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Sun - May 10, 2009 : 06:22 pm
   rated 5 times
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1061 total views
Mormon Prom
koyote Dreams
So last night was the big Mormon Prom, me and my boyfriend Sean looked great! I had spent all day getting my hair and stuff done, and it really paid off in the end. Even though I was running like 15 minutes late to where Sean has wanted to take some pictures. It took two and a half hours to do my hair, so I didn't get to leave in time. So I told ...
Sun - Mar 08, 2009 : 08:09 pm
   rated 1 time
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924 total views
Don't know how to feel
koyote Dreams
1 comment
Ok, so all this crazy stuff has happend since my last blog! When I say crazy I mean un-believeable. I've felt every emotion from the worst of heart breaks to pure joy to all the sudden being swept off my feet by someone I never would've thought of. I learned NOT to hide my realtionships from my parents, that it's still lying if you hide the most im...
From A Wild Mind
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
   rated 1 time
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A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Tue - Dec 30, 2008 : 06:55 pm
no mood
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Indian Christmas
koyote Dreams
1 comment
Well I never thought it would a big Christmas because our family has never really had a big one any ways. I started off trying my best to bring the Christmas cheer to others ( something I never do) but I upset and just couldn't make anybody happy. All my family really wanted was snow, we've not seen snow in so long. My two little brothers have neve...
From A Wild Mind
Fri - Nov 28, 2008 : 06:40 pm
no mood
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I really like it
koyote Dreams
So, after almost being robbed at Wal-mart I came home talked to a friend went to bed. When I woke up I wrote this poem, " Never to cry"  it makes scence to me because well there my feelings.  So comment and let me know what you think about " Never to cry"     Lost in wonder, I can’t see why you l...
Fri - Nov 21, 2008 : 07:39 pm
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New poem
koyote Dreams
1 comment
This is my new poem, I believe it or not was really trying to write a love poem. But I guess because something happend and I got upset just before writting, this what I got. So, yeah. Take a look at " Braking me" Feel free to tell me your thoughts please.   - - - Braking me - - - No longer your here, But my scars never leave. W...
Thu - Nov 06, 2008 : 05:55 pm
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Hope it ain't from church
koyote Dreams
I had a real good day at church yesterday, I did talk to the Bishop and got things setteled.  My ex left me alone so nothing hapend there, the only thing I did not like about it was that in our seminary class some one came and nocked on the door every few seconds and would run down the hallway. Then all the leaders botherd me about trying to f...
Wed - Nov 05, 2008 : 08:09 pm
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839 total views
koyote Dreams
Church tonight was really good. I think every leader asked me tonight is something was wrong, I'm not a people person and they all know that, I did kinda wish that they would stop asking. But I let it go and told them everything was fine, and did the things I was asked and after church I went to sit by the car. And my ex did not bother me :-0 The l...
Thu - Oct 16, 2008 : 07:43 am
   rated 5 times
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928 total views
Praying makes it better
koyote Dreams
I got the chance to go to work with my mom yesterday and help run the shop while doing some seminary when we had no people in the store. Around 3 I sat down at one of the desks and opend my books and the door bell rang and I got up since my mom was on the phone helping some one else, but the man went to some products that I have NO clue about so I ...
Thu - Oct 09, 2008 : 12:20 pm
   rated 1 time
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852 total views
A date... A new member?
koyote Dreams
1 comment
The Powwow was great. Just what I needed, I spent a lot of time thinking and relaxing and getting over all the offel things that've happend! I danced and with each step I released my pain. It was truely amazing, but that's not what I want to talk about.. Not yet any way! So this is how my story starts right, fridaynight I set up camp and then sa...
Highest Rated
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
   rated 1 time
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A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Fri - Sep 19, 2008 : 08:06 am
   rated 1 time
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1067 total views
Bad Dream
koyote Dreams
1 comment
Last night I was depressed, I've been that way a lot. But last night I was ready to up and walk away, I went to my room and turned on the Raido and the song that was playing was so evil! The words were playing in my head over and over last night. Until something in my shut it off and just lay there crying! I fell into a deep sleep, I dreamed abo...
Thu - Oct 16, 2008 : 07:43 am
   rated 5 times
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928 total views
Praying makes it better
koyote Dreams
I got the chance to go to work with my mom yesterday and help run the shop while doing some seminary when we had no people in the store. Around 3 I sat down at one of the desks and opend my books and the door bell rang and I got up since my mom was on the phone helping some one else, but the man went to some products that I have NO clue about so I ...
Sun - May 10, 2009 : 06:22 pm
   rated 5 times
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1061 total views
Mormon Prom
koyote Dreams
So last night was the big Mormon Prom, me and my boyfriend Sean looked great! I had spent all day getting my hair and stuff done, and it really paid off in the end. Even though I was running like 15 minutes late to where Sean has wanted to take some pictures. It took two and a half hours to do my hair, so I didn't get to leave in time. So I told ...
Sun - Mar 08, 2009 : 08:09 pm
   rated 1 time
0.16 daily views
924 total views
Don't know how to feel
koyote Dreams
1 comment
Ok, so all this crazy stuff has happend since my last blog! When I say crazy I mean un-believeable. I've felt every emotion from the worst of heart breaks to pure joy to all the sudden being swept off my feet by someone I never would've thought of. I learned NOT to hide my realtionships from my parents, that it's still lying if you hide the most im...
From A Wild Mind
Thu - Oct 09, 2008 : 12:20 pm
   rated 1 time
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852 total views
A date... A new member?
koyote Dreams
1 comment
The Powwow was great. Just what I needed, I spent a lot of time thinking and relaxing and getting over all the offel things that've happend! I danced and with each step I released my pain. It was truely amazing, but that's not what I want to talk about.. Not yet any way! So this is how my story starts right, fridaynight I set up camp and then sa...
Sun - Apr 20, 2008 : 08:04 pm
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1142 total views
Not good enough
koyote Dreams
1 comment
I told you I love you, And yet you broke my heart. you had to run around, Behind my back! Now I'm sitting here, I can't think of anyonelse! But the one thing rings in my head, Why was I never good enough for you? How come I'm alone? I wanted to give you my heart, But you just can't be true, Can you? Now your running around, Trying to m...
Thu - Sep 11, 2008 : 07:31 pm
   rated 0 times
0.14 daily views
793 total views
Why does this happen?
koyote Dreams
Why is it that when I try to make friends my Ex has to come in and mess things up? Theres this girl, she's got NO friends at church and from what I hear she ain't got none at school either. I wanted to be her friend, to give her some one so she end up like me, alone. She's a really great girl, but she don't just get it, I can't tell her about my ex...
Fri - May 23, 2008 : 08:05 pm
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864 total views
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So Anyone ever heard of Paul Michael Glaser? He is like the best actor! Well next to Johnny Depp. But any way my Pa loves him, in high school he and his best friend were called "Starsky and Hutch" because they acted so much like the real Starsky and hutch. My PA was Starsky, and to this day is called that! he owns all the old tv shows on ...
Tue - Jul 29, 2008 : 11:59 am
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843 total views
Personal Progress
koyote Dreams
So, about 9 months ago I finshed my personal progress. It felt amazing to have done it! Sunday at our Fireside they called me up infront of everybody, keep in mind theres a few hundred people there. Once I got up there they handed me a letter and told me how proud they all were.... So I go back and sit with my friends and brother!  I got hom...
Most Viewed
Mon - Apr 21, 2008 : 09:29 pm
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Sun shine
koyote Dreams
Well today has been ok. I've spent most of it playing with my brothers, but later on in the night I came onto the computer to find something I never expected! I found that my new friend CMT_Music_Awards she said things I'll never forget, made me cry. I was suppost when I read what she said. I think she said she's only 11, she seems to be such a s...
Tue - Apr 29, 2008 : 07:31 pm
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1264 total views
A lost crush
koyote Dreams
Ok, I'm all confused! Theres this boy, he's a year older then me and majorly hott!  About a year I met him and fell for him :-) as girls do lol but this guy was somthing... something amazing he was perfect, I'm only 15 but I knew how perfect he was. Well we e-mailed everyday and he called me a few times. But he gose to school and leavs kinda ...
Sun - Apr 20, 2008 : 08:04 pm
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Not good enough
koyote Dreams
1 comment
I told you I love you, And yet you broke my heart. you had to run around, Behind my back! Now I'm sitting here, I can't think of anyonelse! But the one thing rings in my head, Why was I never good enough for you? How come I'm alone? I wanted to give you my heart, But you just can't be true, Can you? Now your running around, Trying to m...
Thu - Feb 12, 2009 : 06:31 pm
   rated 1 time
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A temple trip to remember
koyote Dreams
1 comment
So the other night my ward had the first temple trip of the year. I was unable to hide the fact that I so badly wanted to go! I needed the peaceful easy feeling that only the temple can give, but I was also very worried at teh same time. Because the last temple trip my ward went on the youth did not behave themselves like they should've and they go...
Sun - May 10, 2009 : 06:22 pm
   rated 5 times
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Mormon Prom
koyote Dreams
So last night was the big Mormon Prom, me and my boyfriend Sean looked great! I had spent all day getting my hair and stuff done, and it really paid off in the end. Even though I was running like 15 minutes late to where Sean has wanted to take some pictures. It took two and a half hours to do my hair, so I didn't get to leave in time. So I told ...
Fri - Sep 19, 2008 : 08:06 am
   rated 1 time
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1067 total views
Bad Dream
koyote Dreams
1 comment
Last night I was depressed, I've been that way a lot. But last night I was ready to up and walk away, I went to my room and turned on the Raido and the song that was playing was so evil! The words were playing in my head over and over last night. Until something in my shut it off and just lay there crying! I fell into a deep sleep, I dreamed abo...
Wed - May 14, 2008 : 08:20 pm
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988 total views
Girls camp
koyote Dreams
OK girls camp is coming up fast. I have had a hard time with my Young womens teachers, The two I have a rearlly hard time with are not going, well one is. We have this fund raiser to get the money for camp, I'm  going to auction off what I'm best at :-) LOL! I'm doing two reflexioalgy foot massages each is an hour. My hands are gonna die B-) B...
Wed - Apr 30, 2008 : 02:58 pm
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He must really love us
koyote Dreams
A few days ago some things were said that hurt my feelings really really bad. Needls to say I was kinda down. I started believeing what was said and felt really worthless, I called that girl I talked about in the last blog not the crush one but the one before that. Well I called her and  just talked, turned out she was feeling kinda down too! ...
Mon - Apr 28, 2008 : 07:47 pm
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983 total views
koyote Dreams
WOW, feels like forever since I last came in here to write. My comp crashed and just now got back up. For now....  I am really glad that I've been able to talk to Christine, she's a really great girl!  I signed up for a website she sent me. I'm going to try and find her LOL I had a lot to write, but just don't feel much like doing it a...
Tue - Apr 29, 2008 : 10:14 am
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980 total views
koyote Dreams
My best friend ever, She's more like a sister then a friend. She's kinda like the only friend I have here. I don't mean here here as in on this site, I mean like where I live. And she lives about 5 hours away from me. Well she's moving to this really really far away place, far enough I wont ge to see her again! I miss her so much..... But I'm worr...