views
2132 total views
Gen. Conf. - Sustaining - Uchtdorf
I didn't really anticipate writing anything about the sustaining of the church officers after seeing it, but for some reason, when President Uchtdorf asked all the elders and high priests to stand and sustain Thomas S. Monson as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, something I didn't expect ...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 03:18 pm
0.06 daily views
387 total views
advice needed
my mom has been gone 4 5yrs and 11 1/2 months im almost 11 on my b-day it will be exactly 6 yrs she left on my birthday may 7 i feel really sad all the time my bff was 6 his nme was john(my bro)he was taken wen my mom left he lives iwt her
plz gimme some advice...
Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 07:53 pm
0.14 daily views
868 total views
Life for a southern girl
koyote Dreams
I've been talking to Johnny Depp, but one night while talking to him I saw this other girl post him telling him that she hates his singing and that he's fake. For about four days she just bashed him then I got to thinking; what if he ain't the real Johnny? I tryed looking at what he might have said to her, but I can't. If it ain't the REAL Johnny t...
Mon - Aug 24, 2009 : 11:48 pm
0.46 daily views
2523 total views
Which Drum Overhead Mic?
Okay... I've decided I'm going to get a little more serious about recording music. I've had quite a few positive comments made about my recordings from 3rd parties, and over the years, I've enjoyed recording it more and more.
So now, I'm here with approximately $200.00 to spend, and I think I'm going to get some overhead mics fo...
Wed - Jul 18, 2012 : 12:06 am
0.48 daily views
2127 total views
Getting Real...
Today was spent with my good friend, and brother, Ryan (and his family, who happens to love my family!)
We spent the day moving all sorts of large items from our home into the storage space we're renting. From the kitchen table and chairs, to the couch downstairs, to the hutches - we made two trips full of items, with our mini-van and Dad'...
Personal / Studio
Sat - Oct 04, 2014 : 05:30 pm
0.78 daily views
2843 total views
Sacred Sounds Acoustics...
So, a few days ago, a friend of the studio called up and asked if I would help him out with a project. As he described the project, I grew more and more interested.
The project is called "Sacred Sounds: Cathedrals of Europe"
The gist of it, is that a group of researchers are going to be travelling around Europe studying th...
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 08:20 pm
0.38 daily views
1970 total views
Good Friends and Nature
So Jeff Petersen is a guy with whom I've been friends for years. I hadn't seen him in probably as long. We went to BYU together, were roommates, and had summer jobs in California together. We got along very well...
But then we each got married, he moved to Missouri, and that was that... ...until two days ago.
Wed - May 14, 2014 : 01:08 am
0.58 daily views
2179 total views
My Testimony
So... I thought I'd be going to bed, but here I am.
When the Spirit directed me to come down and write down my testimony, I wasn't (and still am not) quite sure what to write. This certainly isn't due to a lack of testimony comparative to other times I've done this, but rather quite the exact opposite. It is because my tes...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Thu - Dec 08, 2011 : 03:50 pm
0.75 daily views
3480 total views
Year's End...
So I haven't written in a while, and that's both a great thing, and a not-so-great thing. It's great because since September, the studio has been busier than I thought possible. Honestly... It's been a whirlwind, and I'm not quite sure what caused it - but I'm so grateful for it. It's a not-so-great thing because I can't kee...
Audio / Babblings / Music
Sun - Mar 30, 2008 : 12:09 pm
0.52 daily views
3149 total views
Jacob 2
I honestly hope I'm never in the position to deliver a speech as the one Jacob records in this chapter. Holy moly.
He condemns pride, people seeking after riches, and chastity breakers to a degree not many other speeches can.
I wonder if the words he wrote were the same words he used in the speech, because a lot of the metaphors he uses a...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Mar 22, 2011 : 11:53 am
0.65 daily views
3222 total views
Linux: Extracting audio from video
So, I used to use the -dumpaudio switch in mplayer to get audio extracted from random videos, but now that seems to do not much of anything. I found this site which had a great explanation of how to get it done a different way, but was a bit out of date. The newer version is found below:
mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file=audio_file_...
Audio / Linux
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 04:54 pm
0.32 daily views
1988 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 5
Today's not over, but while the kids are taking naps, I thought I'd see what I could do to write about this day so far.
First off - I *love* Monterey. Last night, I don't think I got a whole lot of sleep, but notwithstanding that, I still woke up in an incredibly good mood due to the crisp salty air, the perfect temperature (around 60-68 deg...
Sun - Apr 18, 2010 : 10:48 pm
0.38 daily views
1992 total views
Happy Birthday, Jason!
Okay... I know it's a little bit late, but I thought I needed to write about my B-day anyway. It was the 14th, and evidently, the 16th, too.
So, the 14th began with a great time eating lots of great food. Pancakes for breakfast, my best friend Scott took me to my all-time favorite Thai restaurant and we got some insanely delicio...
Life / Personal
Thu - Sep 25, 2008 : 02:05 pm
0.38 daily views
2244 total views
Mosiah : 15
Ya know... After reading this through, with the previous chapters I've read in mind, I think I'm understanding a bit more about what Abinadi is talking about.
The wicked priests quote him the scripture in Isaiah which says that prophets are supposed to proclaim peace in order to basically tell Abinadi off, because he was definitely not proc...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Oct 17, 2007 : 01:33 pm
0.38 daily views
2359 total views
Microsoft Vista Insanity
I remember a couple of months back (or has it been a year now?) when Microsoft announced to the world that the years of delay were now over, as they were finally releasing the famed Microsoft Vista Operating System!!!!!!
The world (and peasants) rejoiced.
About a week after that, my father called me up and told me he was considering th...
Fri - Jun 18, 2010 : 11:54 am
0.38 daily views
1980 total views
3 Nephi : 2
Ya know... I think these chapters are meant to teach us how frail the hearts of men are. Okay... Here's a good question.. How long did it take the Nephites to go from "seeing the sign of the birth of Jesus Christ" (this is *Christ* we're talking about here. *The Messiah*. How long did it take them from seeing that ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Oct 03, 2011 : 04:32 pm
0.38 daily views
1809 total views
Moroni : 5
Another very short one. If I understand it correctly, the prayer states that by partaking of the water, we are covenanting (or "witnessing") unto God that we will always remember Christ. I believe a few chapters ago, I wrote quite an entry on the importance of remembering. As evidenced by the inclusion of it in a w...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 01:46 pm
no mood
0.38 daily views
2442 total views
To become a son of perdition
Lately, I've been studying the D&C, and I came upon section 76, which isn't anything new to me, personally. I studied that section quite a bit during my mission. However, this time the coincidence of my reading this days after one of my co-workers came over and asked me"Are there any sins that Christ's atonement don't cover?" Worded that way...
Wed - May 26, 2010 : 12:07 am
0.38 daily views
1992 total views
More Fatigi Fun!
Advanced Budget Studios has been gearing up to build a control room, so we haven't had many clients come in lately, but when Fatigi comes calling, we definitely listen.
Tonight's session was spent sprucing up some previous recordings, Fishing For The Sun got a complete guitar overhaul, which made an already-awesome song even better. S...
Mixing / Music
Tue - Sep 18, 2007 : 01:53 pm
0.38 daily views
2382 total views
Truth Exists....Right?
Sadly, lots of problems exist with the world today. I guess it's human nature to create problems, and ya know...? I'm alright with that. Problems need to exist in order for life to be life, right? Yup... The eternal struggle for self-improvement, or whatever.
Anyway... One thing that irks me quite a bit, and a...
Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 07, 2010 : 03:59 pm
0.38 daily views
2015 total views
Alma : 48
I was just looking at the timestamp on these chapters, and realized that Amalickiah went from being a Nephite citizen, to the king over the entire Lamanite nation in approximately 1.5 years. How freaking crazy is that?
Also, one thing I failed to mention about chapter 47 is the last verse. A very interesting verse, that is. Once...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Jul 02, 2007 : 10:25 pm
0.38 daily views
2387 total views
Work, Life, Love...
What to write...
I've been working on this "ilovemyjournal" site now for about a week, and it's getting addictive. I just completed the calendaring system and it's quite cool. CSS is *very* powerful. Anyway...
Life is good. My new job at Nature's Way is kinda scary due to the amount of trust they all have in me, ...
Sun - Oct 02, 2011 : 12:14 am
0.38 daily views
1783 total views
Moroni : 4
I think these chapters are too short. Interesting to note that the scripture says that the elder or priest would "kneel down with the church", yet the congregation doesn't kneel down today.
Also interesting to note that the sacrament prayer is one of very few prayers which have to be said verbatim, and hasn't changed at all ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures