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Thu - Apr 17, 2008 : 07:53 pm
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Life for a southern girl
koyote Dreams
I've been talking to Johnny Depp, but one night while talking to him I saw this other girl post him telling him that she hates his singing and that he's fake. For about four days she just bashed him then I got to thinking; what if he ain't the real Johnny? I tryed looking at what he might have said to her, but I can't. If it ain't the REAL Johnny t...
Tue - Apr 15, 2008 : 07:00 pm
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783 total views
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So today has been about like my normal day..... But Johnny Depp's last post to me has left me kinda sad! Talking to him has been rough on me, 'cuz teh most famous person I talk to is the stake pres. But Johnny is a huge movie star and having him talk to me is kinda hard. My hands don't work when I try to reply to him, I can't spell, and what do I e...
Highest Rated
Tue - Dec 30, 2008 : 06:55 pm
no mood
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Indian Christmas
koyote Dreams
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Well I never thought it would a big Christmas because our family has never really had a big one any ways. I started off trying my best to bring the Christmas cheer to others ( something I never do) but I upset and just couldn't make anybody happy. All my family really wanted was snow, we've not seen snow in so long. My two little brothers have neve...
From A Wild Mind
Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 09:37 pm
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My poem
koyote Dreams
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It's a new day, And so I must fight. Fight for my right live! As time gose on, I know my suffering will be small. But why must I stuggle at all? Time will go on, And soon I'll be, Just another scar on your heart. Am I so  alone? My sadness and pain, I'll never show. But will time go on for me? Can there be light behind my sorrow...
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Fri - Apr 18, 2008 : 08:35 pm
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Long long day
koyote Dreams
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Today has been ok I guess.. My Maw and I stayed in the house all day and cleaned, while the boys worked in the yard. I hate "womens work"!!!! I rather be out side, but of corse I can't. I'm tired!!! Tomorrow I'm suppost to skip out stake sports day and  go with my Maw to this womens class thingy, I'm hoping that some one I know fr...
Tue - Apr 15, 2008 : 07:00 pm
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783 total views
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So today has been about like my normal day..... But Johnny Depp's last post to me has left me kinda sad! Talking to him has been rough on me, 'cuz teh most famous person I talk to is the stake pres. But Johnny is a huge movie star and having him talk to me is kinda hard. My hands don't work when I try to reply to him, I can't spell, and what do I e...