Sun - Sep 14, 2008 : 11:15 pm
Quicktip: Kdenlive Text
I'm probably going to re-write this later, but I just wanted to jot down quickly how to do text with Kdenlive.
It's really quite easy to set it up. You just click on "Project->Create Text Clip", and proceed to create your clip.
My problem was this: What if I don't want the text on its own page, but rather have it show on top of the video? How do I create a text clip and blend it with the video?
It took me a bit, but that's really easy, too. You just add a transition and select "Push". This will give you all sorts of options on blending two videos together, and since Kdenlive makes the text clip its own video (with the option of having a tranparent background), this is both very easy, and quite customizable.
Simply add the text clip on the extra video track, add the transition, and play with the settings. There ya have it.
Hopefully I'll add some screenshots here soon to make this how-to a bit easier to read.
I've gotta get to sleep.
Kdenlive / Linux / Video