Sun - Oct 21, 2007 : 02:05 am
0.36 daily views
2267 total views
Mustang's Fog-lights?
I simply must blog about this - quickly.
When I arrived home from a trip through some pretty insane snow tonight, I simply had to test a theory I had about my 2007 Mustang GT's headlights vs. fog-lights. (Apart from the chance to drive like a maniac in the snow, which I absolutely love)
So, I get my car going about 25 down a very lowly-li...
Cars / Miscellaneous
Sun - Oct 21, 2007 : 01:38 am
0.53 daily views
3368 total views
Snow and Headlights
Okay... We just got back from a little trip up to Ryan's house so he could sign us up for a loan that'll make it so we can make quite a bit of money saving up for life insurance (too much info for one paragraph to sustain, so.. we'll leave it at that)
Anyway, on our way home, it began to snow, and snow quite a bit harder than I've ever see...
Cars / Miscellaneous
Fri - Oct 19, 2007 : 12:24 pm
0.36 daily views
2286 total views
What is Fasting ... Really...
Ya know... I didn't quite know what to write about today, but I knew I had to write about something. Some days, I've just got to write.
Fasting. Fasting, to me, is simply going without food or water for a duration of time with the purpose of showing God I am willing to sacrifice something which is very important to me, having h...
Thu - Oct 18, 2007 : 02:30 pm
0.40 daily views
2539 total views
Thoughts on the RIAA
Those who know me will find this post a bit ... unlike my typical post.
This is mainly because I have a pretty passionate stance on DRM, OSS, Microsoft, Linux, and religion. (I hate DRM, love OSS, hate Microsoft, love Linux, and I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Anyway... I have a few words to say ab...
Drm / Miscellaneous
Wed - Oct 17, 2007 : 01:33 pm
0.41 daily views
2578 total views
Microsoft Vista Insanity
I remember a couple of months back (or has it been a year now?) when Microsoft announced to the world that the years of delay were now over, as they were finally releasing the famed Microsoft Vista Operating System!!!!!!
The world (and peasants) rejoiced.
About a week after that, my father called me up and told me he was considering th...
Tue - Oct 16, 2007 : 09:53 pm
0.42 daily views
2635 total views
Literal Scriptures?
My wife and I got into a discussion a couple of nights ago which has stayed with me enough for me to mull over the questions at least a couple of times. I'm not 100% sure of the correct answer yet, so I thought I'd blog about it.
The topic at hand is a quite sacred one, so I'll treat it with as much respect as is possible.
The discussio...
Lds / Spiritual
Tue - Oct 16, 2007 : 10:22 am
0.62 daily views
3920 total views
Gentoo udev NIC Bug
Something I thought I'd write down, because it took me forever to figure out, has been a bug for at least a year, and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.
The bug is quite simple really, and once you know where to look for it, it pretty much stops being a bug due to an extremely easy work-around.
The bug is concerning network cards plugg...
Sun - Oct 14, 2007 : 01:12 pm
0.44 daily views
2782 total views
How Much Is Required?
Man, something must be up with the ward I attend, because even though I've been going to the same ward for the last 3 years, the past 6 weeks have been..... very spiritually nourishing.
I'm not saying that until then, it wasn't wonderful, but I've never loved going to church as much as I have during the past 6 weeks. It's weird. I'm ...
Lds / Spiritual
Fri - Oct 12, 2007 : 03:37 pm
0.50 daily views
3176 total views
Geek Lunch - Buca Di Beppo
Oh, man... I just got back from a wonderful geek lunch with the guys 'n' gals from UPHPU (Utah PHP Users Group), and it was a blast. ... heh... makes me smile just thinkin' about it. Okay... I didn't just get back. I had to make sure I could get done today what I promised my boss, and then I would write about it.
Well... ...
Linux / Miscellaneous / Personal
Thu - Oct 11, 2007 : 10:28 am
0.51 daily views
3221 total views
They Did Not Give Up
I take no credit whatsoever for the following content, but I thought it was too incredible to simply link it. Here is the link to the original page, but just in case that site ever goes down, I want to make sure to keep the content around. It's just too beautiful.
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail b...
Sun - Apr 27, 2008 : 11:33 pm
0.48 daily views
2921 total views
Mosiah : 1
Verse 7 caught my attention this time around. The beginning of the verse is as follows:
"And now, my sons, I would that ye should remember to search them diligently, that ye may profit thereby;"
The context is referring to the scriptures the sons of King Benjamin had access to. This verse reminds me quite a bit of Mosiah...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jun 16, 2008 : 04:51 pm
0.37 daily views
2231 total views
Gen. Conf. - Best Investment - Child
For some reason, I love the commandment of paying tithing. It's probably one of the top 10 commandments of which I have a burning testimony.
I love this quote (as well as Jacob 2:19)
"President Heber J. Grant stated, “I want to say to you, if you will be honest with the Lord, paying your tithing and keeping His commandments, He...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jun 04, 2008 : 02:49 am
0.72 daily views
4392 total views
Examples of Christ-like Living
I went to bed yesterday around 9:00pm, and I should have learned by now that when I go to bed that early, I wake up about 3 hours later and am up for half the night.
So, I might as well see what I can hack out in my journal.
Lately, I've been pondering how I can be more of an example to those around me. An example of what? I'm not...
Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 16, 2007 : 11:45 pm
no mood
0.53 daily views
3424 total views
My Mustang GT has gas. (85 octane, that is)
Since I purchased my 2007 Mustang GT in January of 2007, I've been putting 85 Octane gas in it. I didn't notice any pings, nor anything else to make me think I was putting the wrong gas in it. Well, my dad was in it two days ago and asked me what gas I was using. When I told him, he couldn't believe I would do such a thing. Well....
In my defe...
Sun - Aug 22, 2010 : 11:26 pm
0.86 daily views
4537 total views
gentoo mp3 tag editor
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find a good console-based mp3 tag editor in gentoo, and was surprisingly fruitless in doing so.
After using the wonderful "equery belongs" command tied to an editor I use on my server (but couldn't remember where it came from), the program mp3blaster came up.
Although mp3blaster claims to just be an m...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Oct 21, 2014 : 10:20 pm
0.59 daily views
2197 total views
Seek God Sooner
So, I thought I'd write something down that happened today.
For those of you who know me, I'm a pretty laid-back, easy-going type of guy.
My wife and I went to sleep quite late, mostly because we couldn't stop talking and laughing with one another (not an uncommon occurrence, unfortunately), and also unfortunately, we were woken up early ...
Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Feb 24, 2008 : 09:30 pm
0.44 daily views
2700 total views
Fast Offerings
About a month ago, our bishop told us that the fast offering fund for the poor people in our ward is running low, and that we should consider giving a generous offering.
I thought we should definitely consider doing so, but in the end, I forgot all about it.
Today, however, our Bishop dedicated the entire sacrament meeting to the topic of sacri...
Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jul 26, 2010 : 04:32 pm
0.46 daily views
2422 total views
3 Nephi : 8
The most striking point of this chapter, this time, was the description of the darkness which covered the land after the storm. I've never thought about the darkness as an analogy of Christ's absence. The more I think about it, the clearer it becomes.
We know death as being a type of prison due to the body and the soul being separated...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - May 11, 2011 : 10:48 am
0.46 daily views
2281 total views
Mormon : 7 - Guiltless
"Remnant of this people". Talking straight to the American Indians. heh.. I love the foresight.
Guiltless... I love that word. He that is found guiltless. Please note it does not say "sinless".
To be found guiltless. What would that entail? Continual repentance would probably b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Oct 28, 2008 : 03:36 pm
0.53 daily views
3136 total views
Mosiah : 26 - Belief
Upon beginning this study session, I found myself quite uninterested in doing pretty much anything. Maybe it's just because I'm tired.... or maybe it's because I just finished one of my projects at work, thus putting me between projects again. Who knows...
When I got to verse 3, though, I found a gem of a scripture that I had fo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Jun 22, 2008 : 11:57 pm
0.40 daily views
2410 total views
Well... I figured I'd better write about this because I didn't have the sense to take any video of the actual party.
I recorded myself going TO the party, but nothing more. Crud.
It was a good LAN party, too. We played last Friday and Saturday. We had the usuals there, Me, Shane and Shaun, but there were two people who never had...
Current Events / Personal
Mon - Jul 30, 2007 : 11:50 am
0.40 daily views
2558 total views
To Write...
To write...
Feeling as though worthlessness is she who has found me...
The block of feeling sinks deeper into an endless ocean...
of creative decay.
Yes, to write is to live.
But to live defines my weakness
my misunderstanding
my inadequacy
my wretched mind
my life.
to write... to live...
...and I shall live....
Tue - Feb 14, 2006 : 10:48 pm
no mood
0.40 daily views
2790 total views
Heaven Has Come....
And in a sense, that's true!
Yes, folks... Another addition to the illustrious Jones family has arrived here on earth just in time to watch his dad go a little more insane. If we were talking about anything other than the bunch of lunatics running around this house, that might just seem a little alarming, but we're not.
So it isn't. :)
Sun - Jul 08, 2007 : 09:42 pm
0.39 daily views
2472 total views
Nothing in Particular
Ho hum.
Yesterday I decided to go to Ryan's house to spend some quality time with my brother, and my wife had a cow about it. I don't understand what the deal is, but whenever I need some "Jason" time, more often than not, I end up taking it at the expense of marrital comfort. That irritates me. However! All is n...
Sun - Jun 15, 2008 : 12:25 am
0.39 daily views
2375 total views
Art City Park (Springville)
The video above is of a band called "Florez", who really did quite well. But the real reason for the video above is for the LDSMusicians group to see Art City Park, where the LDSFest will be held this year.
I just did a quick panoramic for people to analyze and with which to become informed.
That's really all. We got bored a...
Miscellaneous / Personal
Fri - Sep 26, 2008 : 11:52 am
0.39 daily views
2338 total views
Mosiah : 16 & 17
Trying to read this section of Mosiah as a whole concept, rather than nitpick each individual nugget of doctrine has given me a new appreciation for how stupid people can be.
Seriously... How could a person or people be so dense as to burn someone at the stake who, 3 days previous, had the power of God upon him to the degree that nobody wan...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jun 21, 2011 : 04:43 pm
0.39 daily views
1938 total views
Mormon : 9 - Love?
Growing up, I used to have a mis-conception that those who erred against God in their ways were best suited for rebuke the way God gives it in the scriptures. I was ignorantly judgemental, and for a long time, couldn't understand why people tended to shy away from my tactics.
Reading the beginning of this chapter brings back a lot of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Jul 15, 2011 : 09:21 am
0.39 daily views
1943 total views
Ether : 7
So... Sometimes I feel like I write things here that could get me into trouble, but I figure, if this is what I really think, and I'm sincere about it, then right or wrong, the truth will eventually come out. Many times, I've thought one thing, and then upon further studying and prayer, have found out I was wrong ... and I'm okay ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Jan 22, 2010 : 04:04 pm
0.39 daily views
2138 total views
Alma : 53
I'm always pleased and grateful that the Spirit comes so quickly when I read the Book of Mormon. Sometimes I forget how much I love how the Spirit of God makes me feel and think and act.
Anyway... Great chapter this was....
Of all of the stories in the Book of Mormon, I think I like the one of the 2000 Stripling Warriors the best.&n...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 25, 2007 : 10:01 am
0.39 daily views
2464 total views
Unbelievable Microsoft Excel Bug
How long has Microsoft been in business? How long have they been the "best seller" of productivity suites? Oh yeah... and one last question: How many people have bought their Office software?
Yeah.... That's what I thought. LOADS, GRUNDLES, MILLIONS.
So.... I was reading my RSS feeds this morni...