Sat - Jul 27, 2013 : 02:56 pm
Music Speaks For Itself
With everything going on that has to do with running Art City Sound, and making sure everything is taken care of, it's easy to forget what is really important. Of course, my family is, and always will be, #1 in my life, but aside from that, the most important thing in this studio is good music. Having a good time is a definite plus, but sometimes making good music is hard work. Sometimes I'l find myself working on a particular part of a song, be it a melody, or an instrument, or a sound, for hours, until I get it just right, and sometimes I'll spend those hours without ever finding the right part... ...but I'll be at it the next day until I get it just right.
Making good music is what this studio is all about. Either making your song exactly what you want it to be, or making it even better through collaboration, is our goal.
I'm not quite sure why I'm writing this right now, either. It may be that I haven't blogged for over a month, or it may be that I just got a referral from a youtube video from one of my clients. The referral simply said, "I don't know who this is, nor is the song my favorite, but I really like the way it *sounds*, and I saw that it was created at your studio. I want my music to have that same sound." I suppose that's why she called and booked some time.
Good times.
Here's the video she was referring to: Jacob Admunsen's rendition of "Be Still My Soul".