Okay.. I have no idea why I'm writing this, but to heck with it. People should know. Either that, or I need to figure out what the hey I'm doing wrong.
So, about a year ago I began
a crusade to help AMD / ATI as much as I possibly could. I've already been buying AMD processors now for at least 5 years for myself, my work, my friends, and my family. I also have been buying Nvidia graphics cards. Well, since AMD acquired ATI, I've been buying ATI cards. I've even got a couple of my friends to see the light and begin buying the RadeonHD series instead of the Nvidia counterparts.
So, I had a pretty good start with my RadeonHD 4850. It installed just fine, and I could run my ETQW games just fine. That is, until about 2 months ago. Something in the new 9.6 drivers is causing that one game to segfault each time I try to run it. I can play UT2004 and Nexuiz just fine, but ETQW just refuses to load.
It was about that time that I got very sick of dealing with games in Linux. From the lack of support for games I want to play, to the finagling required to get the supported games to work. Ugh...
So, I did it. About a month ago, I installed windows on a spare hard drive I had laying around, and haven't dealt with anything having to do with games in Linux ever since. Windows still blows, and blows hard, but unfortunately, people use it and companies develop for it.
Also, in doing this, I uninstalled the fglrx driver I've been using and now use the radeonhd driver instead. I've got dual-monitor setups at home and work now, and the radeonHD driver seems to handle it with ease.
So... Yeah... I'm using windows XP for games.
Maybe that's why I feel nauseated all the time now.
Who knows... Maybe when the 3D support in the radeonhd driver is done, I'll consider giving it another try.