Contention Sucks.
This morning,
Steve broke in to chat and said something to the effect of "Pride sucks." Ya know... I completely agree with him. Pride does suck. I wonder why...
I've heard it said that "Pride is the only unforgivable sin." This is the doctrine according to me because I can't remember who said it, nor if it was an authority figure, so.... no doctrine there. Anywhen, the point of this statement is that if someone is truly prideful, they'll never repent of their pride and thus never reap the benefits of Christ's atonement, and thus pride has become the unforgivable sin. I thought that was pretty cool rationale.
Right to the side of pride is his brother, contention. I really hate contention. Do I hate contention? Honestly, sometimes I wish it would die and rot. Other times, even though I hate it, I am driven by it - and that causes me to hate it even more. Example:
Recently I've been getting into some debates with people, and even though I know I'm right and I know the other person knows he's wrong, I *will not* give in until I have completely destroyed any hopes of them making any sense with their argument. I win the argument and make the other person look and feel kind of stupid. Was I right? Yes. Did I prove it? Yes. Did I do anything that even remotely resembled anything Christ-like while doing so? Was there any teaching going on? Was there anything uplifting, praiseworthy, or anything of good report done? Was anyone made to believe they were a better person? Did I make anyone's day a little bit brighter? NO, NO, NO, NO, and ummm..... NO.
Yeah, I hate contention and pride. Even though with certain things, I know I'm right - I shouldn't feel like I have to prove it.
Oh, by the way on an ending note that has no resemblance of anything deserving to be in this post, if you haven't checked it out yet - take a look at
this site. It's a pretty uplifting and generally a good site. It's mine. I created it about 2 years ago and enjoy helping people out by hosting it.