Last Thursday I took the kids to Jumpin Jacks. It is a huge warehouse with a bunch of bounce houses. The kids had an absolutely great time!
We also had the place to ourselves for the whole hour and half we were there. It was awesome!! I think they would of stayed all day if I let them.
They really loved this really tall slide. It was hillarious to see their little bodies flying down it. Collin had no fear and I was surprised that Luci didn't either. She was jumping all over the place and trying everything.
We also brought Luci's friend Taylar. She is the little blond girl in the pictures. They had a great time together.
Well, enjoy the pictures and video. Hopefully I will be able to take them one more time before the baby comes. I don't know how often I will be able to do things like that when he gets here, so we are taking advantage of it while we can.
Anywho, enjoy!
If you are wondering why Collin's shirt is off, he spent about 20 minutes at the drinking fountain drenching himself. He decided to take his shirt off after that. He tried to take his pants off, but I put a stop to that one.
Children / Family / Fun
Comment by Julia on Oct. 01, 2008 @ 03:42 pm
OH MY GOODNESS these are the cutest kids! CC is rockin my old dress and collin is so helarious! XOXO I love you guys and I can't wait to see you all and the new baby. I'm sure he's going to be as cute as cc and collin!
Comment by anonymous on Oct. 02, 2008 @ 08:36 am
Too much fun! You can tell they had a blast! One problem though...why aren't there any pictures of you going down the tall slide?? I want to see some pics of that! :o)
Love it! I miss you and your kids so much...and of course Jason too. My kids would love that place. It is a date. Next time I come to visit, we all are going to that place. Trae and Colin can take turns drenching each other at the drinking fountain. I love you Sarah.