Mon - Apr 30, 2007 : 05:24 pm
0.46 daily views
2922 total views
Jason’s Journal is Finally Consolidated!
Holy cow. My journal is done. I still can’t believe it. Wowza.
I started writing in my journal every day on January 1st, 1990. About ten years later, I found that I had journals scattered all over the place, and with my technical background - I hated the disorganization of something that might be precious someday.&nb...
Tue - Apr 24, 2007 : 07:18 pm
no mood
0.76 daily views
4907 total views
The scientific method can't prove everything.
Okay, okay... I do understand that there is a ton of good that has been brought about by the scientific method, but seriously, people; is that the *only* way to prove something is true? Wow. In my opinion, we've really limited ourselves if we think that's the only way to "prove" the truth of something.
I just (finally) finished D&C 76, an...
Mon - Apr 23, 2007 : 11:12 pm
no mood
0.44 daily views
2854 total views
Judgmental Paradox
I'm not even sure if that's spelled right. Ohwell..
Two things:
I love the smell of new leather. I went into my car to get my laptop to blog, and the smell of new Mustang GT leather came to greet me. I love it.
I don't appreciate enough the fact that my wife is so emotionally stable. She really is. Serious. Whenever I see someone who...
Fri - Apr 20, 2007 : 02:43 pm
no mood
0.40 daily views
2578 total views
Contention Sucks.
This morning, Steve broke in to chat and said something to the effect of "Pride sucks." Ya know... I completely agree with him. Pride does suck. I wonder why...
I've heard it said that "Pride is the only unforgivable sin." This is the doctrine according to me because I can't remember who said it, nor if it was an authority figure, so.... no ...
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:45 pm
no mood
0.53 daily views
3424 total views
My Mustang GT has gas. (85 octane, that is)
Since I purchased my 2007 Mustang GT in January of 2007, I've been putting 85 Octane gas in it. I didn't notice any pings, nor anything else to make me think I was putting the wrong gas in it. Well, my dad was in it two days ago and asked me what gas I was using. When I told him, he couldn't believe I would do such a thing. Well....
In my defe...
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:31 pm
no mood
0.44 daily views
2880 total views
Mormon Myths....
I almost didn't post anything tonight..... But... I've gotta.
One thing which seems to irritate me quite a bit is this phenomenon among people of my faith which drives them to make some pseudo-philosophical yet some how not quite doctrinally correct quote and then follow it by "I'm sure it's in the scriptures. I just read it. I swear. " or, "I'...
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 01:46 pm
no mood
0.40 daily views
2606 total views
To become a son of perdition
Lately, I've been studying the D&C, and I came upon section 76, which isn't anything new to me, personally. I studied that section quite a bit during my mission. However, this time the coincidence of my reading this days after one of my co-workers came over and asked me"Are there any sins that Christ's atonement don't cover?" Worded that way...
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 12:07 pm
no mood
0.64 daily views
4130 total views
Do Mormons Worship Christ?
To start things off, I’ve been doing a bit of research on Christianity due to a friend I have at my place of employment. In my research I came upon the wonderful debate on whether or not members of the LDS church are “Christians”. The arguments pointed out were surprisingly well-worded and easy to understand. One of the main on...
Sun - Apr 15, 2007 : 12:06 pm
no mood
0.43 daily views
2762 total views
Necessity of Church Membership
An interesting question came to me today, while talking to a good friend at work. The question is simple.
It’s based on the premise of two distinct beliefs.
1. LDS faith teaches us that unless the proper ordinances have been performed by those who are in authority to perform such ordinances, one cannot enter into the kingdom of heav...
Mon - Apr 09, 2007 : 07:38 pm
no mood
0.41 daily views
2639 total views
I'm a MySQL veteran, but...
The majority of my coding life has been spent with two tools.
I don't claim to be a guru programmer, but the various professional problems which have been presented to me have always found their solution using these two tools. They're great tools. *sigh*
Recently I've found out that Oracle owns both sleepy cat's db en...
