Quote -
"Sometimes, the truth may just seem too straightforward, too plain, and too simple for us to fully appreciate its great value. I wonder if we as Church members might also benefit from asking ourselves from time to time: “Is my experience in the Church working for me? Is it bringing me closer to Christ? Is it blessing me and my family with peace and joy as promised in the gospel?”
My thoughts:
That seems to me to be a pretty bold question that an authority of the church would ask. It implies that the answer could possibly be "Nope. It isn't". Personally, I think that anyone who is striving (really striving) to truly live the Gospel (which, for me, means obeying the commandments, doing my duty in my callings, and following the Spirit when the Spirit speaks), the answer will always be "Yes". It's incredibly difficult for me to allow the possibility of my unhappiness be the result of something I am doing. It's incredibly easy to allow it to be something someone else has done. The problem is - when I honestly dig down, it's always me. By design, I am the controller of me. If the answer to Elder Uchtdorf's question is "No", it's because I'm doing something wrong. Gotta keep it real, yo.
Quote - "
Are we making our discipleship too complicated?"
My thoughts:
For me, this seems to be an easy one. I make sure I have a definition of what "Living the Gospel" or "Being a disciple of Christ" really means, and it's simple.
- Keep the commandments and follow the prophets (or do my best to do so, and when I sin, I acknowledge it, realise I'm human, repent, and try to do better)
- Follow the Spirit when the Spirit speaks - this means that when an idea comes to my head that seems like a good idea, it's probably from the Holy Ghost, and I should do my best to heed and follow it. Anything from "Don't eat that now", to "Go talk to Luci". From "Go and take a shower", to "Go over and talk to that stranger". I personally believe the Holy Ghost is as active in our lives as we want him to be. The more we follow what He says, the more He will guide us, and as a result, the better our lives will be. (Also, note, I said better, not easier.)
- Do my best in my callings and service in the church.
Also - for me it is
*very* important that, in addition to the three previous things, I do three simple things every. single. day.
- Pray in the morning. Pray in the morning. Pray in the morning.
- Read the scriptures sometime during the day. Doesn't matter if it's a single word, or an entire book. It has to be done every day. When it's not done daily, I feel it, and I don't like that feeling.
- End my day with a prayer, and do my best to talk to God as if he were right there and cares about what I'm saying ... because He is ... and He does.
That might seem like a lot, but when it's broken down, that (to me) is what "Living the Gospel" means, and because it's listed out, I can follow it. Anyone can. Pretty cool, right? Everything else is just fluff.
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"Start Where You Are"
My thoughts:
One of the coolest quotes of this conference, and truths of life is this, "...we don’t need to be “more” of anything to start to become the person God intended us to become. God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you. All you need is a willing heart, a desire to believe, and trust in the Lord."
The thought, "I am not good enough for God", or "I'll never be as good as I need to be", or "I'm just not something God would want." -
Those are all satanic lies. We are good enough for God the instant we begin trying to be. It doesn't matter if we're in the bottom of the hole of addiction, or already a disciple of Christ. The instant we begin trying, God will extend His hand and begin lifting us up, no matter our past choices, or where we are in life.