Man... Amalickiah... I'm more and more convinced that this guy is the epitome of evil in the flesh. I wonder what would have happened with the entire history of the Nephites had Captain Moroni caught Amalickiah, when he was chasing him and his armies last chapter.
I really believe that had he been caught (and appropriately dealt with), much of the wars in later chapters between the Lamanites and Nephites may never have happened. Dang, Mormon wasn't kidding when he stated "
Yea, and we also see the great wickedness one very wicked man can cause to take place among the children of men."
Murder seemed to be just another part of his life... Just a way to get what he wanted.
Pondering upon this now, causes me to consider something else I've pondered in the past. That is, "Was Teancum justified in killing Amalickiah by putting a javelin through his heart in the middle of the night?" I mean, he had no jury, no judge, no trial, no nothing.. He was plainly executed, and that sort of seems wrong.
Well... All details apart, and this is entirely my opinion, but I think a lot of good would have come, had Moroni caught and killed Amalickiah before this chapter was ever written.
I wonder if Amalickiah is a candidate for outer darkness....
Now, one thing about this chapter... A great analogy for helping people stay true to their covenants is the phrase, "Never Come Off The Mountain". Had Antipas never come down from the mountain to meet with Amlickiah, he probably would never have made it to be king. Amalickiah tried 3 times to get him to come down. And then, when that failed, he walked up almost to the top of the mountain, and persuaded Antipas to come down "just a little bit" off his mountain, and from there, persuaded him to come all the way down, and that eventually led to his death.
Never come off your mountain.