Wed - Aug 15, 2007 : 10:11 am
0.42 daily views
2717 total views
What IS the Gospel of Christ?
I just returned from a family vacation at "Down-At-A" water-park with all my immediate family (minus Andrea) and had a blast.
During the evening of the first night, the discussion was lulling a bit, so Curtis and I decided to begin discussing some doctrinal points of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
During this discussion, both Curtis and I ...
Lds / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 15, 2007 : 09:55 am
0.52 daily views
3312 total views
Down-At-A Reunion
First off... I'm beginning to understand just how much of a camper / outdoorsman I really am not. We brought the family up to a water park for a vacation yesterday and Monday, and I tell ya... on Monday, I had an absolute blast. On Tuesday, it was all I could do to keep from just hopping into the car, and driving home the mo...
Sun - Aug 12, 2007 : 12:26 pm
0.52 daily views
3315 total views
Teaching With The Spirit
I just arrived home from a most splendid 3-hour church meeting.
Yesterday morning I got a call from the elders' quorum president, in which he asked me to teach the priesthood lesson today. I said yes, and got the information I needed to teach.
The lesson was on "Obedience Born of Faith in God". Well... I spent about 5 ...
Lds / Spiritual
Fri - Aug 10, 2007 : 01:12 am
2.82 daily views
18059 total views
VLC - DVD Rip Command
I must proclaim it from the rooftops!!!!
Yes! I finally figured out how to rip DVDs with that nasty Sony ARccOS protection!! (up yours, Sony)
You see, I'm one of the good guys. I don't condone pirating stuff, and rarely pirate anything myself. The collection of the 5500 songs I own, are 99% mine (I'm not perfect), as well as my hundre...
Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Aug 09, 2007 : 03:11 pm
0.60 daily views
3834 total views
Postfix + Postgres + Dovecot
Well, people.... Most of yesterday (until this morning around 12:30am) I spent trying to figure out what to do about my email situation.
Here's my situation: I get so much friggin' spam, I can't stand it. This shouldn't be news to anyone. The person who receives no spam is a person who doesn't have an inbox.
So, I decided ...
Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Aug 07, 2007 : 11:19 pm
0.45 daily views
2897 total views
Sin and Hope
I'm not exactly sure what I want to write about today. No... I know what I need to write about, but I think it's too private, and I want to write something I can publish publicly.
Ya know... I really hate sin. I really do.
I am amazed at how much the world accepts what is wrong. Pondering how much the world accepts s...
Mon - Aug 06, 2007 : 09:40 pm
0.46 daily views
2962 total views
LDS Doctrine
As I was sputtering around the net today, I found a pretty cool feature within google, of which I did not know. Did you know that google can search blogs for stuff you're interested in?
Well.. Today I typed in "LDS Doctrine" and I found this site which had all sorts of good stuff in it. I read one of his posts concernin...
Sun - Aug 05, 2007 : 11:13 pm
0.38 daily views
2402 total views
A Good Sabbath
I just got home from Jovi's baby blessing (Brandon and Chloe's first baby) and it was a pretty cool experience.
Today was a good day because I thought that it was gonna be .... not good.
Yesterday night, I stayed out a bit too late, and thus didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. In fact, on my way home, my good friend Steve bought me ...
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 07:13 pm
0.36 daily views
2315 total views
One other thing.
ILoveMyJournal now has an RSS feed for the main page content. Soon, we'll be adding categories to the blogs as well as categorized RSS feeds.
Also, eventually, we'll be getting the ability to post comments on blog entries.
I love this site. :)...
Sat - Aug 04, 2007 : 06:55 pm
0.36 daily views
2289 total views
When You Care...
Today I had an interesting thought. It's a question that possibly has thousands of answers, but, since I'm on a pensive streak, I thought I'd write down some of what I came up with.
The thought was "How do you tell if someone cares for you?", which also spawned the thought, "How do I tell if I care for someone else?", whi...
Tue - Feb 15, 2011 : 01:05 pm
0.44 daily views
2235 total views
3 Nephi : 26
Woo, baby, am I tired!
One thing that I often think about while pondering the Gospel is how blessed I am to live in a time where the fulness of the Gospel is available - and not only available, but I was born into a practicing family, and have made the life choices necessary for me to continue worthy to obtain the blessings given to God's c...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Jul 20, 2009 : 06:21 pm
0.49 daily views
2814 total views
Alma : 35
I noticed in this chapter that even though many threatenings were made to the king of the land of Jershon (most likely an Ammonite), he didn't seem to care at all. His concentration was on the many poor people of the Zoramites who were coming to his city.
Eventually, I believe this action was the tipping point for the wars forthcoming throu...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Spiritual
Mon - Aug 01, 2011 : 01:52 pm
0.42 daily views
2057 total views
Ether : 10
So... Interesting that one of the reasons cited for Heth's righteousness is his remembering what the Lord had done for his people, specirfically, bringing Jared and his kin over the ocean. There has got to be something behind the whole "remember what the Lord has done for you" thing, and living a righteous life. Heck.. E...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Tue - Jun 09, 2009 : 09:40 am
0.40 daily views
2279 total views
Alma 28
Man... It's been months since I wrote about the Book of Mormon. I will finish it, though, and I will write about each and every chapter therein.
So, about this chapter.
Nothing really jumped out at me as being extraordinary, and I didn't expect it to be so short. It seemed like this chapter was just a wrap-up chapter for the a...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Apr 15, 2008 : 11:57 pm
0.41 daily views
2495 total views
Jarom, for some reason, didn't seem all that inspired to me, this time around.
The only thing which caused me to question was verse 2.
To me, it seems that Jarom didn't want to write "much" for two reasons: 1. Because the plates are small, and 2. They are being written for the benefit of the Lamanites.
I guess I can u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - May 29, 2009 : 01:27 am
0.44 daily views
2499 total views
"Good Times" Trip to Cali
Man... I've been having mixed emotions about the oncoming trip to California for a number of reasons. I mean, this trip really has been putting both me and my wife through the ringer. First, I got a new job, and am being quite challenged by my new tasks there. Taking time off to go on a vacation right now isn't the best idea...
Sat - Jan 04, 2014 : 11:21 pm
0.49 daily views
2005 total views
My testimony (Godhead)
"How have you been changed by knowing the Godhead?"
To be honest, I don't think I would recognize myself without the relationship I have with God, through prayer, with Christ through his atonement, and with the Holy Ghost's comfort and guidance.
Knowing the Godhead,to me, means that I have an incredible force behind my righteous choic...
Sun - Nov 02, 2008 : 10:10 pm
0.98 daily views
5823 total views
Samuel's Baby Blessing
Well... Today was the big day at church with the blessing of the newest addition to the Jones family, Samuel Jones.
The blessing went well, even if I did botch the proclamation of the power by which the blessing was given. I'm glad God is a forgiving God.
The spirit of the meeting was wonderful, and it testified quite powerfully of one sp...
Family / Friends / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - May 05, 2008 : 02:11 pm
0.78 daily views
4783 total views
Collin's Nursemaid Elbow
I just thought I'd write a little something....
Since about a year ago, Collin's elbow has been easily pulled out of joint, and thus, has had issues with what is known as a nursemaid elbow.
Today, his elbow got pulled out of the socket again, and my wife called me with another appointment to the doctor's office.
Well, this time, I got to t...
Sun - Mar 30, 2008 : 12:31 pm
0.61 daily views
3756 total views
Jacob 3
I've often wondered why this chapter isn't included in chapter 2. They both seem to go on about the evils of Jacob's audience. This chapter even goes further to say that the Lamanites at this time were more righteous than the Nephites because they have only one wife, and the husbands love their wives and children. They also are wi...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sat - Jul 14, 2007 : 02:04 am
0.37 daily views
2369 total views
Music... again.
It's 2:00am and I'm sitting down here writing and recording music. I'm trying to do some really relaxed "Trance" music, and .... I'm not entirely sure how it's gonna turn out, but it feels good being able to record music again.
I don't even have a name for the song I've been working on for the last month, but... it'll come when it'...
Fri - Feb 01, 2008 : 01:29 am
0.37 daily views
2273 total views
1st Nephi : 20
I've often wondered why Nephi included the portions of scripture containing the writings of Isaiah.
I remember one time during my mission when I was reading the stuff in 2nd Nephi and it actually made sense, but I didn't write any of it down, so.... it still makes no sense to me.
Only one verse out of this chapter gave me any inspiration at all...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Mar 19, 2008 : 12:16 am
0.37 daily views
2257 total views
2nd Nephi : 26 - Part 2
Ya know, I sure am glad that Nephi wrote verse 22 of this chapter. In all of scripture, this is the only chapter which uses the word "flaxen" to describe the way Satan tempts us.
Flax is a fiber from a plant which is used to make linen. Linen isn't known for its strength.
Satan indeed does "lead us" with very ent...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Apr 30, 2010 : 06:47 am
0.37 daily views
2019 total views
Helaman : 8, 9
Seems that the testimony of Nephi against the people of Zarahemlah was centered around their disbelief in Christ. Interesting that, as soon a Satan has control over a people, Christ is the first doctrine which is attacked.
Also the story of the finding of the murderer of Seezoram is interesting through the eyes of the foreknowledge of God.&...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Tue - Sep 11, 2007 : 11:24 am
0.37 daily views
2350 total views
Concerning world events, I'll be the first to say that I'm a pretty naive guy. I keep up on stuff that's important to me, but not too much more. I realize that this is somewhat of a flaw, so I am trying to involve myself much more with the world.
That said, on the morning of Sept 10, 2001 - if you asked me what the "world trade ...
Thu - Jul 12, 2007 : 12:03 am
0.37 daily views
2404 total views
Girls' Camp
My wife left this morning for Girls' Camp (she's a leader), and so my mom came down to help with the chil'lins. It's been good to spend some time with her.
We watched The Eagle's Concert "Hell Frozen Over", and she not only watched the whole thing, but she *really* enjoyed it. It was great.
We then talked about this site I...
Wed - Mar 12, 2008 : 08:26 pm
0.37 daily views
2264 total views
2nd Nephi : 21 & 22
Surprisingly... I'm not sure if it's because of my attitude or what, but I believe I got a bit more out of this chapter than I have for the rest of the Isaiah stuff.
I'm not 100% sure what the branch is that comes out of the root of Jesse, but I've been told that is refers to the prophet Joseph Smith (D&C 113).
I also believe that when it s...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jun 16, 2008 : 04:51 pm
0.37 daily views
2265 total views
Gen. Conf. - Best Investment - Child
For some reason, I love the commandment of paying tithing. It's probably one of the top 10 commandments of which I have a burning testimony.
I love this quote (as well as Jacob 2:19)
"President Heber J. Grant stated, “I want to say to you, if you will be honest with the Lord, paying your tithing and keeping His commandments, He...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 04, 2010 : 11:08 am
0.37 daily views
1986 total views
Helaman : 16
I'm always slightly dumbfounded while pondering on the things that wicked men come up with to justify the signs given by prophets...
"Oh no, we can't hit this guy who is telling us we're wicked, so he must have a devil! GET HIM!"
"Oh my! All these miracles that are happening just as the prophets said they would - can'...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Mar 05, 2008 : 10:44 pm
0.37 daily views
2287 total views
2nd Nephi : 18
One part of this chapter possibly made sense to me, although I could be totally wrong.
Okay, two parts did.
The first is verses 8 - 13. It seems to me that these verses are talking about the kingdom of Judah. Though they may assemble themselves and try, they will ultimately fail unless they begin to fear God. (again, could b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual