So a little
more than a year ago, I took my mustang out for the first time on the Salt Flats. I had a blast out there with my good friend Steve.
On the way home, Steve had some problems with salt lining his rims, causing some tire imbalance, so we got off the freeway, I showed him what the problem was, and as I was getting back on the freeway, I just happened to find myself riding side-by-side with an orange Neon SRT-4 who was itchin' for a race.
We were on I-80, and from what I saw, there weren't any cops, so I laid into it. I beat him the first time, then he beat me the 2nd two. From that point on, I've sort of had a grudge against this little SRT-4 thing. I couldn't believe a little 4-banger was beating me in my brand-new Mustang GT.
Though at the time I didn't know it, I was doing quite a few things wrong. I was running on 85 Octane gasoline, which in and of itself was a huge performance hit, and I didn't know how to drive worth diddley-squat.
So, fast forward to about 2 hours ago, and I was coming home from lunch. I see a blue SRT-4 who seems to be itchin' for a race as well. So, he beeps three times, and we hit it.
I've often wondered if the
modifications I've recently
made to my Mustang have made any difference in the speed, and I haven't had any opportunities to get good results.
Well... The jury is out, and the verdict is definitely in. I blew past him in such a way that he was 2 car-lengths behind me before I hit 100, and we started racing just above 65.
It's always good to get past old grudges, but it's even better to bury them in my exhaust.