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Sun - Mar 27, 2011 : 02:53 pm
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Shadya's Update
Sunday March 27, 2011

Hey everyone! It's been a while but I'm back and I have so much to share with you. Lately I've been busy with school. It's really challenging and it's getting down to being time for finals. I just hope that I'll do very well on my finals than I am on my classwork.

I also would like to share that I'll be participating in my first musical. It's going to be an Easter musical/drama about the life and death of Jesus. I'm really excited and I'm glad to be apart of this outreach ministry. I just know that the whole program is going to be a success. But, I also know that the only reason of the success is because of the wonderful and amazing God that I serve. If it weren't for Him me and the rest of the cast members just wouldn't be able to do what we do. God's word says in Philipians 4:13 "that we can do all this through Christ who gives us the strength."

There are times when I'm practicing that I feel like my voice isn't good enough or I can't do it period. But, then I stop and think about all the love of God and his son Jesus living within me and I'm reminded that with God all things are possible. So the next time you feel like you can't do something or your unsure of yourself just think about the God who created you and that with Him in your life along with hard work and determination you can do anything.

After the show I'm going to go on a trip to the mountains. Every year the ladys from my church get together and we just go away to the mountains for the weekend. It's a great time of fellowship and to strengthing our realtionship with God. Plus, we go hiking and sliding down into the water (which is something that I'm going to be doing this year).

If I don't get back online than I would just like to wish you all a Happy Easter. For those of you who are traveling have fun and stay safe. You all have a great week. God bless you :)