Hehe.... According to
this verse, I guess even Lamanites can learn!
Stand fast in the liberty wherewith God has made us free!"
Yeah... I think I'm gonna have that made into a poster, and hang it on my wall or something.
The big message of this chapter, and the few preceeding it, for me, would have to be "Rely on The Lord for your support." Even when the Nephites were about to starve to death, and didn't know why they weren't receiving the strength they needed, they still turned to God and plead with Him to spare their lives, and to keep them faithful and strong...
and of course, The Lord obliged, and helped them take the city of Manti.
No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, we must always turn to God and give thanks for that which he has given us. The promised blessings for gratitude and thankfulness are
great, and I imagine, even greater when done under distress.