As you most assuredly can see, if this is on the front-page of I Love My Journal, there have been some major changes here.
It all started about 2.5 weeks ago when I started reading some great comments people have been posting, and some really good entries from
jonzee, and
catherine.hahn. I felt people deserved a better place to post both their private entries, and their public blogs.
I also felt there were some features which were sorely missing from ILMJ, so I decided to get to work.
The most obvious change is the face-lift. The look and feel of the site is pretty much 100% different, so I hope you like it. If not, please
contact me, and I'll most likely consider every rational request.
Some of the best new features for the new site are the new rating system for individual public posts, and a new univeral tagging system, which hopefully is a heckuva lot easier to use than the old one.
RSS feeds are missing for the moment, but will most likely be resurrected in the very near future. The code for the old RSS system was quite clunky.
There are some new little features here and there, but not enough to mention specifically.
If any of you notice anything wrong or worse with the new site, PLEASE
PLEASE let me know about it.
Thanks for using I Love My Journal!