Mon - Sep 22, 2008 : 08:40 am
Mosiah : 12
I wonder if Abinadi's disguise was due to him not being welcome in the city anymore, as in, he couldn't get in at all without it. Dunno... Just a thought.
Also, I find it quite prophetic for Abiniadi to be using the analogy of a piece of cloth in a hot furnace, as far as the worth of King Noah's life. He could have just as easily used any other number of analogies. Also, at this point, I wonder if Abinadi knew of his fate?
Verses 1 through 8 pretty much just gives a list of prophetic statements which will happen against the people unless they repent. As we see they didn't, it would be interesting to go and find scriptural evidence for each prophetic statement Abinadi uttered.
Hmm... Verse 11 has a statement of one of the priests saying Abinadi related Noah's life to a "stalk"... Why is that not found in the previous verses of Abinadi's prophecies? Verse 12 has the same, about the thistle... Hmm.... Are they making it up, or did Mormon just not put those in the text?
Man.... Especially not as a last ditch effort to confound him, but never ask a prophet to expound a scripture which you yourself are deceitfully perverting. Most likely, he'll make you look like a fool, just as Abinadi did to this poor priest in verses 19 - 37.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual