Wed - Apr 02, 2008 : 02:33 pm
2.74 daily views
16908 total views
Linux Software RAID On Trial
Here at work, the time is fast coming where I will be required to put live, the server I've been working on for the past year.
And we all know that when the rubber meets the road, things get a little bit more serious.
I came to the conclusion that since I'm the only Linux person in this company, should the Linux servers ever decide to go *kap...
Computer Hardware / Computers / Linux / Programming
Wed - Apr 02, 2008 : 11:58 am
0.94 daily views
5812 total views
Voicemail From Luci
I was sifting through some old voicemails today, when I found this treasure. I almost deleted it when it was originally left, but I'm glad I didn't.
This will be fun to show Luci when she's older.
The voicemail itself is attached as audio in this entry....
Tue - Apr 01, 2008 : 11:39 pm
0.72 daily views
4450 total views
Jacob : 4
This chapter is full of doctrinal nuggets.
Some things I noticed this time around which I haven't noticed before are the following:
Verses 6-8 are primarily about the importance of revelation. We are told this importance is denounced by our time's people in 2nd Nephi 28:5-6. I had never made that connection before.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 30, 2008 : 12:31 pm
0.61 daily views
3756 total views
Jacob 3
I've often wondered why this chapter isn't included in chapter 2. They both seem to go on about the evils of Jacob's audience. This chapter even goes further to say that the Lamanites at this time were more righteous than the Nephites because they have only one wife, and the husbands love their wives and children. They also are wi...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 30, 2008 : 12:09 pm
0.55 daily views
3385 total views
Jacob 2
I honestly hope I'm never in the position to deliver a speech as the one Jacob records in this chapter. Holy moly.
He condemns pride, people seeking after riches, and chastity breakers to a degree not many other speeches can.
I wonder if the words he wrote were the same words he used in the speech, because a lot of the metaphors he uses a...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 30, 2008 : 11:59 am
0.78 daily views
4816 total views
Moment of Truth??
Last night, I watched a recording of American Idol, and since I have the myth system set to record 10 minutes previous to the beginning of the show, I had recorded the last 10 minutes of a show called "Moment Of Truth".
The whole premise of this show is to take a polygraph (lie-detector) test previous to the show, and then go on live TV...
Current Events
Sat - Mar 29, 2008 : 01:57 am
0.93 daily views
5749 total views
Racing 3 Dream Cars
As many of you know, I recently upgraded the exhaust on my 2007 Mustang GT.
Well... Tonight, I had to take it out to see what I could do. So, I went the usual route and didn't find much more than a crappy 90's Eclipse that wanted to play. After almost an hour of dragging back and forth, lady luck just didn't have it in for me tonight...
Thu - Mar 27, 2008 : 03:29 pm
1.34 daily views
8276 total views
07 Mustang GT Upgrade Round 1
Well... I finally did it. I've been kind of anxious about the whole "modifying my car" because I've never done it before, and my car is still under warranty. I have no idea what this might mean for the warranty, but after hearing / feeling the difference, I don't regret it one bit. I love it!
Just two modifications fo...
Wed - Mar 26, 2008 : 11:44 pm
0.71 daily views
4394 total views
Jacob : 1
Nothing really jumped out and grabbed me for this chapter.
I liked how Nephi was seemingly fiercely loved by his people. I wish we had a president today like that. Seems like politics in general now has nothing to do with what is best for the country. It's all about backstabbing, getting rich, and furthering agendas. I wo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Mar 25, 2008 : 10:03 pm
0.59 daily views
3644 total views
2nd Nephi : 33
Verse which popped out at me this time around was verse 1.
This is probably the best illustration in all of scripture of how the Spirit works among people.
When someone speaks according to the Spirit of God, the Spirit breaks all barriers of communication and carries the message through a language agnostic medium which all hearts understand.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Aug 05, 2007 : 11:13 pm
0.38 daily views
2402 total views
A Good Sabbath
I just got home from Jovi's baby blessing (Brandon and Chloe's first baby) and it was a pretty cool experience.
Today was a good day because I thought that it was gonna be .... not good.
Yesterday night, I stayed out a bit too late, and thus didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. In fact, on my way home, my good friend Steve bought me ...
Wed - Jan 02, 2008 : 10:10 pm
0.54 daily views
3378 total views
Book of Mormon Intro.
This entry begins the documenting of my studies of the Book of Mormon in my "journal". One of my new year's resolutions for 2008 is to read, study, and write about every chapter in the Book of Mormon. I figured today was as good a time as any to begin.
And so I begin with the Introduction of the Book of Mormon.
I nev...
Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jul 23, 2012 : 10:29 am
0.61 daily views
2816 total views
Hopes set high!
Below is a photo of how my little studio looks right now...
Despite the fact that it's now nothing more than a bedroom, with piles of acoustic pucks and other audio paraphernalia scattered about, I've gotta say - "I'm over it."
In 3 days, I'll say goodbye to this place, and begin anticipating the construction of our new abode, as w...
Sun - Jul 04, 2010 : 11:20 am
0.38 daily views
2040 total views
"Tell Me Why" - Finished!
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
We finally finished mixing and mastering Ear Candy's debut single, Tell Me Why, and quite frankly, we've loved working on it here in the studio. The finished copy can be heard in our samples section, and Ear Candy has made it freely available to anyone and everyone who would like a copy.
Just let them know h...
Wed - May 26, 2010 : 12:07 am
0.41 daily views
2198 total views
More Fatigi Fun!
Advanced Budget Studios has been gearing up to build a control room, so we haven't had many clients come in lately, but when Fatigi comes calling, we definitely listen.
Tonight's session was spent sprucing up some previous recordings, Fishing For The Sun got a complete guitar overhaul, which made an already-awesome song even better. S...
Mixing / Music
Fri - Sep 11, 2009 : 01:55 pm
0.43 daily views
2419 total views
New PreAmps!
One sore spot of AdvancedBudgetStudios was the very, very cheap preamps we've been using. Well, after much searching, digging, late nights, and crawling through the Internet on my hands and knees, I came upon the deal of a lifetime. Yup.. I found a brand-spankin' new "Focusrite Octopre Platinum" which we will be ad...
Audio Hardware
Fri - Aug 21, 2009 : 03:08 pm
1.18 daily views
6651 total views
m4a audio conversion in Linux
Today, an audio file was sent to me in an email. This audio was compressed and encoded using the aac codec for compression and wrapped in m4a. In order to use it, I had to convert this file to a wav format. Usually, I receive files in mp3, ogg, or flac file types, and use lame, oggdec, or flac to decode them back to wav. Wit...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Wed - Dec 05, 2007 : 09:51 pm
0.64 daily views
4014 total views
Why is Pixar so Awesome?
I just finished watching the Pixar movie, "Cars" for the 45th time. Or maybe it was the 4500th time. I don't know... I lost count.
Anyway... During the movie, despite my having seen the movie more times than I've kissed my kids, and even though those kids were crawling all over me and generally trying their best to be a nui...
Current Events / Miscellaneous
Thu - Jan 10, 2008 : 09:49 pm
0.48 daily views
2968 total views
1st Nephi : 6
I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I lost the post I just wrote about chapter 6.
I didn't realize how short it was, so I wrote about the importance of scriptures spoken of in verse 5. If we didn't have scriptures, our kids would eventually lose the commandments of God (unless, of course, it was revealed again).
Also, it's good to not...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Sep 24, 2008 : 03:02 pm
0.41 daily views
2451 total views
Mosiah : 14
One question comes to mind this time reading chapter 14 and the beginning of 15.
Why in the world did Abinadi think these priests could understand what he was talking about?
An interesting perspective can be had when the audience of each scripture is considered.
The thing I don't get about these chapters (14 and 15), is that the doctrine A...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Oct 01, 2009 : 11:39 am
0.40 daily views
2249 total views
Drummin' Fool
Just thought I'd let ya all know that I did something yesterday that I haven't done in years, if I've ever done it before at all..
Turns out I had band practice for two bands on the same night. So, beginning at 4:30, and lasting until 11:30, I was at band practice.
I don't think I've ever played the drums for 7 hours straight. My ha...
Drums / Personal
Tue - Apr 28, 2009 : 01:03 pm
0.40 daily views
2320 total views
Alma : 27
What a great chapter this is. And what stupid people the Amalekites were. "Gee, we're having a hard time killing our enemies, so let's kill our own people instead. Yeah, that'll make us feel better." Freakin' idiots.
The parts I loved especially about this chapter were parts I've never noticed before, or at least...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Mar 17, 2008 : 11:43 pm
0.40 daily views
2461 total views
2nd Nephi : 26 - Part 1
First thing I noticed in this chapter is verse 1. He tells his children that Christ will show himself unto them. How is this possible if this was written approximately 550 years before Christ would come? Very interesting... I'll have to research that.
Verse 7 pops out at me like a bolt of lightning. I've been lookin...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jul 06, 2011 : 10:17 am
0.40 daily views
1977 total views
Ether : 5
So... To be honest, this chapter is kind of confusing. Verse 1 and 2 is like Moroni is talking directly to Joseph Smith, due to his referencing the ability to "translate". That in itself is kind of cool. I've often thought what it must have been like to be Joseph Smith receiving the plates and translating when he gets to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Jun 19, 2009 : 11:25 am
0.40 daily views
2311 total views
Alma : 32
I wasn't in the best of moods while reading this, this morning, but I must say that it helped me gain a bit of focus for the job hunt this morning.
The principle that jumped out at me this time around was that of humility. Going through the pain that is sometimes required to bring about humility just might be the thing that saves your soul....
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Sun - Aug 30, 2009 : 09:36 pm
0.40 daily views
2235 total views
Sugar Stone Project
SugarStone made a surprise appearance last Saturday, and even though the fanfare was short, they ended up leaving with a new freshly baked demo.
It's called Ready Set Go, and is currently awaiting your ears on their facebook page....
Fri - Sep 30, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.40 daily views
1968 total views
Moroni : 3
Moroni 3. This one isn't speaking much to me, but I did find it interesting that only after they prayed, the disciples excercised their priesthood to ordain offices in the priesthood. ...and that it was done through endurance through faith on the name of Christ. Enduring to the end has always been pretty much the last key to...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Sat - Feb 09, 2008 : 02:32 pm
0.40 daily views
2506 total views
2nd Nephi : 2 - Part 1
Before I even begin reading this one, I've gotta say that 2nd Nephi 2 is one of the power-doctrine chapters. I'll be surprised if I can get through reading this today.
Verse 2 contains an interesting phrase: Consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain. This brings to mind quite a few cross-references, but can you imagine how much...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Jun 15, 2008 : 12:25 am
0.40 daily views
2408 total views
Art City Park (Springville)
The video above is of a band called "Florez", who really did quite well. But the real reason for the video above is for the LDSMusicians group to see Art City Park, where the LDSFest will be held this year.
I just did a quick panoramic for people to analyze and with which to become informed.
That's really all. We got bored a...
Miscellaneous / Personal
Fri - Jun 20, 2008 : 09:17 am
0.40 daily views
2426 total views
Gen. Conf. - The Twelve - Packer
The spirit of this talk came to me about 1/3 of the way through reading it.
It spoke to me of an immense gratitude which I feel for being a member of this church. Not only is it this church, but it is His church. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the same church which Jesus Christ himself set up when he was ...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual