Tue - Apr 14, 2009 : 11:40 pm
0.49 daily views
2844 total views
Alma : 23
Ya know, I thought up until now that verse 6 refers only to the people under the reign of king Lamoni. Evidently, it was everyone under the king of the entire Lamanite nation. Amazing, amazing missionary work.
Heh... Yeah... In reading the rest of the chapter, it pretty much names exactly the cities which were converted. I guess...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Mon - Apr 13, 2009 : 11:39 pm
1.09 daily views
6321 total views
Gphoto2 / Gnome Problem
Ya know... Sometimes I hate open source. Most times I love it, but sometimes I hate it.
I recently updated my gentoo gnome installation to 2.24.2, and didn't think much of it. I then tried to connect my Nikon S210 digital camera to my usb port and perform the simple task of importing photos. I have done this probably 100 t...
Computers / Linux
Mon - Apr 13, 2009 : 11:22 am
0.66 daily views
3805 total views
Alma : 22
Well.. I got to verse 3, when a concept which, for some reason, has been pounded into my spirit throughout pretty much my whole life, came ringing true and clear. What is that concept, you ask? Don't assume to know anything about the effect you may have on others. Sometimes you can tell, but sometimes you can't.
Because of the honesty...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Spiritual
Sun - Apr 12, 2009 : 07:44 pm
0.49 daily views
2851 total views
Easter 2009
Here's a little something we did during the day today. Luci had a bit of a mis-understanding of what the easter bunny really was at first. She got the hang of it, though. Video above:...
Children / Life / Personal
Fri - Apr 10, 2009 : 08:15 am
0.49 daily views
2860 total views
Alma : 21
Confrontation and contention has always been an interesting thing for me. For one, I hate it and I don't know how to deal with it. I'm a passionate person in every sense of the word. The moment I feel like I'm being attacked, it's everything I have to do to keep my head level and my blood from boiling. Unfortunately, this ke...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Spiritual
Thu - Apr 09, 2009 : 11:38 am
0.51 daily views
2970 total views
Alma : 20
The first thing that stood out to me this time around was the anger of Lamoni's father. Try to place yourself in the situation Lamoni found himself in. There are so many variables in the situation, it's hard to imagine exactly what was going on with the family undercurrents, but holy cow. Lamoni's father drew his freaking sword an...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Apr 07, 2009 : 04:09 pm
0.54 daily views
3128 total views
Alma : 19
One thing that comes to mind while reading the first verses of this chapter is, "If I were a queen, and my servants brought me my unconscious husband, I'd immediately want to know who did it." - and Ammon did it. That doesn't make much sense to me. Obviously the times of the Book of Mormon were , uh, different, so that could e...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures
Mon - Apr 06, 2009 : 03:22 pm
0.64 daily views
3684 total views
Alma : 18
It's been awhile since I continued on in my quest to read and write about each and every chapter in the Book of Mormon, but, I'm still at it! I'm gonna finish! Here's Alma 18:
The first thing I notice this time around is something I don't think I've ever noticed before.
In order to feel badly about doing something, you have to at le...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Spiritual
Mon - Apr 06, 2009 : 08:45 am
6.54 daily views
37886 total views
Disney DRM, Ripping DVDs
Lately, I've been viewing a few Disney flicks on DVD. I got Bolt and Bedtime Stories. Because I usually rent them on redbox and can only have them for a day, I will rip them, and then when I get around to it, I'll watch em' then delete them. No problems with that, as far as I can see. I rent them to view them once, and that'...
Drm / Linux
Fri - Apr 03, 2009 : 03:43 pm
0.71 daily views
4098 total views
ILMJ Auto-Saved Entries
Lately, I've been getting a lot of feedback concerning lost entries from I Love My Journal. Occasionally, I would even lose one myself.
The session timer for ILoveMyJournal.com is set to 2 hours, which means that you can stay logged in to the stie for 2 hours without being logged out due to inactivity.
I initially thought was long enough,...
I Love My Journal
Wed - Jan 13, 2010 : 11:02 pm
0.42 daily views
2297 total views
Alma : 49
Okay... So this chapter wasn't brimming with the deep doctrines of the Gospel, but it did have a few nuggets.
I would absolutely love to see some sort of diagram of exactly what the Nephites did to build up their cities. I have so many ideas in my head of what it could have been, but to what extent that's true, I have no idea. I...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Nov 25, 2007 : 09:44 pm
0.84 daily views
5264 total views
Another Wonderful Sabbath
Sitting here before I begin this entry, I have to sit and sigh... A sigh of gratitude.
Today has been a Sabbath of great spiritual confirmations of simple truths.
While reading this entry, I suggest you click the "play" icon button in the upper right-hand corner of this entry window. Instead of playing the usual En...
Mon - Jan 21, 2008 : 10:26 pm
0.37 daily views
2333 total views
1st Nephi : 13
Where do I even begin with this chapter?
I remember reading it and understanding it for the first time during my mission. It was really cool realizing that all of this stuff in this chapter is written about in history books! It talks about Christopher Columbus discovering America, the Revolutionary War, the Bible, the coming of the Bo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - May 24, 2007 : 05:00 am
0.74 daily views
4798 total views
Audio file for Nature's Way
Journal entry is contained within the attached audio file....
Fri - Oct 11, 2019 : 04:19 pm
1.06 daily views
2075 total views
Gen Conf. 2019 Elder Oaks
First off, I don't like at all that the congregation was laughing during the initial parts of the talk. This interpretation of humor, to me, tells me people aren't really trying to empathize with someone who could ask that type of question. Considering the implications of polygamy, the question of living in one's own house vs. liv...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 15, 2007 : 12:31 pm
0.42 daily views
2675 total views
Another Mormon Myth?
Wow... Three entries in a matter of a couple of hours. I guess I've got a lot to write.
A couple months back, I wrote about a pet-peeve of mine. Has to do with a phenomenon whereby people claim something doctrinal which really has very little, if any, doctrinal basis at all.
Well... I believe I remembered something else which just might...
Mon - Nov 30, 2009 : 05:13 pm
0.45 daily views
2516 total views
Alma : 43
I wasn't planning on writing about this chapter this time, but something which kind of makes me wonder stood out to me this time.
What's the deal with the armor of the Lamanites being so slim? I mean, seriously. If I were going to war, I would definitely do everything I could to protect myself and ensure victory. Loin cloths and...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Apr 30, 2008 : 04:50 pm
0.55 daily views
3395 total views
Gen. Conf. - Cncrn for One - Wirthlin
"Some are lost because they are different. They feel as though they don’t belong. Perhaps because they are different, they find themselves slipping away from the flock. They may look, act, think, and speak differently than those around them and that sometimes causes them to assume they don’t fit in. They conclude that they are not...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Aug 28, 2007 : 08:42 pm
0.37 daily views
2354 total views
ILMJ Gets Comments!
Yes! You can now comment on public blog entries at ILoveMyJournal.com!
I wrote the whole process from scratch, so some of the methods used to keep bots away might be new to you. Here's the skinny:
First off, nothing is required except the comment and the human-test answer. I'm not sure if this is gonna stick or not, but I co...
I Love My Journal
Sun - Oct 02, 2011 : 12:14 am
0.40 daily views
1949 total views
Moroni : 4
I think these chapters are too short. Interesting to note that the scripture says that the elder or priest would "kneel down with the church", yet the congregation doesn't kneel down today.
Also interesting to note that the sacrament prayer is one of very few prayers which have to be said verbatim, and hasn't changed at all ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Fri - Aug 13, 2010 : 02:46 pm
0.56 daily views
2941 total views
3 Nephi : 11
I've often wondered what the significance is behind them not understanding God's words the first 2 times. What immediately comes to mind as I ponder this, is the angel Moroni speaking to Joseph Smith 3 times, repeating the exact same message, added upon, each time... But Joseph understood Moroni's words each time. I can't think of...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Sep 19, 2007 : 05:36 pm
0.56 daily views
3571 total views
Building a Computer
I guess I just take for granted all the tips 'n' tricks I've learned over the past 10 years I've been building my own systems (along with most of my family's and friend's computers), so with that thought, let me try to explain how I build computers.
First off, this article is intended for those people who are not necessarily tech-wizards, but ar...
Sun - May 27, 2007 : 05:03 pm
0.56 daily views
3625 total views
Alright... This is insane.
On Friday (2 days ago), we were here in California, and my cell phone was in the van. Unbeknownst to me, Andrea Clifford from Natures Way called around 11:00am, telling me that they were done with the 2nd-round interviews and wanted to talk to me concerning the web developer position. I got that message around 4:20....
Wed - Sep 10, 2008 : 11:39 am
0.55 daily views
3288 total views
Ads on ILMJ
I just wanted to let you all know I'm experimenting with putting ads on ILoveMyJournal. I've been paying a bit too much to host the various sites I put up, so I'm seeing if I can re-coup any of it through ads.
If you want to get rid of the ads, simply log in. As soon as you log in, all ads should disappear.
I'm not 100% sure if I'm ...
I Love My Journal
Thu - May 08, 2008 : 12:00 pm
0.55 daily views
3390 total views
Gen. Conf. - Our Hearts - Lund
This talk really got me thinking about where my heart is.
As I've grown older, my pet sins are still doing their best to have their portion of my heart dedicated to them. I'm still doing my best to assure they don't.
Often, I wonder how my life will differ in this aspect 5 or 10 years from now. Will I still struggle with the same si...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Mar 22, 2009 : 12:02 pm
0.55 daily views
3213 total views
This Morning...
Well.. Yesterday, I was running on what I thought would be a low tank of sleep, but I didn't really ever get tired. I ended up having a fairly full day, spending most of the afternoon with Steve, and then practicing with Plan B from 7:30 until 10pm. Man, what a blast that is. I love playing with them. I love music.
Anyway, I arrived ho...
Life / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 15, 2015 : 12:23 pm
0.55 daily views
2025 total views
1 Nephi 4
So, I was listening to, and reading, 1st Nephi chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon this morning, when a verse caught my eye, and my mind dwelt on it for a bit. It was verse 6. Verse 6 reads as follows:
"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."
Seems pretty ino...
Book Of Mormon / Spiritual
Wed - Nov 21, 2007 : 02:47 pm
0.55 daily views
3449 total views
Women's Roles / LDS Beliefs
A couple of weeks ago, I spent some time in my car driving to and from Salt Lake City. During the trip, I had the opportunity to listen to one of the best talks on Women's Roles in the LDS faith. I was so impressed by the contents of this talk, I had to listen to the entire thing twice.
Both times, both my heart and my eyes were fille...
Lds / Personal
Tue - Feb 24, 2009 : 05:27 pm
0.55 daily views
3222 total views
Oh, the Possibilities...
Ya know... I really wasn't planning on writing anything today, but ah, what the hey. It's 5:30 and I'm not going to be doing anything else within the next 20 minutes.
So, lately I've been pondering this whole "ILoveMyJournal.com" thing I've created, and where I should take it. So far, there aren't that many users, but ...
I Love My Journal / Personal / Programming
Wed - Apr 30, 2008 : 04:50 pm
0.55 daily views
3395 total views
Gen. Conf. - Cncrn for One - Wirthlin
"Some are lost because they are different. They feel as though they don’t belong. Perhaps because they are different, they find themselves slipping away from the flock. They may look, act, think, and speak differently than those around them and that sometimes causes them to assume they don’t fit in. They conclude that they are not...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual