Tick Tock...
So... In what has turned out to be my monthly updates, I don't have much to report this time, as progress on the studio portion of the house has been waiting for the actual house to be built. Right now, the studio is comprised of two large concrete boxes in my basement.
What I do have to report on is something I hadn't expected, really. Not to get all mushy, but I'm blown away by both the amount of calls I get with people asking when the studio will be in operation, the amount of people willing to wait to start recording, and especially the very kind words of a few people who have said some incredibly nice things about this crazy "dream coming to life" of mine.
To all of you, I can't thank you enough.
Also, due to some previously unforseen good graces which have come to light, I'll be able to start working on the studio construction as early as two weeks from now, so - if I can get this done right, we'll definitely be in business by the middle of January. (Woo hoo!)
Here's a photo of the progress of the house, taken yesterday.