Thu - Dec 13, 2012 : 11:06 pm
Getting Real...
So, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she was at our new home-to-be this evening, and apparently, almost everything is done. The carpet isn't in, nor are the toilets, nor are the cement stairs leading down to the basement, but everything else - yeah - it's done. I'm just beside myself. We could be moving in as early as late next week, which would put us in our new home on Christmas week!!!!
Holy cats, I've got so many emotions going on in my right now, it's hard to tell exactly how I feel about this new information. I guess the best way to describe it is - "blessed beyond the ability to describe it"
I'll be working on the studio electrical tomorrow with my dad. It'll be good times.
Holy cow. We could be moving into our new home next week. That is unbelievable. But then again, we could be moving in sometime mid-February for all I know. Gotta keep myself grounded.
Let me end by a phrase I've heard and felt quite a few times during the past few months, "Good things are happening, people!"