Sun - Feb 14, 2010 : 07:30 am
Life, Music and Possibilities
It's been a while since I just sat down to write about whatever comes out of my fingers. I now have about an hour of free time, so I think I'm gonna do just that.
It's been kind of interesting that in various points in my life, I've wanted to get rid of the thoughts of doing something musical professionally, but it always seems to come back.
From the time when my drumset was destroyed going to California, to wanting to forget about music during college.
It just seems to me that music has followed me my whole life. It's not uncommon to hear me say, "If you cut me, you'd see some blood come out, but it'd mostly be music." Music is definitely in my veins, my soul, and my spirit. Like most normal people, music comes in through my ears. But once in my ears, music can (and usually does) penetrate each fiber of my body and soul. I get more chills by music than by any other source. Music fills me up emotionally. It's like a life-source to me.
So, yeah, that was pretty dramatic, but it's mostly true. Sure, I wouldn't shrivel up and die if music left me, but my life would be seriously more bleak without it.
Now... My life, right now, could be pointing in a direction where music could become a source of income, as well as a passion for me. This is kind of odd for me, because ... well... I was never made to understand that using music as a source of financial stability was ever a viable option. And for all I know at this point in my life, that may be true.
But, honestly, one year ago, if you were to tell me that I could make enough money with my recording studio to get it up to a semi-professional setup in less than one year, I probably would have laughed. Partly because I wouldn't have cared much at that point in my life (because I was doing well financially), and partly because I wouldn't think it was possible.
Year to date, I currently have 8 (possibly 9, but I don't want to spend any more time thinking about it) paying customers who come in to have their music produced. This has all been done with no public marketing campaign at all. All but one person has come in due to word-of-mouth marketing, and I'm really not talking to people about it enough to justify that amount of people coming in to record.
I've made enough money at this to buy pro-grade microphones, monitors, an awesome 8-channel pre-amp, acoustic treatment, 2 guitars, and a mixer. Doesn't sound like much, but people who come to record, and hear their recordings after a session, tend to tell me it sounds professionally produced - and that's the goal.
Speaking of goals... I won't tell ya what it is, but inside, I've got a goal of when I'd like to be doing this to a level that could possibly supplant my current full-time job's income, but right now, I honestly consider it a pipe-dream.
Yeah... So... I guess that's what I wanted to write about. It's just interesting how events in your life that, at the time, seem purely coincidental, tend to have more meaning in retrospect.
I've gotta get ready for church now.
Life / Music / Personal