Wed - Jul 20, 2011 : 12:35 pm
Ether : 8 - Happiness vs Evil
Setting your heart upon the glory of the world has always seemed like a bad idea to me, but then again, for most of my life I've been kind of the odd-man-out. heh.. My own siblings have mentioned to me that they "don't get me". Most people would consider this a bad thing, but for me, it's been life. The desire to "fit in" comes around for me, about as much as I suppose the feeling others may have of completely disregarding other people's opinions - which, as odd as it may seem, comes quite naturally to me. I guess the question is - where do you find your happiness? Where is your heart set? For Jared (back to the Book of Mormon), it was in reigning over his kingdom, and the glory of the world. I find my happiness in repentance, in being sincerely grateful for that which the Lord has given me, and in spreading the word of God. I'm finding that there are those who would say such things simply because it's acceptable within the Mormon culture to say such things. For me, it's been so deep-rooted, it's almost been a curse, due to most people's inability to understand me when my actions fit my words. I realize that may seem very boastful to say, but if you consider it from my perspective, it can be somewhat difficult fitting in to a society which generally frowns upon such behaviors. I guess that' may be one reason I've been considered the weird one. But ya know what.. I can honestly say "that's okay" - because I know where my happiness really comes from, and I'm okay with that, because through my entire life, it's never failed me. There's also the consideration that while most people think of me as odd or weird, they also can see as plain as day that I'm truly happy.
Wow... Didn't anticipate the floodgates to open... Ah, well. it is what it is.. Let's continue on to verse 8.
Oh, heavens, what a horrible chapter. Because of the thoughts of a single woman, and an evil man, a plan was conjured up which brought about evil combinations, which proved to overthrow an entire nation. This stuff almost seems like it's all made up in Hollywood: seduction, lies, power, greed, murder, and the seeding of the original oaths and covenants of Satan himself, the very oaths which caused Cain to murder Abel. Sickening stuff.
Reading the last verse of this chapter brought about another thought. Where does my testimony come from? Where is the root? I recently talked with an ex-Mormon who talked about hidden things in LDS past, and things which should be brought to light about the church, but which stay hidden, and other things by which this person found fault in the church, enough so, to cause them to leave the church entirely.
The other night I was thinking about these things, and whether or not they were true. Then the thought came to me, "What if they are true??" What if these seemingly horrible things are brought to light about the church. What then? Does that nullify my belief in what the church stands for? These thoughts didn't resonate with me at all. They almost didn't matter. For me, they very well could be true, and there could be things hidden deep within the framework of the church. All of that couldn't shake the one thing which will forever hold me fast to this wonderful church. And that is simply that the Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith brought to light this wonderful book, and he translated it by the power of God. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and if he was a prophet of God, then the church he restored is the true church of Jesus Christ.
I think the only thing that could get me to turn away from the church is for me to willingingly stop reading the Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon, to me, is ever proved untrue, and confirmed to be untrue by the Spirit of God, then I might consider that the church is un-true as well. Until then, let the conspiracy theories fly. I'm gonna stand with the Mormons.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual