Well, I'm happy to announce that after a month and a half of jumping through hoopes to get this thing off the ground,
it has finally begun!
The construction of the new home for Advanced Budget Studios has officially started, and I cannot tell you how excited I am.
The only down part of this whole situation is - the waiting. I anticipate the home being finished 4 months from now, and the studio finished approximately 4-6 weeks after that, so we're looking at the studio's grand opening happening sometime in January of next year.
...and it will be
See that photo below? Yeah... As luck would have it, they started digging the portion of the basement where the studio will be first, so...
May I present to you, the new and improved (albeit a bit unfinished)
Advanced Budget Studios!!!
Okay, okay... It's just a hole in the ground, but that hole, people, represents what will soon be one of the best recording spaces available in Utah County.
So excited. Five to six months cannot possibly pass fast enough.