Computers / Programming
Wed - Sep 23, 2009 : 01:15 pm
0.45 daily views
2512 total views
Alma : 40
I just realized that it's been a month since I last wrote about the Book of Mormon. Man, if I'm gonna finish this thing, I'm gonna have to pick up the pace!
First thing I noticed with this chapter is that when Alma got the revelation concerning the spirit world, it seems that he was just asking a curious question, "What happens to the ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Oct 13, 2008 : 04:02 pm
0.46 daily views
2754 total views
Mosiah : 24
Hmm.... I'm kind of tired right now, but I figured I needed to read some scriptures...
This time around, I realize how being under the rule of a tyrant would be absolutely horrible. In this case, Alma was under the rule of one (or more) of the Amulonites - which were his wicked peers when they were the king's priests. Talk about...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Dec 15, 2009 : 10:25 pm
0.54 daily views
2959 total views
Fedora 12 - Getting Closer
Well... I'm not quite as frustrated tonight as I was when I tried to do with Ubuntu, that which I am now trying with Fedora 12.
I installed Fedora 12 on my laptop from the install DVD, and I've gotta say, Fedora, neither in the installation, nor in running the OS, was as slick as Ubuntu. Ubuntu was quite a bit more polished, I'...
Gentoo / Linux
Mon - Sep 24, 2007 : 10:44 am
0.37 daily views
2347 total views
To begin, quite honestly, let me say this:
Without, using Linux in a professional environment (which I have been doing now for 4 straight years across 4 different companies) would have been, and would currently be, much more difficult at the very least.
Those who have desk jobs, and more specifically programming jobs, know how...
Computers / Linux
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 06:00 pm
0.38 daily views
2327 total views
Gen. Conf. - Sustaining - Uchtdorf
I didn't really anticipate writing anything about the sustaining of the church officers after seeing it, but for some reason, when President Uchtdorf asked all the elders and high priests to stand and sustain Thomas S. Monson as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, something I didn't expect ...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:31 pm
no mood
0.44 daily views
2880 total views
Mormon Myths....
I almost didn't post anything tonight..... But... I've gotta.
One thing which seems to irritate me quite a bit is this phenomenon among people of my faith which drives them to make some pseudo-philosophical yet some how not quite doctrinally correct quote and then follow it by "I'm sure it's in the scriptures. I just read it. I swear. " or, "I'...
Sun - Apr 18, 2010 : 10:48 pm
0.40 daily views
2173 total views
Happy Birthday, Jason!
Okay... I know it's a little bit late, but I thought I needed to write about my B-day anyway. It was the 14th, and evidently, the 16th, too.
So, the 14th began with a great time eating lots of great food. Pancakes for breakfast, my best friend Scott took me to my all-time favorite Thai restaurant and we got some insanely delicio...
Life / Personal
Fri - Feb 10, 2006 : 09:49 pm
no mood
0.31 daily views
2122 total views
Oh... My... Goodness...
I can't think of where to begin, so I'll just start typing.
Two days ago we decided it was time to cut the umbilical for the other guys who were the old I.T. team for the company I work for. We did so by changing all passwords (or so I thought), and that's about it. We thought we had em'.... So.... We all went home and...
Fri - Feb 15, 2008 : 12:27 pm
0.76 daily views
4713 total views
32-bit plugins on 64-bit arch
I know I'm WAY out of the loop on this one, but I thought I'd blog about it to possibly help others who didn't know about this quite wonderful program.
For years I've been using amd64 processors and have loved them. Ever since there has been a 32-bit firefox on gentoo, I've been using it to view all the youtube goodness out there.
Computers / Linux
Mon - Sep 15, 2008 : 08:18 am
0.52 daily views
3127 total views
Dew Tour 2008
Two days ago, after I got done with the Salt Flats, Steve and I went over to something which previously I had never even heard of before. It's called the "Dew Tour".
The event is in Salt Lake City and runs for 4 days during which the best skaters and bikers in the country come and compete.
I was only there for maybe 4 hours, but...
Current Events / Fun / Miscellaneous
Wed - Jul 25, 2007 : 10:30 am
0.34 daily views
2140 total views
Active X, Microsoft, *sigh*...
I've just gotta say.... WHAT THE %$@! ????
At work, I need to have a windows box along side my gentoo installation, so I can easily view stuff on IE 6,7,etc... Well... I downloaded a PDF and thought to myself, "Gee, it'd be nice to view this PDF I just downloaded..." So, I go to and try to download their...
Tue - Sep 04, 2007 : 09:51 pm
0.34 daily views
2153 total views
Old Fisherman's Grotto
We just got back from a wonderful dinner at The Old Fisherman's Grotto on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey California.
The halibut was quite wonderful, but not nearly as good as the side-dish of clam chowder I got. It really was fantastic.
If you're ever in Monterey, CA, you simply have to get a bowl of that chowder. It's quite amazing....
Tue - Jul 24, 2007 : 02:12 pm
0.34 daily views
2146 total views
Site Re-do
Well... I just spent the last 3 hours re-vamping around 300 lines of code for Hopefully, I've made it a lot more search-engine friendly for people who want to share their blogs, without compromising security any security.
Being that this is also the 24th of July, I'm also very grateful for the pioneers, and everything the...
Fri - Aug 03, 2007 : 11:56 pm
0.34 daily views
2186 total views
Friends and Friendship
Hmm.... I'm wondering how I can write this entry without offending anyone, so... if you are offended by it, I'm sorry. What is going to be said has to be said, and it will, hopefully, enlighten at least someone.
Due to this wonderful blog, I've been feeling quite pensive lately and liking the change. Midst this change, I asked on...
Sat - Jul 21, 2007 : 07:17 pm
0.33 daily views
2087 total views
I Love My Journal
Well.... I think it's finally getting there.
I worked quite a bit on today and .... its' coming along quite nicely! I still haven't had anyone sign up yet, but I put it live like.. 2 weeks ago, and have been working on it often. We'll see how it goes in the coming months.
Anyway... I'm gonna go spe...
Sun - Sep 02, 2007 : 04:24 pm
0.33 daily views
2083 total views
Grace vs. Works
I just got back from a Presbyterian church meeting with Henry, Kim, Julia, Sarah, myself and our two kids. It was quite interesting.
We walked in there about 5-10 minutes late, and went forward until we were sitting like 5 rows back from the front.
A full band of 7 people was playing on a stage and was sounding quite wonderful, actually.&...
Lds / Personal
Tue - Apr 18, 2006 : 02:07 pm
no mood
0.33 daily views
2239 total views
Man.... I've just gotta say something. I was originally going to IM this to a good friend of mine (Steve), but decided that it was going to my blog.
I recently (about 10 minutes ago) got a pop3 server going on my home-server on my gentoo box (heh.. all of my boxen are gentoo.... What...? I'm not a zealot! Serious!)
Anyway.. When I finished ...
Fri - Mar 14, 2008 : 09:49 pm
0.33 daily views
2052 total views
2nd Nephi : 23
All I gotta say about this chapter is man, I do not want to be on the wrong side of things when the 2nd coming of Christ is ushered in.
Verses like 16 and 18 really hit home on what we're in for.
I can only assume the destruction of Babylon can be typed as a metaphor for what is coming when Christ comes again....
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Mar 10, 2008 : 09:41 pm
0.33 daily views
2060 total views
2nd Nephi : 19
"...and his hand is stretched out still."
I love that phrase. To me, it's just another way of saying, "I will be here for you, no matter what you do or where you go. I will always be here for you."
What a comfort that is, knowing there will always be someone there for you. I know it is for me, and I've felt...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Sep 01, 2007 : 04:01 pm
0.33 daily views
2072 total views
2007 Monterey Trip - Day 1
Wow.... Today has been crazy.
I woke up around 2:30am this morning, put the suitcases in the van, woke the kids up (actually, Luci was already awake and excited to be going to "Shugee's House"), put them in the van, said a quick prayer for safety and health, and we were off!
I'm tellin' ya... If you have kids and a 10-hour...