To start, I must say that the video above was created using a very old digital camera. It shoots at 15 fps, so, that is why the video quality is so horrible. I'll see if I can't get a more decent video later on. Now, on with the entry...
I would have written about this yesterday evening, but I was dead-tired. So... I'll write about it now.
I've been excited about this auto-show now for a couple of months for two reasons:
- I'm getting more and more involved in modifying my mustang and cars in general.
- The band I'm in, Plan B, is getting better and better. This year we added a keyboard player who really knows his stuff, his name is Brent and he's fun as heck to play with.
So, yeah, yesterday was awesome.
The car show was about twice the size as it was last year. There were approximately 670 cars entered in the show. Major auto insanity ensued. There were some insanely modified cars there, and what's better was, most of the cars there were mustangs! There were mustangs of all years.
There were at least 8 GT500's of all shapes and sizes. I didn't see any "super snakes", though. I was kind of hoping to see one. Ah well...
The show by Plan B was pretty awesome as well. We played two 1-hour sets. I didn't get any pictures or video of us playing, so all of the video / photos here are of the car show.
Anyway... Enough of the text. Let's get to the good stuff!

The infamous "Scott 'n' Jason" pose. Yes, that's right, it's real.
The next 4 shots are of a ..... well... I
think it was originally a GT500, but it has been so heavily modified, I just don't know. Anyway... The wheels on this thing were seriously around 30 inches wide. The colors were gorgeous, and I can only imagine what the engine looked like. I just stood in awe for heaven knows how long. Luckily, I remembered to take some photos.

The next 3 shots are of a truck which rivals the
truck from two years ago. The artwork was a bit darker (as well as suggestive), but the truck itself was gorgeous.