Sun - Sep 23, 2007 : 11:18 pm
History of ILoveMyJournal
Why, oh why, did I create this site? For those of you wondering what this site is all about, read on. For those of you who couldn't care less, read on. For those of you who enjoy reading my blog, or otherwise, read on. Okay... That was stupid. Ohwell...
I Love My Journal (ILMJ) was originally created for one reason and one reason only - to house my constantly growing personal journal.
You see... I've been keeping a journal (off and on) for 18 years now. It started when I was 14 as a "new year's resolution" which just happened to stick. I promised myself that I'd keep a daily journal for one full year, and that's exactly what I did - for 4 straight years. And then for two more years during my mission, and then off and on for the next 12 years.
During that time, I was keeping my journals in everything from those nice bound journals you buy at the scrapbook store, to scattererd notes and the back of envelopes. I managed to keep good track of mostly everything, but awhile ago, I started thinking that it'd be a good idea to keep my journals all in one place, digitally. So, I started transcribing the entire lot of em' into word processors and various other computer-based technolgies. First I kept it in Word Perfect and then MS Word (before I knew of the superior Linux OS), and then openoffice, and finally, I decided to insert the whole 5000+ entries into an SQL database for easy searching and manipulation.
It took me years to transcribe everything, and in fact, I've still got a grundle of poetry I need to transcribe, but finally - all entries were in a database.
I needed now an application to allow for easy entry and editing, and categorizing, and anything else I could think of for my journal (which now spans from 01-01-1990 to the present). So, I started working on I Love My Journal probably about 3 months ago.
Soon, I realized that it would be fun and easier for me to keep a public blog,as well as my private entries, so I added that feature.
Soon after that, I thought, "Why not give everyone else the chance to keep an easy journal, too?" So, I made the whole system public to anyone and everyone.
So, basically.. That's where I am now, and quite frankly, I love journaling now more than ever. It's easy, and I can't believe all the people who are signing up (mostly for the private journaling) to start their own journal. still lacks a LOT of features, but it is constantly growing and improving. Soon, I hope to add a video-journaling feature, alongside the existing audio-journaling feature.
Eventually, I also want to provide a service which will allow people to send me their journals, or journals of loved ones, in whatever form they wish, to be transcribed and entered into the database.
Another feature which isn't advertised, is the regular backups of ILMJ's database. Every morning, the entire database is backed up to a 2nd location, so in the event of a hard drive failure, only the maximum of one day could be lost. My journal is *very* important to me.
Anyway... I just thought I'd let ya'll know a little bit about what is driving ILMJ, and how glad I am to provide this service free to everyone.
Oh... and on that note, I hate ad-based websites. I think they're ugly and distracting. ILMJ will most likely never-ever have any advertisements - at all.
I Love My Journal / Personal