Sat - Apr 03, 2010 : 10:35 am
Conference Notes 1
The opening talk by President Monson was inspiring. I love how he talked about his wife, the stories of them meeting, and the fact that her parents were converted to the Gospel by his grandfather's brother. (I'm amazed he knew that, by looking at his photo!)...
Also.. When Pte. Monson said that the presidency loves all those of the church, I felt it - deeply. This man is speaking the truth, as it really is.
I love that I can trust these words with every confidence within me. There are no politics. There is no spin. There is only true love eminating through servants of God, speaking words of truth given by the Holy Ghost. What a contrast that is within today's government, where corruption, pride, and self-serving actions are rampant.
I thank God for true servants and disciples of Christ, and that I can hear their words, and feel their love.
The talk given by president Packer really drove home the fact that family is number one in God's eyes... The story of the son given a blessing by his Dad, and the father ordaining his son were beautiful. Sometimes I don't realize the power I'm given by God as the head of my family. I need to do better at leading and guiding.
Pte. Packer's closing testimony was powerful. Everything we do in the church is geared toward the individual and the family.
Sister Beck is a powerhouse. Seems like she has paid the price for her testimony. Doesn't seem to matter to her that most of what she says is generally politically incorrect. I love that. The truth doesn't bend to political spin - it doesn't even acknowledge its existence.
Amazing talk - empowering women with the truth about themselves and where they belong in the world and within the Gospel.
Missed some talks between...
Pte. Eyring's talk on rescuing and forming testimonies early really touched me. The talk caused me to reflect back upon my teenage years and also forward to the teenage years of my children. Knowing that God places "rescuers" along the pathway really gives me hope for my kids. Of course, they have their agency, and the freedom to make their own choices, but it really gives me peace of mind knowing that God is ever-present, and ever-knowing of the choices they make, and as soon as they want His help, he will "come running".
Thank you, Heavenly Father. This first portion of conference was very enlightening. I feel blessed by thy Spirit.
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual